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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Thats a proper Orange! Not that half hearted Temper orange colour....
  2. If anyone has any pictures of the back of the parade lap either before we started or just in the first lap or so can you please let me know ? Either statics or vid.......
  3. Thanks Steve..... Was great being in the parade and a good day, apart from the idiot at the back of the parade, that thought it was a bloody trackday and nearly wiped out about 6 cars including mine!! (no exaggeration)...... he came through 3 rows and zig zagged through 3 lanes on the entry to ONE corner, about 20 mph higher than anyone else...... he was a disgrace and a danger and should NOT have been there. I gave him a piece of my mind through open windows as we were coming to a close and I'm glad to say that he seemed to leave straight away, which is probably a good thing, as I'm not sure I would have been able to contain myself...... Anyway, I won't say anymore on here as I don't want to be seen to spoil the day. But if you want to discuss I will tell you more on PM/phone.... btw, he was a member of the Z club only. So someone needs to be having a word! I have to say that it will seriously make me think about doing such a parade again.... I was absolutely fuming!
  4. Well both me and Iain reset our counters as we were going on track.....for track session only (didn't bother with parade lap included) I beat him, (lowest wins) with 11.8 mpg to his 11.9mpg, with average speed of 45mph, including slow out lap and slowing down post chequered flag
  5. James, yeah just let us know...... sure one of us can oblige depending on where you are etc...... As for wind in your hair..... get a lovely lady to blow in your hair while you ragging a coupe!
  6. Jacko

    mmmmmm sweet

    Used 996 maybe, Cayman not for me !
  7. Stevie, NO! You want to go to 35 profile tyres with 19" wheels. You gone up in size of wheels, so wanna go down in Profile to keep rolling radius within the EDC limits (think its +- 2%)
  8. Damn Chris, you beat me to it with the nice drifting shots...... we must have been stood near each other!
  9. Commoners: http://www.sip04cei.plus.com/JTS_2007/source/img_6018.htm
  10. Yep, I have to admit that for the show element, considering the way all the timings panned out, didn't get to see any of the trade stands, or other cars etc...... Was always getting to the next briefing, track time, briefing, parade lap, sitting around, waiting, walking etc..... You get the picture..... Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the day, just that it was only really for seeing us lot and the weather etc...... Having the finals that late isn't good either, not with a long drive back! But sure it will improve........
  11. Jacko

    mmmmmm sweet

    http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/153548.htm £53,000k though!
  12. Might be worthwhile saying what you paid for it? Would at least give people an idea or what you will class as decent.... Just that we have a few traders on here that sell em and therefore the market is competitive!
  13. Thanks Dorian, Wasn't 100% sure of that...... knew i would let something down, but was in a rush! But ta for mopping up!
  14. Yeah I'd like pics of me (I'm vain like that ) if anyone has any good uns of me on track! I've got lots to share back, although only Val and Stevie B on Track...
  15. No probs mate, there are more of you there as well...... few of us all by the look of things....
  16. Did they not do the parade lap? I have quite a lot of pics, some of Val and Lomoto for sure. Will get them resized and uploaded. If anyone wants the properones, I'll email them or set up a temp FTP server where you can grab em from, but be nice as my connection is on 1MB/s! Chris its the site that Val mentioned, imagination2image.co.uk that had the rights to the parade lap! Says on card that photos available from the 6th June at 5pm or sooner
  17. Stevie, stevie..... Do you not read any of the 6,000,000 posts on this? When something says 19x9 for example, then the "9" is the width of the wheel rim. They normally mention offsets with a +xx figure, such as +22, +33 etc..... so eg, 19x9.5 +23 is a 19" wheel, thats 9.5" wide with a +23 offset. But on your example of 245x35x8 (typically when talking about tyres)..... and note you would NOT get an example like yours, or that that would be 8" wheel! So using 245x45x18: then thats a 245 width tyre with a 45mm side profile height, to fit a 18" wheel. Normally a tyre like this will fit a small range of wheel widths, maybe 8" to 9" or something like that (i don't have time to check)....... but the standard rear on 350z is 8.5" wide. But mine looks so much better with a 9.5" wide rear wheel, on it I have 275x35x19s and they look sweet from the rear! Hope that helps
  18. Checked one of the sites that were handing out photo cards from the Track sessions...... I'm famous! (along with Lomoto and Dunker) http://www.picman.co.uk/cgi-bin/v2.pl?pics&pic&pic&date&2007&20070603JTSSIL&1_TRACK_SESSION_10.30&0_MISC&1'>http://www.picman.co.uk/cgi-bin/v2.pl?pics&pic&pic&date&2007&20070603JTSSIL&1_TRACK_SESSION_10.30&0_MISC&1&JTS2716.jpg'>http://www.picman.co.uk/cgi-bin/v2.pl?pics&pic&pic&date&2007&20070603JTSSIL&1_TRACK_SESSION_10.30&0_MISC&1'>http://www.picman.co.uk/cgi-bin/v2.pl?pics&pic&pic&date&2007&20070603JTSSIL&1_TRACK_SESSION_10.30&0_MISC&1&JTS2716.jpg http://www.picman.co.uk/cgi-bin/v2.pl?pics&pic&pic&date&2007&20070603JTSSIL&1_TRACK_SESSION_10.30&0_MISC&1'>http://www.picman.co.uk/cgi-bin/v2.pl?pics&pic&pic&date&2007&20070603JTSSIL&1_TRACK_SESSION_10.30&0_MISC&1 Some good shots..... 6 pages worth in total. We all appear on each page (i think) Also, here for other sessions...... http://www.picman.co.uk/cgi-bin/v2.pl?pics&pic&pic&date&2007&20070603JTSSIL And yes Val! There are some of you! http://www.picman.co.uk/cgi-bin/v2.pl?pics&pic&pic&date&2007&20070603JTSSIL&4_TRACK_SESSION_3.30&0_MISC&1&JTS3677.jpg
  19. I've got some great driftin ones...... coming shortly! Oh and got the scooby captured on fire nicely through the Luffield Complex But will have to resize some tonight and get up! Gotta work first
  20. Just about to go over that way in my coupe! If you wanna look at a coupe, there are plenty of us around that area!
  21. See you there guys! Just about to set off to hotel. See you tomorrow and those that staying tonight!
  22. If you look at the first post in that link, they have more in the there, but it does look like some have sold. That Goldie one with the GTCs (the same one that was on that massive pop sign we had at JAE) is on there but no showing as individual stock.... I can imagine some people buying them though......
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