With respect, that's absolute bollox!....
You cannot say that every biker is the biggest tit on the tarmac. Fair enough you may know a lot of bikers who ride like idiots etc or it may be unfortunate that you have seen a lot of stupid things, but to say that all are tits is downright ignorant.
As for yanks, well they are yanks.... what do you expect! (joke )
What about all the normal riders out there who just ride "normally" etc that probably don't make you notice them etc.
I for one rode with respect for all things on the road, but if you were a biker you would know how many times you nearly get knocked off at a junction etc for just riding along at the speed limit only for some half asleep, in a rush car driver to pull out without seeing you only cos they didn't take the time to LOOK properly! Or insist on sitting 2 feet away from your rear tyre in a convoy of traffic etc..... so thats why a lot of bikers complain about car drivers, as they have no comprehension of what it takes to ride a bike properly, the risks you take of doing it and how much damage they can do in their nice metal boxes....
So don't tar everyone with the same brush etc, thats like saying all sports car drivers are arrogant, posing w*nkers