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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Jacko

    Volk GT-C's

    Whose the lucky chap?? Not telling!
  2. Yep, you should already have my order for pickup at JAE
  3. So YOU not selling any on Ebay yet then?
  4. So Dorian, Does that mean that any wheel with a polished lip/rim cannot be refurbed if they are scratched etc?
  5. Jacko

    Volk GT-C's

    That ball was out! (just to miff Val off )
  6. Jacko

    Volk GT-C's

    And again.... PM tennis....
  7. I hope you're taken the p*ss
  8. Jacko

    Volk GT-C's

    You have another
  9. Yeah have to admit, that I'm not normally a fan of the long nose kits etc, but there is something about it that I like. Although, probably not very practical for the speed bumps coming onto my street......
  10. Jacko

    Volk GT-C's

    You have PM btw
  11. Jacko

    Volk GT-C's

    Baptist, Where you using for your Volk supply then? You have anywhere decent you use for price etc?
  12. Too true, this site is NOTHING without its members. Awwww I feel all warm and fuzzy now (and no I ain't pee'd myself) but ain't it nice when you get some good advice like this that just makes things sooooooo easy! Anyway, I'm going to try some of this on the 2nd hand DC sports I got. Silvo didn't work..... so this is next!
  13. Ermmmm yeah. There is loads about them on here. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2272&start=60 A load of us have bought them and they work fine...... Mr F or Holdcrofts both supply them depending on stock. I have one on my 04 coupe..... works a treat.
  14. Mate at work just sent me this link..... Free tickets! http://www.worldseriesbyrenault.com/donington/uk/ Just thought I'd post up to let all know. I may well go.....
  15. That is SOOOO cool well done to all! I have to admit that I was going to write a letter in to them about our Wales day but I never got around to it. But I promise I will do for the next one when expect to see more Zed's now!
  16. yes ., nice cars the Z4, only problem I can find with them is virtually ever time I see one it's being driven by a female Either that or arseholes..... as lets face, most and I say most (not all) BMW's are driven by people who think they are a "cut above" anyone else on the road. That "I drive a Beemer, therefore I've made it in life"..... Gets right on my tits, especially on a motorway... where lane discipline + indicators obviously do not exist in the standard equipment. No matter how good a car it was, never buy a BMW (just my personal opinion!) ...... and breathe
  17. Well you can definitely work out that its in the middle from the holes etc.... you should be ok. You only have to worry about putting it on straight. Just lock your hands
  18. Jacko

    Z logo Center Caps

    yeah heres the main page.... they have chrome and non chrome..... go here and then search for 350z in top left. Caps are near bottom.... http://www.carbeyondstore.com/searchAction.asp
  19. Jacko


    Am I right in thinking that these just replace the mickey mouse girlie horn on the Zed? http://www.carbeyondstore.com/product.asp?ID=10 I hate the fact it goes parp, parp
  20. Yeah definitely two little holes on the rear for the coupe...... I found that the rear was slightly easier due to not being recessed. Quick tip.... once you get down the end of the glue residue. Then use a good quality pencil eraser to just rub off the residue...... works a charm!
  21. So am I right in assuming that if you used one of these, that you just continue to use a normal polish/wax (dependant on phase) or do you have to use actual "special" polishes etc?
  22. Welcome Paul, I may well contact you at some point soon to look prices of Volk Racing wheels..... Just about to start ringing around for prices....
  23. So Mike, are these the commands that you use then? (still not read the manual)..... ie "Store Number", "Dial" etc?
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