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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Boring really..... But from surname nickname. Obviously it started at school, carried on and always get called it on footie field....
  2. No probs, fair enough...... Will think of something.....
  3. Yep probably Friday morning before meet up..... Hopefully she won't get as dirty this week. Gotta couple of trips but will keep to a min. Hopefully it will stay like it is this week....
  4. Yeah thought it might be you Beavis, but remembered you had a UY. Kept my eye's out just in case..... As for Bugs, just got some bug & tar remover...... turned up today, wish i could have had it yesterday as wouldn't have had to scrub so much!
  5. ooh ffs, I don't fancy driving there with a load of bricks in my car!
  6. Jacko


    No its fine. I know why and don't have any issue with it..... kept me informed so just waiting like a kid for Xmas. Just that I have some tyre issues pressing me that causing concern but not going into detail on here ....
  7. And one more..... To top it all off..... my nice delivery of more products has just turned up, including my clay bar!
  8. Here you go then you detailing fans! Taken on a camera phone when I went to get some lunch, so not the best quality......
  9. I know, that will probably be next Friday mornin!
  10. Nice pics Andy, I like what you've done with the 2nd pic..... ie Photoshop'd it etc? Would have been better if you'd all got out the way mind Looking good though.....
  11. Yeah I'll try and take some later....... As for the offer..... right, you're held to that one time! !
  12. Chris, I know Val has mentioned Donny services to meet you. But I may be coming down from M1/A1 anyway, I need to take a look at map in the next day or so. Might be that I can meet you, and we can meet that lot But will let you know, either way we'll sort. I'm going to take a look at map shortly...... I've just booked the day off, so will defo go down Friday afternoon after I've probably cleaned my car again!
  13. You obviously do not read my posts properly Tim! As I said above, it hasn't turned up yet or would have done prior to the paint cleaner... Should be here today hopefully amongst a few other cleaning goodies!
  14. good idea Chris Yep I like that one as well......! Also, can see if we get some good pics at JAE? Maybe a group shot all parked up etc....
  15. Looks like it mate, but guess just through trial and error and found good products that I like...... Will try the Zymol range at some point as know the guys rave on that as well. But the Meguiars range works for me so far....
  16. I'm knackered! Yesterday was down to be the car cleaning day of all days.....ended up being a long, long day but f**k me the car looks good (so I'm not driving it for today ) Unfortunately my clay bar kit, stage 3 wax and new mitt didn't turn up yet so couldn't do the claying, but managed to get the car done as below. Used a lot of the tips from the cleaning thread. Wheels cleaned with Meguiars Hot Wheels cleaner Washed, Rinsed, Washed, Rinsed with Meguiars NXT wash Dried off with Meguiars Water Magnet Panels were getting too hot to stage 1-3 then so hoovered inside. Used Meguiars NXT Tech Protect (Interior Protectant) Changed cracked number plate (front) to new front and new rear (why not) Stage 1 - Meguiars Deep Crystal System Paint Cleaner Stage 2 - Meguiars Deep Crystal System Polish Stage 3 - Meguiars NXT Wax Sit back admire with beer Sit back admire with beer Sit back admire with beer Anyway, it should look bloody good as I'm so fussy that all in all I started at 10am..... and finished at 9pm!!!! (had breaks in between for lunch, jobs and sunday tea) but jesus..... where did the day go! (now gotta either keep it clean till next week, or do all again before JAE! )
  17. I use the other tyre spray by Meguiars. Called Hot Shine Tyre spray...... good stuff. I spray a little on and then use a rag to even out as if you were spraying it all over then you'd end up with a car full of spray and a messy drive
  18. Don't think so..... Told you Liam, 9.95 at Asda. Two man tent. Or 19.95 for 3 man for extra room If you really want one and your Asda doesn't have them then let me know as I'll go and get you one! Think I'll be Friday as well, but might meet you further down the route due to the route you taking. I really don't fancy southbound M6 on a Friday afternoon/evening. I may go over the tops and meet you further down...... but will confirm. Depends on what I do with work yet, considering taking the day off etc....
  19. Jacko


    Great Can we maybe drag this out until my wheels arrive then?.... should only be about a week or so away until they be on.... Mind you, might take Liam that long to work out how to use a phone
  20. Welcome Jackal..... Yeah don't let your heart overrule your bank balance when it comes to buying one second hand. There are plenty of good deals out there..... PS its Sunburnt Orange...... not RUST as Tim calls it (and he own's one! )
  21. Jacko


    yeah but ask for price (don't mention discounts first) then tell em it's gonna be 3 or more of us and expect group discount Aye let me know..... Quick question. If I get it done now with the 18" Rays on, Will I have to get it done again with the 19" volks coming my way? ??
  22. Hi all, Was down again in North Wales today (white water rafting) and ended up doing the same route as we did on our ride out. And the sun was shining A LOT again! Anyway, black GT4 spotted parked up in some little town on the B4391 Festiniog road. Looking nice and clean. Think it was a 05 plate. Also nice Chili Red roadster on the A494 between Ruthin and Mold. Couple were in it, top down in the sun. Seen the chap before in Atherton area. Plate No Pxx RED looking good. They might have missed me as I had a 1001 bugs providing camouflage! Anyone on here?
  23. If its dry or just slightly damp then always off for me now....... If its heavy rain etc then I'll leave it on.
  24. Yeah I'd be interested at some point..... And would prefer the silver insert one.....!
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