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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. How dare you, I have never commented on how much deeper yours is? Mike, what about you,....... is this the first thing you say when you meet Val? Cheeky git
  2. I've always wanted to play ice hockey....... just that I'm not a good enough skater.... Don't mind the rough stuff
  3. I'm up for that day but can't confirm yet as there is a chance that may be on holiday that week. Would have to be nearer the time. BUT, if not on hols, then defo be up for it......
  4. One Chilli Red Roadster in the traffic in Warrington. Num plate ending in "RED" One GM coupe (04 plate) parked on a drive in Fern Head (or Hill? ) in Warrington. I drove past.... Last but not least, I joined the M62 at J12 only to see a GM coupe tonning it past, so thought be rude not to catch up Followed him (with missus) onto the M60 and we both played with traffic for a while before I went past him on outside slowly. We exhanged a knowing nod He pulled off to M61...... anyone on here?
  5. For anyone not owning a tent (like me up till yesterday)..... Your local Asda is selling 2 man tents for a massive £9.95..... and 3 man tents for £19.95. So go get yourself one, stay over for at least one night and stop being a girl! Then you can join in with crappy camp fires and booze
  6. Meguiars do a product for that as well but not yet tried........ stocked at your local halfords. May be worth a try as their products are normally half decent.
  7. Some used ones here? Look ok.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-floor-mats-genuine_W0QQitemZ4653384934QQcategoryZ36678QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem and http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Genuine-Nissan-350Z-Car-Mats_W0QQitemZ4651781125QQcategoryZ36678QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  8. have a look at these Mark http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NISSAN-3 ... 8282QQrdZ1 Cheers Tim, Mike already pointed me that way, so probably going to get some of those. Not original ones, but will be ok for the partitions..... Cheers
  9. Need some for my partition project..... Anyone got any or spotted some on Ebay then please let me know.....
  10. Or I'm in the process of trying some Blue Peter stylie...... i.e, making one. If successful, might offer out to the masses......
  11. Bo***cking digested Chris, EVERY thread that Sarnie and Liam post on does this!! Can we not just have a warning on the start of the forum now...... "Please be aware that in the event of you posting on this forum, your thread may be turned into a random act of conversation by a) Sarnie or b)Liam's Z. Do not take offence but just try to pick out the pertinent pieces of information that you enquired about" Its like have two sets of Billy Connolly's! Either that or two birds! I think personally, they should both be flogged within an inch of their lives!
  12. With Brembos: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4630885529&ssPageName=MERCOSI_VI_ROSI_PR4_PCN_BIX Without Brembos: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4632281719&ssPageName=MERCOSI_VI_ROSI_PR4_PCN_BIX
  13. He has probably used the RRP price from Nissan to replace them? As they meant to be a grand a wheel from the stealers if you damage them etc....
  14. Be interesting to see how much they go for then....... always good to know if I ever get around to getting some new wheels.
  15. GM coupe spotted last night, 6:20pm (22/06). Right under bridge of M6 at East Lancs. I was going the other way but only saw last minute...... Don't think I was spotted
  16. Yeah I play for a local team in the Lancashire and Cheshire league, Sat afternoon footie. Sort of one step down from Semi-pro..... but I am getting on a bit now Anyway, pre-season starts for us on 11th July, but I've not played since January as had a bad snowboarding crash in Jan, and ruptured two sets of groin muscles..... Took ages to get to a point where i would feel comfortable attempting footie, so going to be interesting.....
  17. Yeah I know where you mean. Surprised not seen you more then..... I'll keep an eye out!
  18. I know, I really fancy another day out.... But we need to decide where? I don't mind organising it again..... just that what does everyone fancy? Same Wales route(ish) or somewhere completely different? Don't want anyone getting bored.....
  19. I know..... It was dependant on which tin of paint was open at the time...... once that tin was empty, then they opened up the next one!
  20. Jacko

    Oh no......

    So we get another week of peace as you on hols?
  21. Hi Flavius!!! Well I've finally seen someone from here! So I only live about a mile from where you seen me. Whereabouts your Mum live?
  22. Welcome mate, and thanks for making us all feel sick Good luck in Oz and when you get your 350z, you can celebrate by organising a Oz driveout!
  23. Sunset Coupe spotted in Heywood this evening...... We exchanged a wave Not seen that around here before......
  24. Jacko

    Oh no......

    Hi Tim, Actually, I fitted it on Sunday. I did take some pics to post up but they were very dark as it was starting to pee it down. I'm giving the car a good clean at the weekend so will take some in the sun (hopefully!).... It looks ok, but I have to admit that I'm not 100% sure about it...... still leaving it on to make sure yet. But looks different..... I'll post some up asap!
  25. Jacko

    Oh no......

    Silence? Just wait till the new one arrives Also the guys name isn't Aaron its Paul Ha ha .... yeah I've already purchased extra earplugs...... so when does it land? And sorry Paul.... not sure where I got Aaron from...... but welcome again!
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