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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. So do these replace the existing Nissan badges on the front and back? I.e in the centre? Do we have any pics of them as I might well be interested in a pair....
  2. Val, On your recommendation (and others) I bought a load of Meguiars kit at the weekend (£70's worth! ).... As it belted it down all weekend not had chance to wash her yet. So if this the best way of applying the NXT wax ? Have you tried the NXT booster spray as well for between waxing to "top it up"? Mark
  3. So this effectively means that I'd have to buy a Nissan cradle (as I don't have one at all). Then put this Bluetooth component in to work with my phone?? Does that sound right? So what was the list of cradles that he provided Mark? Going to have to see how much one is from the local (ripoff) Nissan dealer...... then wonder how much this BT component is going to be....
  4. Tom, now that you jhave joined us? Can we expect a nice discount for this lovely forum??? (I'm thinking of putting Paintshield on mine once I get the nice stone chips done )
  5. Ah cheers David, Would be good for you to post some pics and let me know how the sound quality is etc and whether you would recommend it...... Mark
  6. Your car revs above 4500 revs? Not sure that mine does.... I'll have to try it
  7. Hi John Glad to have you aboard! How do you like the Miltek btw?
  8. Aye it can be. Its a pretty simple implementation to be honest. Don't use anything to do with the existing kit or the existing wiring loom.... It just uses Bluetooth to integrate with your phone. Its only the display that gets mounted and can be removed easily enough. The only thing that it uses is a wire that attaches into the stereo to mute if a call comes through and uses the car speakers to provide sound. They've done a few allegedly....... just wondering if anyone had actually used one of the Parrot products.
  9. Has anyone got any experience of these? http://www.carcommunications.co.uk/shop ... 1090625640 Just looking at alternatives for the lack of phone support on the existing car kits (pre 06)..... and this has been suggested by a car phone specialist. If they are any good, then I have started laying some groundwork about negotiating a discount for this forum that I can speak to one of the moderators about.... Looking for any feedback at the moment to see if its worthwhile. Mark
  10. Mark, So does this mean that they are realising a bluetooth adapter cradle for pre-06 models? Can you please expand? Mark
  11. Gunmetal coupe spotted at the crossroads of the A6068 and Blackburn Road on Sunday 02/04/06 about 2pm. You were coming up from the M65 and I was going towards the M65. Both waiting for the lights..... Gave you a flash (ooer missus ) and you gave me a wave..... Anyone on here? Mark
  12. As far as I know, the reason why this was done is because the steering wheel controls on the 05 roadster interfered with the roof electronics. Now that they have gone to bluetooth for phones, means that they have sidestepped this problem. So not sure whether you will be able to retro fit anyway..... Not sure whether it meant that you potentially answered a call and your roof tried to activate
  13. Ok Stevie, well you'll see it in Meets anyway once I sort the route and propose date, but will try and remember anyway..... Its looking good...
  14. Isn't there an in built timer on the Z that you can use for lap timing? I.e on the computer that scrolls through the Mpg, dte, time etc.... thought one of them was a lap timer?
  15. ooooofff! The old cliche's are coming out! Looking forward to this day out though with all these numbers...... will get right on with the organising of a route etc.... Sure we could probably get some of the midlands posse to meet us somewhere as well?
  16. Kuro, Should have also said that the memory card is Memory Stick Duo and its 64MB as standard.
  17. Yeah I know, wouldn't be as bad if I could get a cradle that supports a phone thats within the last decade But guess thats why they changed it to bluetooth for the 06 model, just stuffs the rest of us....
  18. I forgot to say...... so that means that if I can't find a way around the encryption that I HAVE to buy a cradle from a Nissan dealer at extortionate rate for a crap phone that I don't have? Mmmm smashing
  19. Yeah I've just read that somewhere that sells the cradle and that was my concern..... Mmmm there has to be a way around this, I wonder where the encryption actually is held, i.e if its in one component of the overall system..... I'm going to try!
  20. Guys I know there must have been countless questions about the phone system in the 350z, but does anyone know for sure whether the kit adheres to any of this? I've been told that its THB Bury system and as such should accept different cradles, but do we know if its a UNI System 8 VoiceTalk or CarTalk DSP car kit system (or neither)? Just that if it is then I should be able to get a cradle that fits my phone as the dealers are just crap with this information? Who is the real phone expert then?
  21. Kuro, You are in luck! I have one, and in the box you should get all of the below apart from I don't remember it coming with dedicated software to manage your address book by the USB. But you can do it through Outlook via the USB interface.... and you get a handsfree cable that doubles as FM radio aerial. Hope that helps. give me a shout if you need more..... Mark
  22. Urrrgh.... I've just puked up my breakfast! Not sure how the aerodynamic effect to that front end would help either....
  23. Spotted a blade coupe going westbound towards St Helens. Coming over the Greyhound Pub roundabout yesterday 29th March 2006 at approx 5pm. Suited up bloke. I was on the other side queueing to get to the roundabout in my Azure blue. Don't think you noticed and couldn't flash as central reservation in way.... Anyway, first one spotted since I actually got mine....
  24. Yeah mate, course it does! to the jungle.....
  25. ok ok,..... give me a little bit of time to sort the route and then I'll suggest a date. But if no one turns up, I'll be upset! Be great to get all the northern posse out..... that's why will give plenty of notice I think! Mark
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