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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. I have colour laser, how many shall i print off? How many are going on sunday? Mmmmm not sure. Would have thought 20 would be enough. Its only for anyone that's done any mods etc anyway.....?
  2. Andy, are you basically trying to find out if you can use the bluetooth kit with a roadster? If you are then the answer is no. I was told by Nissan that it was due to "interference" with the hood mechanism!
  3. No it needs to be the Nissan one, as they use different encryption for Nissan...... Do a search, there is loads of topics about this.....
  4. I have to admit, would you want a car that's had that hard a life? You look at spec though and had a lot spent on it, but dunno..... .imagine how many raggings they've had!
  5. oi! Louise! Stop encouraging others to be as bad as you!
  6. True but these are meant to be the real deal!
  7. My mate, just pointed me in the direction of here..... http://www.neweraimports.com/stock.jsp Some hideous sets of graphics on here though! http://www.neweraimports.com/carDetails.jsp?carId=290
  8. Chris, So this is meeting for northbound people? I know the southbound M1 lot look like they meeting at the Holiday inn as mentioned on the other thread...... just so its clear for anyone just reading this thread.....
  9. Guys, Please remember that if you are doing track time...... the white letter about JTS states that you must bring a valid motor insurance certificate as well! Not sure why considering its a private track and your insurance means jack sh*t on there.... I would also bring BOTH parts of your driving licence!! (just in case as its not technically valid without both) But better to bring just in case!
  10. Chris, if you need emergency card for camera for weekend, get down to Asda..... they ain't that bad at prices...... will tide you over at least....
  11. Nice one Tim, shame you couldn't make it night before but be nice to convoy down! You got my mobile anyway!
  12. Is this in Word format then Louis or JPEG?? Be good if we could just type right in.....
  13. ok mate, thats fine. But I'm going to want to leave at 8am so be there a little before...... PM me your mobile no if you want?
  14. Can someone print a few copies etc for people? Just that my printer has given up the ghost today! Or unless one of you email it to me and I can fill out, then you can print for me?
  15. Louis, Can you please print me a spec sheet off for Sunday? My printer has just given up the ghost!
  16. Dunno yet. I've gotta be there for 8:30 briefing and so has Dunker, but I know Christ aint. Its only about 9 miles from Silverstone so not going to take you long....... Unless you wanna get there early and come in with us etc? I guess I'll be leaving about 7:45 - 8am from there or something. Wanna leave time to get to right place and then to briefing location.....
  17. Yep, I got same issue as Dunker..... so gotta be there for the briefing!
  18. Is it worth all meeting at the holiday inn then? Where abouts is it? Might be easier for you M1ers...... there are a few already staying there! Could just meet in car park early doors and convoy down? http://www.laterooms.com/en/p1301/pv9995893/hotel-directions/83685_holiday-inn-northampton-west-m1-junc-16-northampton.aspx Can either then just go down A5 to A43 or M1/A43!
  19. if any of you lot bothered to read the info that came with your tickets, then you might know the answers to all this! I quote... "The actual Z PARADE is around two o'clock with a drivers briefing at at around 11:30am that every driver who is taking part in the parade, MUST attend. Again they are going to be very strict on this, if you don't attend the briefing you will not be allowed on the parade"
  20. Or they could use their brains and just go to your favourites anyway? Stop being paranoid, get your stickers up!
  21. So what time do I need to be there if I ain't doing track time? Sure it says on the paperwork somewhere that for the parade, they want all that are getting special parking in by 09:30am...... will have to look later!
  22. sorry not to see you there digsy..... hope everything is ok!
  23. And if you look here, you will see pics of Twilight Grey (replacement for Gunmetal) that I took on Saturday.... http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7389&start=15 Looked a bit boring for me, out of the two..... be orange all the way!
  24. Shouldn't it be "License to be a lightweight" though!
  25. Ha ha must have posted at same time!
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