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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. What have you done? Ha ha Liam..... just think of the money you saved in "one off" wheels! Louis, he bought some wheels off me that I decided I didn't want, and then got em refurbed and tyred etc... (his lovely black volks he on now!)
  2. Yep, I found the shipping charges to be excellent in comparison to other US places, considering I purchased 4x wheels etc. All delivered in 5 days with full tracking....... was very pleased!
  3. Hi chaps (and chapesses) Just to let you know that seeing as I put the 19" on recently, thought it was about time that I better go get my alignment checked. Its never been done in the time I've had the car, so thought it was hightime. Anyway went to the place in Wigan (DP Tyres) that a few of the guys have used, has one of these new fangled four wheel laser alignment Supertracker systems. Long story short, it was well out. Now fair enough, I've gone from the optional 18" Rays (8" front & 8.5" rear) to 19" (9" front and 10.5" rear) so assuming that has an effect but look at the difference....anything in red is out, green is in! BEFORE: Front - Total Toe (mm): +1.9! (tolerance +0.0 to +1.2) Toe Left (mm): +3.1!! (tolerance +0.0 to +0.6) Toe Right (mm): -1.2! (tolerance +0.0 to +0.6) Camber Left (degrees): -1.1 (tolerance -1.3 to +0.2) Camber Right (degrees): -0.9 (tolerance -1.3 to +0.2) Cross Camber (degrees): -0.1 (tolerance -0.5 to +0.5) Rear Total Toe (mm): +4.6!! (tolerance +0.5 to + 1.7) Toe Left (mm): +2.5! (tolerance +0.3 to +0.8) Toe Right (mm): +2.1! (tolerance +0.3 to +0.8) Camber Left (degrees): -2.2 (tolerance -2.1 to -1.1) Camber Right (degrees): -1.8 (tolerance -2.1 to -1.1) Cross Camber (degrees): -0.4 (tolerance -0.5 to +0.5) Thust Angle (ON) (degrees): +0.1 (tolerance -0.5 to +0.5) I expected it to be out, but not by that much...... Anyway Darren at DP Tyres got his magic spanners out and sorted it..... AFTER: Front - Total Toe (mm): +0.6 (tolerance +0.0 to +1.2) Toe Left (mm): +0.3 (tolerance +0.0 to +0.6) Toe Right (mm): +0.3 (tolerance +0.0 to +0.6) Camber Left (degrees): -1.1 (tolerance -1.3 to +0.2) Camber Right (degrees): -0.9 (tolerance -1.3 to +0.2) Cross Camber (degrees): -0.3 (tolerance -0.5 to +0.5) Rear Total Toe (mm): +1.1 (tolerance +0.5 to + 1.7) Toe Left (mm): +0.6 (tolerance +0.3 to +0.8) Toe Right (mm): +0.5 (tolerance +0.3 to +0.8) Camber Left (degrees): -1.6 (tolerance -2.1 to -1.1) Camber Right (degrees): -1.8 (tolerance -2.1 to -1.1) Cross Camber (degrees): -0.2 (tolerance -0.5 to +0.5) Thust Angle (ON) (degrees): +0.0 (tolerance -0.5 to +0.5) Needless to say, as soon as I set off, i could "feel" the difference in the car. I'd noticed a resistance to corner in the car in some type of situations before, but now I could really how much that had been and issue and tell the difference..... was like the car is on tip toes now, really got a lot more feel. And she wants to drift a lot easier as well! All I can say is that its the best £35 I've spent for a long while. Will get more than that back in save tyre wear, and the car definitely feels a lot better!
  4. funny as I had mine done about two weeks back now at the usual place we all go to in Wigan with the supertracker..... I can beat your scores! Will start a separate thread to warn people, as mine we were out. Thing is that the fronts were wearing a little on the inside, but backs seem even....
  5. Yeah you can Louis. Magnaflow on here used to offer them (probably still do). They open both ways... called LSD (well that was the manufacturer at the time but may be others now). They were around £1400 fitted as I asked about a year ago but may well have dropped......
