Did you pick the karts up 2nd hand?
Yeah endurances are top, hard work though eh? Couldn't make the last one mate but if you do another I just may come along.
Tbh the actual racing side doesn't seem to cost that much, I mean the things are pretty basic engineering with not a lot to go wrong. Plus as we're a team any costs are shared 4 ways which obviously lightens the load. With the gearing side you're limited to only a couple of choices anyway and some of those you wouldn't do for various reasons. The big attraction for me is getting onto a proper track with a kart, I just see that is gonna be a big blast!! We'll get our asses kicked big time I've no doubt (and probably by 12 year olds) but it'll be a great laugh.
Storage is sorted - Jon has a BIG garage which has been mega strengthened (he's big into bikes so has a bit of cash sat out there). Transport we're looking at using Al's battle bus Astra estate in the short term (we reckon it'll go in the back), long term a trailer and/or Transit or something similar is on the cards.
Insurance, not really thought about - you got any contacts???