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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Jacko

    19" Wheel Question

    Poo can I use my priviledges to delete this bit then
  2. Jacko

    19" Wheel Question

    Good. They might look mighty wide for now, but will look better when I get that Do-Luck kit on! (eventually) Other comments still welcome.....
  3. Jacko

    19" Wheel Question

    Val, yeah I recognise that width can still be the same and I wasn't making a connection like that. I will be keeping tyres within specs to avoid over reading. Also, offsets are being taken into account with the brembo's just that there are 4 or 5 different offsets that will clear the brembos..... waiting on Rays to confirm through the supplier. I wanted to go for 9.5 & 10.5 as like you say, might as well go the whole hog as long as I can and don't get any major issues. I mean, this car is my daily drive etc......
  4. Jacko

    19" Wheel Question

    Kev, I want looks, without impairing performance significantly or having to modify wings etc through rubbing etc. I was under the impression that the larger wheels would clear ok without issue..... Just that when my order is going through, Rays have come back and said that they recommend the 8.5 & 9.5. I guess that is optimum for the car, but just want to make sure that by having larger wheels (which is what is currently ordered) that I'm not going to have issues......
  5. If I Remember Correctly.....
  6. Guys, Let me ask a question, for those that have got 19" wheels on their Zed, did you end up with 8.5" Front and 9.5" Rear? Or did you go the whole hog of 9.5" and 10.5"?? Just wondering who out there has gone for 9.5" and 10.5"? Nick didn't you go for that size? Just wondering what your views were on sizing vs handling on the width. Don't bother talking to me about 18" vs 19"s I'll stick a poll up as well, but please only add a vote if you have detailed knowledge or experience as don't want it to be skewed etc. Cheers chaps,
  7. Jacko

    Black Rims

    Here's one for you mate.....
  8. Just 2 many nice one's on the market As Jacko can vouch Yeah don't go buying any, i'm hoping you are going to come to my rescue! Gold wheels look ok on the black cars, but I'm not normally a fan...... too "subaru" for me
  9. Keep it on for me as well..... Just looks a little too bare for me otherwise.
  10. Orange Coupe, between the 2 mini rounabouts going towards Heywood, post J19 of M62. I gave a flash, got a big thumbs up in return I'm guessing its Flavius from here? Or anyone else?
  11. thanks for the update Gaz. I'll take a look later and see where the hell that is! I'll be coming to any national Zed day, the more the merrier!
  12. Liam, you've never drove 61mph in your life. I saw your "lead foot" on the way to meet Chris.......
  13. LOL....... Wonder whether Liam and Steve enjoyed that? Just cos your a mod, no need for naming names Oooops sorry mate, that must have just slipped out. Think its common knowledge anyway, I mean the WHOLE of JAE was talking about it that night....
  14. LOL....... Wonder whether Liam and Steve enjoyed that?
  15. I've a feeling he will be busy - LOL. I goddam hope so! Otherwise the next thing will have to be a visit to the shrink as I think i have a problem!
  16. Thanks chaps, I'll obviously try to do the best job that I can in helpin out around here. No doubt I'll make some **** ups with posts along the way so bear with me I suppose this means I'll have to stop hijacking threads without realising it as well! Anyway, look forward to helping out and I for one am keen on sorting out some other drive outs. If anyone has any ideas about where, then let me know and I'll try to set something up etc.....
  17. That was the tastiest Gallardo I've seen yet! Not sure about Clarkson's comment that the standard Gallardo isn't a driver's car! Yeah but Clarkson ain't a motoring journalist, he's a failed chatshow host! ..... He's obviously been spoiled by "his" driver's car, the Ford GT..... that oh, sorry doesn't actually drive anywhere as its always broken down again!
  18. Anyone bothering? I have considering my car falls within the last age group..... thought why not. For anyone that wants to..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/topgear/car_survey/index.shtml
  19. Yeah we prob only had about 8 cars left at that point..... post storm, post lighweights going off to the hotel
  20. Chili Red Coupe spotted at the cross roads with the big Texaco garage on (can't remember the junction) I was going towards Knowsley (Westbound). He was East bound in the outside lane going towards Manchester. Don't think I was seen...... Anyone on here?
  21. Crackin write up Chris!...... But I can't believe you forgot to mention the grandstand view of the fireworks on Saturday night!
  22. Don't we know it, you whinge like a girl!
  23. We ought to organise a 350z tour of Europe Yeah that's what I said this weekend! Me and Tim were talking about it.... i'd be up for helping to organise one, IF we have SERIOUS People......
  24. Yeah and did anyone see the Gallardo spider on Top Gear........ mmmmmm lovely!
  25. Ermmmmm I can't explain. I'm stupid ..... the lovely GT-C's are still on their way, but I've ordered some of my first loves (which I'll show you when they arrive)...... so will be looking for a home for the GT-C's when they turn up. A fellow forum member has first dibs on them, but if not then will be offered out again. I can't help myself. Please take this car away from me so I don't spend anymore money!
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