  6. Thanks Mike... Yeah Chris has just got his stuff from Adam...... (kit I mean). Do you know what you want? Which model I mean?
  7. I like em and thought about em.... Only prob is that they are a bit flimsy when up (well from the ones I've seen and felt). They wobble when up..... I think they look good though.....
  8. Yeah he'll give you a "clear" view on it. Hes a crackin bloke
  9. I would personally put the money towards having the front covered by Paintshield.... Yep, I would second that..... and 3rd, 4th it, 5th it.....
  10. Looks class! Will look a lot better as well with your 19"s on! BTW, did the kit come with the headlight washer tabs, or you get the bodyshop to sort?
  11. There were 30 Zeds, a guest BMW 6 and a Skyline!
  12. I had a Tuono R and loved it!
  13. But there is only six on that Emoticon...... add two more on!
  14. Anyway Sarnie, Did you appoint yourself to VP of Val's PWC? Think your opinion of yourself is a bit too high, more like PWC Tea Boy!
  15. Yeah if you can't get in there. The food in Beluga is lovely too!
  16. 1. M13KYF - ok 2. AndyC - ok 3. TheMinel - ok 4. beavis - ok 5. Jacko - ok 6. Sarnie - ok 7. Liam 8. Sinbad - ok
  17. Yep and to stop bacteria breeding in your system Using that aircon cleaner once in a while is good too!
  18. Jon, Its not a corporate thing..... its a proper Saturday afternoon football club, with 3 teams etc. Couple of steps down from semi pro etc..... but good league. Lancashire and Cheshire league on a Saturday has about 12-16 divisions depending on number of clubs etc in seasons...... Sarnie, Shame mate. I know how heart broken I would have been if we lost that last night, especially on penalties. We were the better side generally I think anyway, much better football. Just couldn't do it in the last third, gotta lot of young kids in the team, so I think nerves got to a few of them.
  19. yes, and a toothbrush!
  20. Yeah my mate, took over 100 pics and said that he got me taking the last penalty to win and defo lifting the cup! So just waiting to get copy off him then will bore you all with it! But thanks chaps! Well chuffed, but completely shagged today after 120 mins + pens of footie last night. I feel like my lower body's been steamrollered!
  21. Well boys, Didn't bother watching Liverpool vs Chelsea last night as was playing in my own cup final from the team I play for in the Lancashire and Cheshire Saturday afternoon league. We played on a Unibond's team ground near Bredbury with proper stands and everything . Pitch was very good quality astro turf which I was unsure of but was good. Anyway, we went 1-0 down after their only attack of the first half in which we didn't play well. But came back strongly in second half to equalise. Went all the way through extra time at 1-1 and then to the dreaded penalities. They took the first one and it was 4 a piece after 5 pens each. Their first sudden death penalty was then missed and then it was my responsibility as Captain to try to win it for us! Which i goddam put away sweeeeetly!!! Ended up in a pile on with about 50 supporters on top as it all went mental! Was a great way to win it and for me personally as i'd scored a 25 yd volley into the top corner in last the ten mins of the semi to get us through! I'm not known for lots of goals (more a midfield destroyer) but really please to have won it. But so chuffed to win it! Lifting that cup was class in front of the crowd and our coach of supporters that had travelling with us! Superb! Just gotta win our last league now on Sat to win the double!
  22. Sarnie, Well they finally here and on mate! They look fantastic.... you just can't beat black wheels on a UY! They sooooo nice mate U must be chuffed to bits. I was going to ask you about whether you had lowered it as well. Looks strange but yours seems to sit lower (or at least look lower) with your rims than mine does...... but I think its looks swweeeetttt PS. I'd get some Richbrook spinning caps for your wheels and save the Rays caps for meets etc! Otherwise they'll be gone
  23. He is getting them fitted as we speak! I know as he's just called me......
  24. No Giles are 10.5's. I think the offset is +23. If hes got 10.5 Racing Hart rears...... they'll be +22 in fact!
  25. But that doesn't seem to bad a deal btw......
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