Ahhh the Spectrums I remember em well. I never had the rubber key one although my mates did cos Mum & Dad couldn't justify the price of it. My first spectrum was the 48k which I then upgraded to the 128k which iirc had the tape deck built in. 10 minutes for games to load, a lot of the time they'd crash while loading and you'd have to start again.
On sports games (track & field etc) you had to bash 7 shades of sh**e alternatively out of 2 keys to move the player or if you had a joystick waggle it side to side like mad - they generally broke within about 5 minutes.
Jet Set Willy, Manic Miner, Eddie Kidd, Daley Thompsons Decathlon the hours of my life I've lost playing on the Spectrum are frightening. BUT it never came above getting outside with your mates for a game of footie or whatever, happy happy days indeed