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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Tim, the place that you have bought from on Ebay isn't the same company as the Valet Store....... not sure where you got that from? Anyway, as you'll soon find out, the valet-store is the one that we now have a discount agreement with
  2. Tim, you know that you've bought just the clay bar there don't you? Looking at that link it includes both the clay bar and detailer spray. Don't think Meguiars sell the clay bar on its own. Actually Rob, you're right..... I went in with both feet after just reading the heading Its the system, that he's bought.......
  3. And with the now agreed discount from our latest trader partner..... Even better (I'll wait for Chris to post up announcement as want to make sure its done in the right manner)....
  4. Excellent news chaps. The company that I've approached has agreed to give us a further 10% off ANY product from their website etc. This includes all Auto-Care, Autoglym, Black Magic, Meguiars, Muc Off, Simoniz, Turtle Wax products etc...... Considering their products look good value anyway, then comes to a discount of nearly 20%!!! I will contact Chris with the details and get the announcement up asap!
  5. Dave, Excellent..... I really like the simple approach to this. Pics always help a numpty like me ensure I've got the right products..... (which I now seem to have). This Sunday I'll be giving her a good going over..... (weather permitting, watch it p*ss it down )
  6. Tim, you know that you've bought just the clay bar there don't you? You need the detailer as well to work with the clay........ thats my understanding. Meguair's do a kit.... http://www.valet-store.co.uk/shop/product.asp?numRecordPosition=6&P_ID=192&strPageHistory=cat&strKeywords=&SearchFor=&PT_ID=121 I think this one has the bar (although probably not as big as the one you bought) and the detailer spray...... you could always buy the spray separately.
  7. Ok Blacky, I won't bid against you then if you want to split them one each. Cool...... just let me know etc
  8. Well I'm trying to make up the partition...... was hoping to get a few in case I offer them out (all being well).... But at the moment I only need one.... 50/50 ? Sounds good mate, as long as we don't end up paying daft money..... You want me not to bid then on the one that you have then mate?
  9. lol.... you need to get OCD as well mate with that dirty black car of yours!
  10. Yeah sure mate, why not....... we may have something that one of the other guys has linked before..... but can't hurt.... PS. I've just ordered some, along with some polish and paint cleanser so will see how I get on.....
  11. Its been around for a while really, mainly been a detialiers secret in the USA a few years back, but i've been using them since 2000 at least, now most compaines selling them, meguiars clay bar and quick detailer is one of the best priced for under £15. Clean your car and then use it, your be shocked at the amount of dirt left on it, i'd recomend breaking just a small section off the bar (thumb sized), rather than using the whole thing, that way you can reduce the contamination to the bar and start with a nice new peace for every other panel, etc Andy Andy, So does the product "Meguiar's quik clay detailing system" come with the bar and the detailer spray then? reading your post above, you wash.... then clay bar, then polish/wax??
  12. Well I'm trying to make up the partition...... was hoping to get a few in case I offer them out (all being well).... But at the moment I only need one....
  13. Hi Andy, yeah I've just approached someone to see if they will give us discount to members of the forum for long term etc.... I'm sure between us that we must spend a fortune on products etc, so that its in someone's interest (hopefully) to want our business etc..... If you have somewhere that you use regularly, then feel free to PM me if you want and I'll compare with the place that I found...... If you get discounted products somewhere and feel ok with sharing it then feel free to post otherwise PM me etc.... Just because I'm going through Meguiar's stuff pretty quickly, so a deal with someone would help me, as would us all!
  14. By the way, I've approached someone online to see if they want to provide us with a discount for cleaning products..... Will let you know once I get a response etc? Mark
  15. Found this place..... http://stores.ebay.co.uk/VALET-STORE Prices look good. Let me know if anyone got a better store online to buy from....
  16. See attachment. Thread police have been called!
  17. Dunno mate, I get screwed cos I live in an OL postcode. Thats with over 12 years no accidents, max NCB...... Way more expensive than it should be..... Just one thing to be aware of for you all as well. If they ask you if its garaged, don't immediately assume that it will get you a lot off the premium. I have a garage and on one of the main companies, asked much difference it was. Basically it totalled to a massive £15 difference a year between garaged and just on my drive...... More disconcerting was, that if I'd have taken the garage route and then the car was nicked, there was a chance that they would have said it was negligence that caused it and not paid out.... whereas if I said, just on drive then it was fine...... I mean, whats the point?
  18. Mmmm that's interesting, considering my P2 service is coming up fast..... Will have to give em a call and find out a price (without oil)
  19. No, that's GCD...... which is what I have. "Gobshite Compulsive Disorder".....
  20. Calm down mate...... was only a joke! (no offence was intended)
  21. I know mate, I had seen that last night as was wondering...... but didn't wanna steal your thunder! I'm intrigued now ooooh is it a free car wash by Andy's missus and her mates?
  22. Mike, I see you've bid on this...... you do know that its a roadster only fit don't you? Its not the right shape for proper fitment of the coupe...... see questions etc.
  23. Just for anyone that ones one of the satsuma flavoured can plan ones (quid cheaper than comma all in with p&p) ..... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CarPlan-Air-Conditioning-Cleaner-SAME-AS-COMMA_W0QQitemZ220005387919QQihZ012QQcategoryZ72201QQcmdZViewItem
  24. This like the one you just got? Looks nice on yours..... might have to copy
  25. Sorry to hear that Mark, but it seems like you've got a real Friday afternoon special. I won't waste my breath saying contact customer services GB (but you could), or you could write a letter to the MD of Nissan UK. Or you could try the What Car? team etc.... Just ideas and sure that you might now have had enough. Would just wind me up silly and my pigheadiness would come until resolve to my satisfaction...... But its damn shame that you experienced both a poor car (which hopefully limited to the odd one) and a crap dealer, which unfortunately there seems a hell of a lot more of them!
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