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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. I had pretty much the same view on the French stuff mate but I think (like everything else) its getting better. I know its no comparison but Mum & Dad are just getting rid of their T plate Xantia with 100k on it and other than a few niggles at new its been bang on and (interior wise at least) looks in fantastic shape. I'm not suggesting your mate buys this obviously but all I'm saying is that Citroen are much better than they used to be. If he does look at anything Jag wise get me the VIN and I'll have my mate check it out on the internal computer.
  2. AndyC


    If you can't shift it mate, you can always trade em in at Game or similar I did pretty well on mine.
  3. Thats a good shout Mike, loads of decent places in Northern Qtr, not tried Grinch but heard its very good.
  4. Ahhh the Spectrums I remember em well. I never had the rubber key one although my mates did cos Mum & Dad couldn't justify the price of it. My first spectrum was the 48k which I then upgraded to the 128k which iirc had the tape deck built in. 10 minutes for games to load, a lot of the time they'd crash while loading and you'd have to start again. On sports games (track & field etc) you had to bash 7 shades of sh**e alternatively out of 2 keys to move the player or if you had a joystick waggle it side to side like mad - they generally broke within about 5 minutes. Jet Set Willy, Manic Miner, Eddie Kidd, Daley Thompsons Decathlon the hours of my life I've lost playing on the Spectrum are frightening. BUT it never came above getting outside with your mates for a game of footie or whatever, happy happy days indeed
  5. Yeah curry & loads of beer isn't the best combination. Dukes in Castlefield is a decent enough place to start and they do cracking pizzas at a reasonable price.
  6. Just don't slam it in the boot of the car mate, cos it won't work again but at least you'll end up with a really nice paperweight
  7. I can't see how it would be a problem when all you are doing is adding cables to create a better earth. You aren't changing/removing cabling provided by Nissan and are also utilising factory earthing points.
  8. Lads night Sarnie, I think that speaks for itself I don't know about anyone else but I'm going to need to eat before I start drinking very, very heavily.
  9. d'ya know what? That blue is growing on me. The red is the same as the current isn't it? - chilli non pearl????
  10. I think 26th is ok for me too, Mike I've changed you too I hope thats ok: 1. M13KYF (5,26) 2. AndyC (5,26) 3. TheMinel (19 only) 4. beavis (19th or 26th) 5. Jacko (5 & 26th) 6. Sarnie (Will need to confirm ) 7. Liam (5th - yes, 19th - maybe) 8. Sinbad (to confirm dates)
  11. Paint protection a MUST have on any 350z imo, after 2yrs of ownership my bonnet is absolutely peppered with stone chips it'll be the first thing I do to my next one
  12. Wasn't mate I'm afraid, didn't get out the Trafford Centre till 11 cos of my useless mate that can't keep to times that he says. You do someone a favour etc etc etc Anyway, if I can get down tonight I will and I'll come say hello if I'm there, be really good to meet you you funny bugger
  13. Speed limits are there to be obeyed Sarnie , it helps with not losing your licence for 21 days too
  14. Guys don't bother with Quinn Direct they won't cover cars with more than 250bhp , just spoken to them after trying to get an online quote.
  15. Sweet, cheers will give em a try and post up.
  16. £1100 with a free pants pulled down and an introduction to a guy called Susan. Jokers - I'm 31, no points and 8yrs NCB. I need to move and get out of a Iraq postcode.
  17. Cheers pal Ok thats sorted then, Liam and Sarnie can share the futon and i will bag the dead comfy couch Couch is big enough for 2 anyway mate - perhaps you could all have that and get a bit closer keep the noise down though cos i'll be sleeping. With the door firmly wedged shut!!!!
  18. They're the best for my postcode though, been through everyone (and trawled all the ones suggested by people on here), everyones different tho!! Have you tried Quinn direct? I haven't mate and haven't heard of them. I'm always a bit wary of companies that are massively cheaper than anyone else as you're paying for it somewhere, particularly with insurance - any idea what their policies are like? If not, don't worry I'll get some details from them if they look any good.
  19. Sarnie I'm on a version of the 02 max plan which the normal price is (iirc) £75. It only gives you 1000mins but the beauty of it is if you don't get through them they roll over for upto 3 months. I absoutely cane my phone constantly and don't get through em, may be worth a look. Glad you've made the right decision by the way!!
  20. They're the best for my postcode though, been through everyone (and trawled all the ones suggested by people on here), everyones different tho!!
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