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Everything posted by Leenx

  1. Use fairly often to get to work and back, how much should I be looking to pay do you know?
  2. Hi Those of you who have JDM's, is it worth having this under body protection to protect from the crap on the roads and the weather? Or could you try using a power wash instead?
  3. Right have found out am very close so could meet up?
  4. Not sure - am finding out as we speak!
  5. Yeah but it has though! been a couple of weeks - that's why I'm picking at it as it looks weird! The other thing is and I mentioned in an earlier post is the passenger seat seems to have what can only be described as a leather dent / lip. Thought it might be damp at first so have kept the seat heater on but to no avail! Only small but these type of things irritate me
  6. Found the wipes leave a faint patch behind. By the way Nixy, Coming up to York this Friday to visit mates in my Zed. Whereabouts in York are you?
  7. Hey guys Another topical question. Those that have the leather seats. Any idea how you apply the cream without getting a load of white cream stuck in the tiny little holes after treatment? I only applied a little I think and have found it to be an absolute nightmare having to prick each little hole to get the stuff out!
  8. I must be being thick here. Are we saying that the coolant I have from Halfords includes water and therefore i just top up to the max in the coolant reservoir? thanks
  9. Also consider the Samsung range LCD HD. I've got the 32" version and it's excellent. Don't forget I think I'm right by saying Samsung actually produce most of the parts for other manufacturers anyway so must be worth considering?
  10. Leenx

    JDM sat nav

    Yeah the resolution is poo! only use it for Sat Nav, I read somewhere you could convert to telly as well but don't have the time or money to go down that route!
  11. Leenx

    JDM sat nav

    It cost me round £800 to have the Jap Sat Nav converted but the dealer met me half way on it. It's a Panasonic Navteq thingy! Works using existing screen, new software and a remote control. If anyone's ever used the Sat Nav in a Mazda RX8 - it's the same software. Quite useful and looks quite good - although took a bit of getting used to!
  12. Exactly in the same shoes as you mate! - There's no way I'm risking it again. I remember though when I decided to work from home in the end and parked up the Zed outside my house - the amount of cars who zoomed up my street with all the icy patches - Thoughtless ***rs! I couldn't face another insurance route through nofault of my own!!
  13. No garage for me, and certainly won't be taking her out in that weather! Remember last time I did when it snowed. Car was sliding al over the shop! Work or no work the cars staying at home!!
  14. Other thing was - quantity etc - as it's impossible to tell how much coolant is in the reservoir already, how much should I pour in? As a pointer I think the current reading on the reservoir is it's just above the min level. Any advice greatly appreciated! Cheers
  15. Hi I seem to be back to the phase of asking more and more questions! Not sure this should be posted within the JDM section? Re Coolant level in my JDM Zed. It is just over the min mark. Anyone reccomend a suitable coolant / ant-freeze? I seem to remember having a large container I bought from Halford a while ago saying it can be used on all modern cars, but also mentions you should empty existing coolant in reservoir first in case of compatibility?? Is this essential? Thanks all!
  16. The Zed is one of the few cars that looks great in any colour. The choice is yours! I've had black cars in the past - they look great when cleaned but are an absolute ****! to keep that way!
  17. Hi, I've had my silver Tiptronic Zed for coming on-to a year now and no problems reported what-so-ever! Don't forget with the tiptronic you have the option of using it like a manual without clutch! I fell in love with the option when I first tried it! I'm not having that a sports car must have a manual gear box! And as for colour - think I've seen about two fellow silver Zeds since owning one - Gun metal grey however nearly every day. I've seen both colours showing of their shine and lights at night and the silver wins all day long!
  18. Because mines an import and is a 52 plate - warranty won't unfortunately come into it. Have thought about getting an aftermarket one, but because mine is an import and has heated electric seats will the replacement have to be an identical swap? Thanks
  19. Hey guys, Not been on here for a while - but need some advice again. The leather on the passenger seat ( where the bum sits!) seems to be getting more and more crinkled by the day - not fading but beginning to get folds etc.. Can't be my gfriend as she ways next to nothing and she and hardly anyone else sits there! Now unless I've got a phantom thief who likes having kips in my car whilst I'm at work I'm completely baffled what's causing this? The only treatment I've used on the leather is the Autoglym stuff but have only put on two times in the year that I've owned the car. Anyone know whats causing this? and what's on the market if anythng to help the problem? Cheers all!
  20. What a f*@@*g relief! Thought mine was the only one doing it! Am desperate for a set and not prepared to pay £170!!! I kid you not I have a massive bruise on the back of my head - thought I was being mugged when it happened! Anyone been able to track down this company who do them for the Zed?
  21. Yep that's right - can you not check the car out even though he has gone away?
  22. The tape deck says Bose on there and just looks like the set up I had. if sound is good and you are getting base, I would suspect you have got Bose. But the reason to check out Bonsai is they have a full spec table of each model - you don't need to ring them up but I'm sure as they are in the imprting business they'll be able to confirm most if not all queries. The electric seat switches are to the left of the drivers seat and I think right to the passengers actually made into the seat carcus if that makes sense. The heated seats buttons are situated on the mid console between the two seats - in front of the small cubby where the phone wire / holder thingy is kept. The guys you're buying from will be able to confirm this surely?
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