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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Jacko

    Phone Cradles

    Nope. Mr F has one on order, but doesn't know when it will get fulfilled yet. He's going to let us all know, as loads of us in the same boat!
  2. Jacko

    Phone Cradles

    Thats what I meant by that Judas......
  3. Ha ha ..... thats a bit spooky! Bet you thought, huh.... I thought Jacko had gone home, he's not gone buying one of those big tellies has he!
  4. Think I may have to get one as I could bear to get on the peasant carrier (Bus) and leave my zed on the drive!! with the 6 months subscription, what happens after that, how much is it to keep it gong Subscriptions First 6 Months Free Annual £49.99 3 Years £99.99
  5. Fantasy Bar in Manchester....... Just that you NEVER win!
  6. Did you ask her what wax she uses?
  7. Yeah but I meant are we meeting earlier for Pizza or just meeting around 7:30ish for film??? I'm happy just to get their just for film if you want? But always willing to eat food as well! Leave up to you chaps..... just confirm time
  8. in fact, I found this for ya! http://www.ebuyer.com/UK/product/103349 £169.98.... can't beat that for value! (with 6 months subscription), although they are currently out of stock! But should get some more..... unless their supply has dried up as they were selling them too cheap!
  9. Try the TDS TR30 Lite. Got the top reviews in the recent Autoexpress test. (But I know the Origin is meant to be good as well) http://www.tds-tr.com/tds2/html/tr30_lite.html Better kit than Road Angel, handles Specs really well..... comes with a detachable laser detector so that when they make them illegal, then you can just carry on without. Really configurable and you can even have Yoda or Homer Simpson telly you about cameras! Normally about £250 but I got a brand new one from E-Buyer for about £100 cheaper!
  10. What time we meeting then Val, what time can you get there for?
  11. Mine's been ordered, so thats another thing that I have to get on the car asap!
  12. Jacko

    '350Z' BADGE

    is he? Hadn't noticed!
  13. Jacko

    '350Z' BADGE

    Yes there is There is two holes where the original badge fits in. I know as I took mine off two weeks back.... I meant the actual '350Z' on the left hand side and not the Nissan Burger in the middle Ah well its Friday afternoon...... you don't want me to actually understand what you mean do you?
  14. Jacko

    '350Z' BADGE

    Yes there is There is two holes where the original badge fits in. I know as I took mine off two weeks back....
  15. Yeah and I suppose if it ain't decent quality then it would be difficult to paint anyway wouldn't it?
  16. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CARBON-FIBRE-BONNET-HOOD-NISSAN-350Z-OEM_W0QQitemZ8072858212QQcategoryZ23012QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting Just seen it, don't know if any good or anything.....
  17. Yep, I'd be interested as well.......
  18. Fair enough mate, no probs.... I think thats a bit more important than listening to us lot ramble!
  19. Probably as they don't think there is a big enough market to warrant their time. Most people that buy cars like this want to "drive" the thing, therefore 95% would prefer a manual I guess...... I had DSG on my last car, but its a manual everytime for a sports car for me....
  20. I really want to see one in the flesh. Not seen one yet....... I quite fancy a red convertible next time....
  21. Yeah sounds ok to me mate. I'm fine either way..... let's see what Liam wants to do etc?
  22. I'm a Solution Architect in boring old IT..... Boring it is sometimes, but it pays the bills. Much rather do something completely different though, just can't figure out what! But at least everyday is different! (most of them full of hassle)
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