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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. You know what, I might just do that! ...... I know that Val & Mike would be up for it..... so how about anyone else on the list? If we suggested a date maybe a few weeks away then would a north wales day out appeal to all? I'd be up for sorting a day out if enough interest...... used to go motorbiking around there so know some cracking roads...... bit rusty, but could probably come up with a route. Might even by you a ice cream at Bala Lake
  2. Well great, show them the way of this forum then.....
  3. Class, look how many Zeds we got in a relatively small area.... We definitely all need to meet up one day soon. Imagine the site and sound of all us lot enjoying a nice "Sunday drive" etc I reckon a nice early start to North Wales one day....... get out early to avoid plod. Be great to all pull up somewhere together
  4. Take care mate, and keep your head down! Hope you back soon for a nice spin in your 350! Mark
  5. Or maybe its Rolf Harris's car and he drew the picture? "can you tell what it is yet?"
  6. Hurrah a woman with a good taste in cars! But now get yourself on this list.... http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1357&highlight= And why the name Bob? Confused the hell out of me and first...... thought it was a quick sex change gone on...
  7. Hi Bob to the forum! Only been here a couple of weeks myself but pretty cool forum! Had my car about the same time and I love mine as well, especially the noise! Can't help you with the CC question but sure someone will be along soon who can as there's a wealth of technical info on here Seeing as your from the NW, get yourself on here...... http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1357
  8. I know Val, I knew as soon as I'd typed it that it wasn't right but what the hell..... I got ONE letter right! (and at least I knew they were round)
  9. Cheers Stevie..... aye, let me know
  10. You'll have to let me know what you think then....... How much was the damage if you don't mind me asking? Fitted prices etc... Mark
  11. Aye I can imagine how mad you must be! ..... I think thats why when I come to get tyres fitted, there will be digital photos taken just before to prove any damage etc...... Sad, I know.... but I'm not taking the chance anymore..... Hope you get it sorted Ian..... Anyway, have you introduced yourself in the welcome section? Get yourself down there and buy a drink for everyone I take it you used to have a TT? You might see me around Warrington sometimes as the woman lives there..... So your GT4 black or yellow? Mark
  12. Yeah I'd be inclined to put on my biggest boots and give em a good kicking till they keeled over, but sure you've already tried?
  13. Ian, if you need repair (as I've been asking similar questions today) then 350Nismo just pointed me in the direction of this post.... http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=367 Diamond wheels are in Stockport so not that far, they do a mobile service as well but suppose it depends how badly wheel is damaged or needs refurb etc.... Going to ring them to try to get a price for my Rays.
  14. I was down the local Tesco the other day and there was one of the vans from this company there so I picked up a leaflet..... Has anyone any experience of these (good or bad)? Seems a little bit too good to be true? I've got two or three stone chips on the edge of the bonnet that I'd like to sort but bit concerned about the results? http://www.chipsaway.co.uk/repair/index.asp
  15. Thanks 350Nismo That was the post that I was thinking about. Will give Diamond Wheels a call as they ain't that far away...... I think its just a repair as its more of a light scrape than a chip etc. Aren't the Rays made of something more exotic than normal? Nothing to worry about there then? Cheers,
  16. Guys, When I bought the 350z (used), I didn't notice in the excitement that the left front Rays has a light scuff on the edge caused by kerbing by previous owner. Now obviously my dealer isn't going to want to play ball, so was wondering whether there is anything that I need to be concerned about with the Rays when I am trying to get it repaired? I know that they are forged etc, but is there anything that I need to ask the repairers to make sure that they are actually qualified to repair? I certainly don't want a botched job at a grand a replacement wheel! I know someone mentioned a company in Stockport that repairs wheels but can't find the thread? Anyone got any ideas of a price, for a light scrape... not too deep? Cheers, Mark (ps. sorry if this is the wrong forum, wasn't sure where to put it. Feel free to move.....)
  17. Nick, I'm probably not the best person to ask tbh as I've only had my car 2 weeks and so far I love the rays so will stick for a while.... Sure some of other guys will be along shortly to advise wheels that look right on the 350z but sure its a subjective thing.
  18. Hi Nick, Welcome to forum! Looking forward to seeing what 19"ers you put on it?
  19. Actually, has anyone tried the contis on the 350z? I've had multiple cars on Conti sports 2 in the past and they were fantastic tyres, really grippy in both wet and dry and lasted well? I've read that Toyos seem to be the tyre of choice but was just wondering?
  20. Glad you had a good day.... Val, to be fair I'd already told Mike that I couldn't make it a few days ago. So it wasn't as if I just didn't turn up..... Anyway hope to meet up soon...
  21. TheMinel - Val - (Manchester) Azure AndyC (Manchester) Azure M13KYF - Mike - (Manchester) Azure Nikos (Wigan) (but hopefully not to be a Z owner for too much longer) Blade Jacko (Manchester - North) Azure
  22. Wahey! Another Manchester owner and SHOCK, HORROR...... no Azure blue in sight!
  23. Thanks Dave, I have to admit that I'm thinking about getting Paintshield on as well. Just that I'll need to get the two big stone chips that are already on there sorted before I do! But thanks for the info....
  24. Hi Adam, Welcome to the forum! New myself but they seem a pretty friendly bunch! I'm the same, doesn't half help the drive to work fly past with lots of grin factor. I don't think I've had my stereo on much either Mark
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