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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. This may be interesting for anyone doing anything with the engine....... http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=16374 Not bad if it works for £60!
  2. What are these Netgear HD Homeplug thingies? I've got the Netgear 834PN MiMO wireless router, and its obviously all secured etc..... But concerned that the wireless would be crap with Xbox?
  3. Imagine the day when we can't/don't actually drive our cars? http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/18908/
  4. They are absolutely horrendous! Anyone on here buys them and you are being shot! I'd love to see someone fit them on though Go for it "King Tat"
  5. Can any of you wise Xbox owners please tell me what the support is on it for secured wireless? Is it WEP, WPA, WPA2 etc? Just that I want to see whether I can connect to my secured wireless network at home (if I bought one)..... Ta
  6. They are absolutely horrendous! Anyone on here buys them and you are being shot!
  7. Jacko

    new nsx

    Moved to correct home
  8. Can I make a suggestion that seeing as you are trying to use this thread to SELL YOU CAR, that you may want to try to keep the random useless comments down to a minimum. This means (well in my head) that anyone who is actually interested, might have a chance of reading pertinent information?
  9. My mate has it so going to have to see it in person! Does anyone play with that XBOX Forcefeedback wireless steering wheel set up? If i buy one, then gotta play with a steering wheel, its just wrong doing with a pad!
  10. Yep thats correct, as Val posted that thread from the designer who worked for Nissan in Japan recently! Kev knows that, hes just trying to stir as he's got sick of winding everyone up sat in the middle lane.....
  11. Flavius which dealer? Seeing as you local to me mate, if you say who it is I'll tell you whether its cheap anyway. I bet its one of the dear ones and for the price they quoting for a mickey mouse service you can have it done properly at one of the better dealers aroudn here? For example, a P1 without oil is only around £100 anyway (just over) so begs to ask the question, what the hell are they asking you to pay? I bet its a Westway dealership!? Rearrange these words, touch, don't, barge, pole, with......
  12. BTW, I was going to ask this anywya..... but is Forza good enough in itself to make me buy an X-Box??? I have a PS2 that i've used about twice! so thats brand new sat there gathering dust, but with all you going on about it.... and I've just seen the new TV ad where the 350z gets a starring role....... should I buy one? And how much can I pick one up for now?
  13. There's a NEW Twingo out???? How did I miss that, what page!?
  14. Well its a Microsoft product, so have you tried the rebooting option? Sorry, thats not really helping..... but take it you tried completely powering it off (seeing as you can't CTRL, ALT & DEL it)
  15. Have to admit that I was looking a while back at maybe changing to a hot hatch and this was top of the list..... Agreed, it is by far the best handling and quickest point to point hot hatch around...... The paint does look good in the sunlight, a bit similar to UY but probably with a bit more flip to it. So is this as a second car or instead of your Zed that you've sold? I'm lost....
  16. True Louis, but they built the Vantage to compete with cars like the 911 etc, not the Vanquish..... Don't get me wrong, I'd have the Aston every day of the week over a 911! Just seems that from all the reviews I've read, that its not quite as "sporty" as it could be. The prodrive version is allegedly going to become Aston's "sportpack" version of the Vantage anyway.....
  17. Yeah Trev maybe, again I'm going off what was said in the review. Obviously I haven't driven either of the Astons and would love to, but I guess their point was in this company, the Prodrive Aston is the way the Vantage should be, not the standard one. They are basically saying that the standard car is not quite as sporty as it can be......and against those cars, wouldn't be the best car. Guess it all comes down to shades of grey when you talking about splitting 5 star cars!
  18. Now now Louis, don't start bun fights just cos you sold your car!
  19. Sorry guys, I've just told Rich tonight..... but I'm not going to be able to make this one..... I fly to LA on the 17th as my mate could only have limited time off work, so got pushed forward a few days! Gutted cos I reckon its going to be a cool day and Rich is definitely putting the effort into this, so please all ensure you come along and don't let him down!
  20. Is that next years replacement for Twilight Grey then?
  21. Adam, sure Chris will have a view on what he can do with the code when he gets back from his Phileas Fogg trip around Europe!
  22. Yeah me too! I'd be up for prob chipping in and having some fun etc if needs be!
  23. To be honest, if I ever get around to selling the zed, then I think thats what I'll do..... get a Caterham R series or something for the weekend and a little sporty hatch or something for the miles during the week...... all this paying through the nose for driving a decent car through the week gets right on my tits!
  24. Problem is, to get a Vantage to be the car that Aston should have built initially you gotta get the Prodrive version which is over £100k!
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