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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. Z addicted just like the rest of us!!!!
  2. Replied to this the other day but looks like its disappeared That looks awesome, bet it nearly pulls your head off
  3. Lucky with that eh fella?????!!!!!
  4. You could probably get more selling privately but imo you'll end with the same difficulties that sl114 has recently encountered. I don't think the figure is terribly low, however a dealer trade figure will always be lower than private. Guess it depends how much you want the car and how long you're prepared to wait. It very much sounds like your mind is made up anyway Temper and alezan, I'd say too much but I'm not a fan of alezan so I'm probably a touch biased.
  5. AndyC

    New rear tyres

    KZ are the ones that don't have the feathering issue iirc. A member on here has the RE050, but I can't remember who - sorry, and again iirc reported well on them. Agree that if you mix types it will more than likely give you headaches.
  6. Same as mine mate. Rears were more worn than fronts and rear n/s was more than o/s. Also confirm that inners were significantly more worn than outers and also that they were down to the "squealers", especially on n/s inner - just about down to the backing plate. My timing on getting them done was perfect, literally a hundred miles more would have been backing plate onto disc I had around 33k on them and they were oem - I've had the car since 3777 miles so can account for virtually all of the wear on the pads. Looks like its normal.
  7. Been to see a Beetle with the missus today and it looks like it could be what she's after. Gonna run a HPI check or something similar, not needed to do this for years so is HPI still the place to go or is anyone else better? Cheers all
  8. AndyC

    Sneak preview

    nearly here now, no sleep 2nite I reckon!!!
  9. Did you pick the karts up 2nd hand? Yeah endurances are top, hard work though eh? Couldn't make the last one mate but if you do another I just may come along. Tbh the actual racing side doesn't seem to cost that much, I mean the things are pretty basic engineering with not a lot to go wrong. Plus as we're a team any costs are shared 4 ways which obviously lightens the load. With the gearing side you're limited to only a couple of choices anyway and some of those you wouldn't do for various reasons. The big attraction for me is getting onto a proper track with a kart, I just see that is gonna be a big blast!! We'll get our asses kicked big time I've no doubt (and probably by 12 year olds) but it'll be a great laugh. Storage is sorted - Jon has a BIG garage which has been mega strengthened (he's big into bikes so has a bit of cash sat out there). Transport we're looking at using Al's battle bus Astra estate in the short term (we reckon it'll go in the back), long term a trailer and/or Transit or something similar is on the cards. Insurance, not really thought about - you got any contacts???
  10. Not been but looks absolutely fantastic. I actually looked into tickets yesterday but couldn't get any seats, so started looking at general admission. Was just about to book it when I was reminded that we had something else on. I threw the thing in the bin in disgust. Still, there's always next year
  11. I'm 6' 2" mate and don't remember struggling.
  12. VX220 are bags of fun mate, MUCH quicker than the Z (at least the turbo is, don't know about the others). I had an absolute blast driving this and couldn't believe how good it was. Oh, and when you need a mortgage
  13. From what I've been looking at guys, they go cheap! Think around the £500 mark and you'd get something half decent. There's plenty of sessions of practice etc where you don't need a race licence although we will probably be doing the majority of ours at Three Sisters (nr Wigan) as its the closest. WHEN (as it very much looks like its happening) we're up & running and we're used to the kart ourselves I'm sure that the boys wouldn't mind a few others turning up and having a bit of a blat. Also Sinbad/Jacko if we're short at any point I'll let you boys know A fast kart on a proper racetrack - how cool does that sound? Been checking out the MSA site in some detail (thanks again Smoky ) and its pretty cheap for licences etc.
  14. Yeah, it aint great business in anyone's language mate is it??? Look on the bright side though mate, at least you're really good at it
  15. Cheers for that I haven't even thought about race licence (how do you go about it/costs etc?) or even looked into classes either so thats really useful thanks mate. I wouldn't mind picking your brains at some point if thats ok?
  16. I'd love to get involved in something like that We'll be doing another at some point mate, I'll let you know
  17. I'd give you £10 for a drive down Bala
  18. We all just had a bash on Saturday nite, 17 of us. Which is really what has got us thinking, forgot how much of a crack it was
  19. Yep, pace car Oh, but only if I get to have a go too
  20. I'm thinking of getting involved with a few mates to buy a race kart. Its a twin engine with spare wheels/tyres and a couple of spare engines etc. To buy it will cost me about £125-£150, the plan is for us to then to then have a season racing it - Three Sisters etc Asides from entry fees etc I can't see it costing a lot - any repairs we can do ourselves and its very basic kit. Anyone any experience that could give me some advice? I really, really fancy this
  21. Yeah fingers crossed he gets it back. It less & less likely to find truely secure parking these days - have heard of plenty of people living in flats to find that one night the gates get driven into and broken. Lo & behold next day/night theres a load of cars get broken into/go missing.
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