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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. They were at the Manchester Cricket ground. I wanted to go, but only found out about it on the Sat. Tickets were still available..... So yes Val, that's what you would have got stuck in. Hope you didn't kill any pedestrians with your "drifting" The foo's do rock though, saw them years ago at Reading when they first got together...... they were ace then and still are!
  2. Jacko

    Oh no......

    Hey, can anyone else here that?....... Yes, its the sound of silence...... Sarnie not banging on about his car! hurrah! Welcome Aaron....... you going to enjoy that car mate
  3. Well I'll let you know once I've done one. If it works out as planned, then I may well do...... h
  4. Do you actually go to the gym or just drive past? Ha ha ..... I actually go, just not enough!
  5. Finally managed to print out some cards.... So was just down at the gym, saw the black coupe that's been there a few times on a Monday night (ML55 xxx). Applied said flyer to window Lets see if we get a response?
  6. wouldn't hold you're breath mate.seems to be all hot air on here.. Is that in general or just on this post mate?
  7. ok ok, fair point..... Next time I need to take the wheels off, I weight one and get a "real world" figure, not a bollox sales literature one!
  8. Lee, most of the pics were taken at Bala and Bala Lake. Some on road around to Betwys y Coed.... Top day, top scenery, top roads and top driving....
  9. Yeah he mentioned on the Wales run, but nothing seen so far and he don't post much anymore...... I've gotta cracking Scotland run, but its a full weekend job so that's not going to fly......
  10. Yeah Sainsbury's is 97RON. They prob just buy off one of the big boys.....
  11. Ahhhhh those were the days...... When's the next I know, we really need to sort something...... just trying to come up with something to inspire everyone..... ideas on a post card to...... Blue Peter's Dog, 123 Acacia Avenue, ......
  12. Ahhhhh those were the days......
  13. You said 18k without tyres if I remember rightly..... How heavy are tyre's then??? Well the ones on those big monster trucks are REALLY HEAVY!
  14. You said 18k without tyres if I remember rightly..... here http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2278&start=15
  15. Not if Val's note about the Rays alloys being 18kg is correct......
  16. Yeah thats not too bad then. Piece of p*ss to upload. click on one icon once connected to internet, does it all for you. Easy to change setting of unit through same software..... really easy to use
  17. Even so when BP is typically about 2-3p dearer per litre (well it is round here)
  18. Hi mate ive just phoned up to get one and there not selling them anymore do you know anywere else they sell them at this price dont wanna pay £250 when they go £100 cheaper told ya i dony have no luck No sorry Lee, I went straight to the manufacturer, then did a Kelkoo on it. Found the e-buyer price. Had a funny feeling they might get stopped supply at that price....... Try doing a Kelkoo on the model you want. see what you get, but I'd be suprised if anywhere matches that price
  19. Yeah they look nice with the gunmetal effect against the black.... Anyway, my list ain't that long. Its about 8 at the moment. 4x Volk, 2x OZ & 2x Momo... But I gotta a funny feeling the Volk are winning!
  20. Good!.... just don't be buying any that I have on my list or there will be trouble!
  21. following on.... this is an interesting statement: Hump Dimensions and Location "Speed humps must be at right angles to the carriageway, be at least 900mm long, be less than 100 mm high and more than 25mm high and not have a vertical face exceeding 6 mm. Note that most speed humps in the UK are now constructed at 75 mm height due to grounding on higher ones, and there are other guidelines on their use and such measures as leading and trailing slopes which are given later, but these do not necessarily have the force of law. Road humps may be constructed under Zebra, Pelican and Puffin crossings, if centrally located under them. However they cannot be placed near bridge supports, or near tunnels or culverts beneath the road."
  22. Nick, Just to follow up Chesterfields posts about legal requirements..... I've just done a quick google and found these sites...... there are design specifications about humps etc in this lot. You can probably use it to prove poor installation and maintenance.... DoT Traffic Management Specifications: http://www.dft.gov.uk/stellent/groups/dft_control/documents/contentservertemplate/dft_index.hcst?n=9300&l=3 Bromley Council legal basis (but will apply everywhere): http://www.bromleytransport.org.uk/Legal_basis_of_traffic_calming.htm Hope some of this helps mate,
  23. Three idiot Zeds, bombing around Manchester city centre post F&F film watching last night...... Lots of noise, slides, wheelspins and general hooliganism! Wonder who that could have been
  24. Oh Judas. Just noticed that you have the DC Sports system..... I've got one in transit at the mo. Be fitted asap.... How do you like it? Does it sound nice?
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