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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. In reality it makes very little, if any difference. On the recent Wales drive Hanel (roadster) was behind me and we accelerated hard from about 30 onto the motorway, he was right with me all the way.
  2. Has your steering wheel got the stereo controls on it? I'm not sure whether the roadster has or not. If not, then it isn't prewired I'm afaik. The cars are assembled in Japan and then shipped to Sunderland to have UK standard features such as the phone integration installed. Therefore, if it wasn't a standard feature on the roadster then it won't have the kit installed.
  3. Get the coup mate, looks much better. The roadster looks wrong with the roof up - imo. Beautiful with it down tho.
  4. Nice moves mate, very, very pleased for ya
  5. At times like this counting to 10 doesn't quite do it mate does it? Good luck anyway
  6. Think you may be talking about the unit under the false floor in the big box behind the passenger seat, try here: Very easy to access the unit: go into the box, lift up a big square cover on the box floor (you'll see it straight away - its sits proud of the box floor and fills the whole box). Under this there is a smaller tray (kind of looks like a coin tray), all you need is to lever this up with something like a small screwdriver or a key it takes very, very little force to bring this up. The control unit is fixed to the bottom of this tray.
  7. Twice the size of a standard HU mate
  8. Have you tried Mr.F & Holdcroft?
  9. !! One of my mates has not long got rid of his MR2 Turbo, decent motors & plenty of fun. His view on the Z was it was a lot like the MR2 but on full boost all the time. Sure whatever Z you go for you're gonna be more than happy
  10. PM lomoto about a luggage net, he may be able to help
  11. Number 1, its been ragged. Its been robbed for some bits but its been ragged in the process and probably to within an inch of its life too. iirc if the repair is more than 20% of the value of the car then it will get written off, so that side of things isn't suspect. Presumably you need to put a seat in it and also wheels? And sort the bumper? If thats the case I wouldn't touch it at that price - too expensive. sl114 on here has got his for sale with lower mileage, newer plate, mint and only a couple a grand more. Tbh, even if you didn't have to put those things on I still think its too expensive, especially if it is showing as a repair. Bear in mind you can see the damage and know whats gone on - is a potential future buyer going to be able to do that??? I'd say theres better cars out there mate and I'd walk away.
  12. He could have done with Jonathan73's horn for that jump!!! Awesome, thats some proper air!
  13. It'll almost certainly be the same engine mate, Rover & Honda were doing that for years.
  14. Separate Autoglym Leather Cleaner & Leather Care Cream. Both can be bought in Halfrauds. I clean mine & especially get the care cream on them as much as possible. I think your mate is right - baby oil will ruin the natural oils in the leather. It will look nice for a little bit granted as the oil will all sit on the surface but ultimately you'll end up with dry & cracked leather I'd almost guarantee it.
  15. Got just over 34k from mine. But that was worn a bit too far though, bout 1k less would have been bang on and less moments.
  16. What tends to happen these days is they nick em and then park em up for a few days and see if it moves - if it does it probably means its got a tracker. If its still there they're in luck. What I'm trying to say is it could well be one of these and therefore probably not been ragged, but if its registered stolen recovered personally I wouldn't pay full whack.
  17. mate!! Enjoy the forum. Orange info here with pics: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7568
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