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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Mmm.... when I paired mine up with the phone, it shows it as a handsfree system, the same as it does with a bluetooth headset. Therefore I just turned up the "earpiece" volume on the phone to boost the output...... I know not all phones are the same, but the prinicple should be..... ?
  2. ok mate, well if you bring the cleaning prods, then I'll give you a hand on the Sat morning etc Cheers mate, have to have a sneaky Beer as I'm up at 5ish You figured out what time she needs to be ready for etc?
  3. Oh Darren, let me know how the difference is with the sports horn? I hate the "parp" on the standard one. Was thinking about getting the one from there.......
  4. Crap Kev, don't like the sound of that!? Everything ok? Guess you might not want to divulge on here, but try to pop along if you can mate
  5. ok mate, well if you bring the cleaning prods, then I'll give you a hand on the Sat morning etc
  6. Doug, I found that I had to turn up the volume output of the "headset/handsfree" system that my phone was using. I just did that by pressing the keys that you would typically turn the volume up in a call (whilst using the phone normally). Basically just whacking up the output of the phone as high as possible. Then when a call is working, I had to turn the output of the stereo setting on "PHONE" all the way up!
  7. Surely you posh lot gotta come and watch the fireworks and get pi**ed with us slummers in the camp site? We can sing ginganggoooolygoolygoolygoolywatcha ging gang gooo like one big happy family! (edited as I missed a couple of "oo's" off the goo.)
  8. No problem Val Jacko where in Milnrow??? Liam, I'll PM ya with details?
  9. I got some empty egg cartons, crayons and sticky back plastic if that will help ?
  10. Yeah I'd back that one...... Nick's car is something different and looks loooooovely! Get's my vote
  11. ok well you got mine and Chris's mobile numbers anyway....... I'll assume for now that Liam is coming with you.....
  12. ok so you meeting me and Chris at Donnigton still then at 7pm as per original place/time? So that makes me and Chris coming down M1. You/Debbie/Liam (potentially) coming over tops as well but different route etc? Is that it? Mike's already there...... no one else Friday routing?
  13. ok Val, you coming over with me, or you making your own way across the tops and meeting up with me and Chris at Tibshelf? Not a probs if you want to take the scenic route with me, just need to meet up prob near J19 of M62 (Heywood/Middleton).. Liam, same for you if you want, we'll be coming off at the Milnrow junction then going over the tops etc...... (i know you will know where I mean).... Just let me know chaps. Was planning to leave here about 3:30pm to meet Chris at 5:30pm...... (should be enough time not to have to rush!) Just let me know
  14. Something like this I mean..... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Cyberspeed-Carbon-Radiator-Cooling-Panel-350Z-fairladyZ_W0QQitemZ280007764847QQihZ018QQcategoryZ72205QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting
  15. Thanks for promoting our services and products Mathys! We always look after our clients!!! I will keep you gents updated with a final price when the production day comes closer!!! Always get so excited whenever a new product is going to be released soon by myself! cheers, richie By the way Richie, do you do those Radiator covers that you seen on ebay etc? You know to ease the airflow into the radiator. They sit just on top of the lip of the bumper under bonnet?
  16. Hi again George, You must be like a kid waiting for Xmas at the moment..... only a day to go mate! Hope you get some cracking weather this weekend and can put the top down. Get some pics taken and let us see her! Have you paintshielded it yet??
  17. Let us know when its ready Richie with pics and prices to the UK etc confirmed!
  18. Steve, With respect, that's absolute bollox!.... You cannot say that every biker is the biggest tit on the tarmac. Fair enough you may know a lot of bikers who ride like idiots etc or it may be unfortunate that you have seen a lot of stupid things, but to say that all are tits is downright ignorant. As for yanks, well they are yanks.... what do you expect! (joke ) What about all the normal riders out there who just ride "normally" etc that probably don't make you notice them etc. I for one rode with respect for all things on the road, but if you were a biker you would know how many times you nearly get knocked off at a junction etc for just riding along at the speed limit only for some half asleep, in a rush car driver to pull out without seeing you only cos they didn't take the time to LOOK properly! Or insist on sitting 2 feet away from your rear tyre in a convoy of traffic etc..... so thats why a lot of bikers complain about car drivers, as they have no comprehension of what it takes to ride a bike properly, the risks you take of doing it and how much damage they can do in their nice metal boxes.... So don't tar everyone with the same brush etc, thats like saying all sports car drivers are arrogant, posing w*nkers
  19. So that mean you not sorting somewhere? You forgot Mike and his missus..... (was it Katherine or something? I'm crap with names).... And it's Kate mate for my other half. I binned Doris a while back .
  20. Glyn, I agree with your comments in general above but perhaps there is an issue with the specific Volks wheels which Jon (baptist) is selling. When you say they are slightly smaller, that is not quite what I found, I found that the Rays locknut would not fit within the SF Challenge unit not due to the overall diameter (I have just checked these back to back and they are the same) but due to the metal of the McGards supplied with the Volks nut being slightly thicker (the collar part) and thus the Rays locknut would not pass through the outer opening. ok chaps, thanks..... I'll give him a call and see. But I know Bap is taking some photos tomo to show me so should know more then...... But will give Gaz a try!
  21. Yeah in fact, make it two please? Why not.....
  22. Tim, I'll have a tube off ya for that price....... I'm already half way through my first tube now I'm a cleaning demon!
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