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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Oh and btw, you don't need to take out the wheel arch. Just undo the top bolt holding in the headlight. This gives you enough leeway to get your fingers in, twist off the locking holder, then if needs be use some needle nose pliers to twist the wire around so you can change the bulb.... Easy..... just have some patience
  2. Flirt, Funkystyling sells em to us for about £9 a set.....
  3. Peter, Its going to be a long wait till Tuesday, but you'll think it's worth it once you get her Join in the fun and ask any questions that pop into your head
  4. Moved to correct section (I believe)....
  5. Jacko


    Give us a review after you put em on as don't believe anyone else has yet.....
  6. Jacko

    19" Wheel Question

    Thanks Rob, that's pretty handy Also just realised that the optional Rays are +30 front and +33 rear, not +30 & +30. So according to that, going from a 8.5 rear (+33) to 10.5 (+30) will give:- Inner Clearance: 22mm LESS (the inside of the wheel to the strut housing) Outer Position: EXTEND an extra 28mm (position of the outside edge of the wheel) And front from 8" (+30) to 9.5"(+30):- Inner Clearance: 19mm LESS (the inside of the wheel to the strut housing) Outer Position: EXTEND an extra 19mm (position of the outside edge of the wheel) How does that sound to all? Any thoughts...... guess could try to measure inside clearance but will be tricky getting in!
  7. Jacko


    Yeah here's another..... this site has the lot! http://www.carbibles.com/tyre_bible.html Very useful!
  8. Jacko

    Our cars

    Was there a very large game of tennis going on?? (look at the heads......)
  9. Jacko

    My new Recaro's

    So where did you actually by the seats from? This country or imported? I'm assuming that the £350 was just for the dedicated runners?
  10. Jacko

    My new Recaro's

    Now that's forward planning!
  11. Jacko


    Yep, the front profile should be 45 not 40..... A lot on here seem to go with either Toyo T1-Rs or Falken FK452's..... If you want to spend a lot, then I know other people have recommended the Goodyear Eagle F1 GD3s (think thats the right code).... Try http://www.camskill.co.uk/products.php?plid=m4b0s0p0 for cheap online prices for both the Falkens and the Toyo's
  12. Jacko

    19" Wheel Question

    Yes but to be honest Kev, I'm still confused why you are stuck on this +22 when as I said in the middle of the posts, that is not any of the offsets available for this wheel. I listed all the available offsets..... None of them are +22 I could go +30 on the back, its just the front that I'm not sure of :- Offsets for 9.5": -9, +5, +17, +30, +42 Offsets for 8.5": -2, +11, +23, +36 So i go back to what I said, would +30 and +30 be fine on 9.5" front and 10.5 rear?
  13. Jacko

    My new Recaro's

    To be honest, if i didn't have a GT or if I ever get another, then I'd do this..... so much better and they look lovely! Would be interested to know how much and if they were easy to fit etc? I'm assuming you just unclipped all the electrical adjustment and heating bits from your originals and just left under the seat etc?
  14. Thats crappy! ...... do you get any warranty with it? You got some comeback or is it money down the drain? Mind you, you probably gotta have lots of arguments with them in the mean time.....
  15. Mmmm that might be interesting once get different wheels on..... I suppose the only thing, is how the hell do you know if its made a difference. Will be all subjective? But worth a try.... You doing it tomorrow Blacky when your wheels turn up?
  16. Yes thanks P15, I've been made aware of this. I've joined up anyway and will try to get abreast of the National meet for next year. As I said, my offer of assistance still stands...... Thanks for the update anyway, Mark
  17. Thats a crappy story Ming. I really hope your luck turns, I know how I'd be feeling if they'd delayed my car.... Anyway, look on the bright side, once you get her....... you'll be grinning from ear to ear!
  18. Cr*p! .... thats not good at all! Looks like it put up the in good style! Hope it's not damaged anything else Jon
  19. Kev.... you know exactly why the OC will not allow members of this site along to the National Meeting but just in case.... The OC National Meeting is for Owners Club Members Only The reason is that the meeting is subsidised by the subscriptions paid by the members. I am not trying to seem aggressive here I am simply trying to clear up this point. P15, I think the majority have understood this stance now. The September meet is to be for OC members only as its being subsidised by paying members of that site. I can personally understand that. The majority of people are keen on the idea of a National Zed meet that can be spanned by both sites in the interest of support and enjoyment of our cars. This is currently scheduled for May 2007 and is in early planning stage. Let me say that I (amongst other people here) cannot access the OC so please be aware that to to ensure that we get as many people there as possible, then its probably best to post here as well. I will volunteer to do this if you want to keep me informed. If you need ANY assistance in arranging the May 2007 meet then feel free to discuss with me about getting our members involved. I can assist you with arranging the meet (if you so want to) and just so that its clear, I am NEW to this forum (AND the car) and have no history that could be perceived as prejudicing any decisions. I am ONLY interested in getting the most out of the car and having as much fun based around it (with fellow Zed Heads). For the members here, we will be trying to arrange other dates before the end of this year to enable those that want to meet up in numbers to do so. If you want to discuss further then give me a shout mate, Mark EDITED: Its just been pointed out to me that I can register on the OC site and see the public forums So as long the National Meet thread is in there, then I should be able to see it. P15 if you can confirm, would appreciate it.
  20. Jacko

    19" Wheel Question

    I might be making this too complicated. If the standard 18" Rays on my car now are +30 and +30, then seeing as I can get the same offset in the 9.5" front and 10.5 rear...... then is this not the choice to make? God, I think I am confusing myself now!
  21. ooooh no.... I'm glad I can't see it then. One to wince by!
  22. I feel very sick with emotion (jealousy)..... its not fair! But good work fella
  23. Wassup? Spill the beans as some of us cannot get access to the other site....
  24. Jacko

    19" Wheel Question

    Yeah replied, but as I said..... they don't do these wheels with a +22 offset. Every wheel model for rays has differing offset options...... the wheels I'm getting have the above.
  25. Jacko

    19" Wheel Question

    Kev, let me try to clear this up.... I've already ordered the wheels in 9.5" & 10.5 as I really want one certain set. Rays wheels don't only come in +22 according to the catalogue (well the ones I'm getting don't). The supplier is waiting for "best offset" but I can get the following offsets in the right wheel/size. They have come back and recommended the smaller wheels..... For 10.5": -15, +5, +17, +30 For 9.5": -9, +5, +17, +30, +42 Now the standard Rays on Zed are +30 front and +33 rear. So from what you are saying, i could go for a +30 rear and either a +17 or +30 front?? What would be best there then? Alternatively, I could go with a 8.5" front and have offsets of: -2, +11, +23, +36. So if I went for the smaller wheels, then you are saying that +23 & +30 would be best? On standard ride height (at the mo) I don't want them to stick out a mile and look cheesy crap, or get pulled by the rozzers etc...... So now what you think?
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