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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. shhhh don't be saying that, you'll get Liam watchin it! What's she called then? When's it on? (just for support purposes of course)
  2. oh she hates that photo! typical woman Who is your sister anyway?
  3. Did anyone actually look at the site of the official photographer for JAE? I was reading the little programme after the show, and noticed this website. Here is the link, haven't posted any pics here due to copyright (so please don't) http://www.cm-photos.co.uk/events/jae2006/index.html Some ones on there of us lot. Especially Mike, he seem's to have got a starring role in car washing. Look at his bowling ball washing technique for the camera in picture http://www.cm-photos.co.uk/events/jae2006/imagepages/image84.html Some others, more later on...... just thought i'd post in case you hadn't seen em
  4. Jacko

    2006 RAYS

    Yeah but they a LOT heavier!
  5. Actually Jon, which cleaner did you use that they didn't like? What is the best thing for cleaning up and keeping on top of polished rims?
  6. Little bird told me its his b'day today! So many happy returns old timer and have a good day. Thanks for all the hard work on the site!
  7. Gunmetal is a dark grey metallic, whereas Blade is the usual lighter "normal" silver...... Really! Sorry, was in a rush and didn't read it properly..... Can't tell with your posts anyway, they're all mumbo jumbo gobbldegook....
  8. Gunmetal is a dark grey metallic, whereas Blade is the usual lighter "normal" silver......
  9. And he was a happy chap. Big grin on when he saw another Zed!
  10. PCD is 114.3, I'm not sure about offset, but the rays are +30 front and +33 rear so they should be similar.....
  11. As for the Nismo wheels, for my personal opinion, there are a lot nicer 19" wheels out there for less money. I wouldn't go for them, but depends if you really like them or want the Nismo badge. As for the roadster question, I'd have one as I love to drive with the top down. If you are one of these people that have a cab and keeps the roof up when the weather is anything less than 90 degrees and on a quiet road etc, then don't buy one. Winds me up with roadster drivers (in all makes) that don't have the bloody roof down. When I had my S2, had it down everyday that it wasn't raining, or if you doing a long motorway journey etc.... But personal prefs, just take it for a decent run and see.......
  12. I'm still up for this if we get a few of us going..... So its Sunday 20th? ..... Anyone else up for and it and we'll try and sort some tickets out for the club etc?
  13. There was a coach load of kids went past...... they'd been to the Wacky Warehouse, stocked up on coke and burgers, got hyperactive then all came on here...... Only problem was, they left Sarnie and Liam behind!
  14. Have to say that I'm not particularly a big fan of that spoiler..... don't like the way it comes down to the lights etc...... Top part is ok..... but just ok in my book. But each to their own!
  15. I am told the car is "showroom" condition, but I'll reserve judgement until I've seen it myself PS looks like a good idea, considering the amount of motorway driving I do, which has taken it's toll on my poor Celica. I'll have a further look around their web-site and see what's what Yeah and remember that you get a discount through ourselves if you end up going the Paintshield route
  16. Jacko


    red dot on tyre should be next to valve....But as most tyre fitters use elecronic balancing machines not really importantt Ah wondered what the hell those were on the Falken's I've just got fitted on the rear. There's a either blue or yellow dot as well, what the hell's that for then?
  17. Pretty positive that Supagard, will not protect against stonechips and will definitely not be treated as a warranty claim? I mean, that would mean they would be respraying or touching up (very well) everytime you had a warrantly claim..... sorry, just can't see it happening. Pretty sure thats some of the smelly sales stuff. I'd at least double check...... as its been mentioned, Supagard is just a wax type, which is not going to stop stonechips, and as its been pointed out.... you can get yourself off EBay a hell of a lot cheaper!
  18. OR we could do another drive out?
  19. Jacko


    Good prices...... thought they were going to be cheaper again than my local place, but by the time you add on delivery then they are the same anyway.... But to all, just remember you got delivery charge on top of tyre prices.... http://www.falkentyres.co.uk/homedelivery.asp Still good prices though!
  20. You know what I've been thinking the same thing. Only one I know of is Bedford, but obviously that part of Palmer's dynasty now....... If you find of anywhere then please let me know. I wanna start sliding her around more. Watching Top Gear everyweek on that "track" reminds me¬
  21. Jacko


    And thats for Falken FK452's 18" (245/45 & 225/45)?
  22. LOL.... So you get it from somewhere near Manchester then? Where is the Aston garage nearby? I might go and lick the windows one day, be nearest I get to one.....
  23. Jacko


    Yeah that is good...... I thought I'd done well with 4x 19" Falkens at £490! Where was that Jonny?
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