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Everything posted by Leenx

  1. Well I don't get it at all. As I had several expanders put in and they were all tosh! Don't undestand it?????
  2. In my experience the answer is no! I ended up paying for another stereo and geting rid of front and sub, the reason being that once the stereo had replaced the original Bose the sound was crap. I'm not sure if it was down to the installation but in the end I had a seperate amp powering the Sub, and the factory amp just powering the speakers. Sounds superb now but it weren't cheap! I've still not quite got the radio working to my liking as every time I put the Zed in reverse the reception goes??! something to do with the Jap Sat Nav which is still installed despite having that replaced too!
  3. Cheers guys, Feel a lot more assured now! I love my Zed can't beat it! and looks like those that have Triptronic are all enjoying too! Just can't think of a better car!
  4. yep me too! digi reading says km but actual speed is obviously in miles as corresponds to my dial. Think it's really worth changing this or best off just sticking with it? Other thing is - am I the only JDM Zed owner who has triptronic? I loved it that's why I got it but doesn't seem to be any others??? Have I made a big mistake?
  5. Doh! Like I didn't! That's why I'm always late in for work - and I'm not buying one of those cheapo plastic clocks from Halfords either - insult to the Zed!
  6. Yep always keeping a beedy eye on the forum and ebay! cheers for the help mate.
  7. it's the shipping costs etc and the waiting that puts me off - not to mention the price as I can't really afford going down the new route anymore!!
  8. Ok cheers guys - when am I ever gonna find a moderately cheap set of 18"s or above with tyres that will fit!! if anyone's got any give me a shout - sorry not interested in standard Nissan 18"s only the GT's Ta
  9. As you may already know, I'm after a set of either 18 or 19" alloys with tyresto replace my rather dull 17" standards - Will the attached fit a ZED does anyone know? (see link) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... RK:MEWA:IT Cheers all.
  10. All, You've all been very helpful in answering all my questions. My office is based next door to Nissan head office, and I have managed to get contact details of both the MD of Nissan and Renault. Not sure I can post this though. Could one of the moderators confirm the procedure please? Thanks
  11. Ok here's one. Is it just the JDM Zeds that have the indicator switch on the right hand side or does the UK Zed also have this? I seem to remember the indicator switch also being on the right on the Toyota Roadster Iused to own. Thanks
  12. Did I mention the squeeky mouse sound coming from the front!!!! lol!
  13. Think you've just solved the problem - Will try tonight!! Many Thanks!
  14. not quite sure of what you mean? like sticky pads?
  15. Not quite the same problem, but anyone have the problem of the small compartment roughly beghind the front passenger seat that vibrates a lot when the subwoofer is pounding? any ideas of how to stop this? Without the obvious of turning the base down!! Ta
  16. I've actually got a 52 plate JDM Zed and I've been into several Nissan dealers to check the differences (sad eh!) and I can honestly say in terms of interior - no difference at all! the only thing was the heater / climate control knob thingies looked slightly better on the UK ones. I'm not sure about the suspension but have been really impressed with mine overall so far. The differences I've found have tended to be the exterior - I'm not overly impressed with the standard 17" alloys, and if you are looking closely there are differences with rear bumper, spoiler (no spoiler on JDM Zeds), no brembos, to name just a few. But these are not really an issue as far as I'm concerned as I've saved a fortune on what ios basicaly the same car as the UK for nearly half the price - don't need to be a mathematician to work out you're onto a winner!! Interested to know about this suspension though - anyone advise whether it's worth changing my suspension then - if so what and price - would be good to know. Thanks
  17. Hi Nick I'm also running an Alpine head unit (about a year old) on my JDM import, have changed the front speakers to some quality ones, the thing i've noticed though is that it's definatley not as loud as when the Bose head unit was in ()had to replace head unit in order to get radio reception), the question is why am I not getting better sound, not as loud, and when volume is up to near full it sounds like the bass is comprimised?!!! I have the JAP Sat Nav and computer still installed but the SAT NAV was updated with the Panasoic aftermarket kit. Hope this makes some sense?!!!
  18. Leenx


    Nope running fine but wondering what all this ECU stuff is and means? as in not having the latest ECU update might affect my engine?! don't know what I'm talking about really - must be time for bed!!!
  19. Leenx


    Sorry - posted on the JDM section by mistake - thanks for the clarity - just need to know if I need the update ECU or am I getting my wires crossed?!
  20. Leenx


    New ques - and have tried search function without joy! What is ECU? and do I need one? I have a 52 plate Jap 350Z. Cheers
  21. ok well that answers that!! weird why the UK does but Jap doesn't!!!
  22. Yep - Thanks Gus, Unfortunately I had to take / replace the factory unit as I couldn't get any radio reception!! and the Alpine unit which has replaced it doesn't have a clock!!! Not the end of the world but does my head in! Are you saying on your UK Bose stereo that you don't have the time facility? as I know my Bose did!! Anyone else with a Jap Zed finding no clock function on the trip? Cheers all
  23. This might sound mad - buty as most of you know now I have a JDM Zed - I can't for the life of me work out how to change the time on the trip - i've followed the English handbook about pressing switch B etc holding for 3 seconds blah blah blah - but it just seems to reset back to 0:00 then seconds start again!! What am I doing wrong? or is this another differentiation of having the Jap Zed??? Help I'm going mad!!!!!!!! Arghhhhh!!!!
  24. Hi Any developments on parts? I'm now after a whole front passenger ball joint (well rubber gaiter actually but you can't get these seperately apparently!!!) Cheers Nick
  25. Leenx

    Car aerial?

    Any reccomendations on which one to go for? I like the silver coloured ones but heard they sacrifice the radio reception?
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