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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Kuro black coupe (non GT) in the village car park yesterday around 7pm (monday 10th). Think the number plate began with MT55..... I parked just opposite but didn't have any spotted flyers with me (really must print some out!)
  2. Jacko

    Lots Of Stuff

    Well you'll have to send the report to em with a nasty letter, points of view style!
  3. Jacko

    Lots Of Stuff

    And better for attracting Lightning Strikes
  4. Jacko

    Lots Of Stuff

    Well why don't you get down there and arrange a owners visiting day for us? Surely then can put on a tour of the place, some nice sandwiches and some major discounts!
  5. Jacko

    Lots Of Stuff

    No probs..... thanks for the offer but you don't need to put yourself out etc. Unless you got any Nismo kits spare?
  6. Jacko

    Lots Of Stuff

    No thats fair as far as I'm concerned. I've been after one for a while but no probs. Leenx did get it offered first on here so it's only fair to let him have it. If he has a roadster then I'll have it off ya
  7. Forgot to say, when you modify the file if you can make both dates, just stick a Yes against both..... Then we can make decision (hopefully) quickly about which date to choose. If there is a lot more people can do one, then that would be the date i'd assume.... Some come on people, we had 15 names down or so. Get confirming so we can get arranging.....
  8. I've never seen one..... but looking at those pics, definitely suits the Z.... Looks especially good in some of the roadster shots. Feel a commoner now with the Azure
  9. The first ones are the new Rays alloys that are on the new 06 model I believe, not sure about the others....
  10. Good sounds like a plan..... I was waiting until we got a feel for the date anyway, then was going to post in the meets section. But didn't want to post there until we know numbers etc.... Cheers Val
  11. "A local club for local people....." Sorry, thats a line that will probably go over your head! But as this is a UK based forum only, but if everyone is willing to chip in then I'm willing to go over and get things started Seriously though, sure some of the other guys will be able to point you in the direction of some decent US forums..... Enjoy the sun, its tropical here
  12. I think one of the nice kind admins will be able to do it for ya, but you'll have to bribe em and ask nicely
  13. Cheers Val, wasn't sure who sorted it etc...
  14. Ok was thinking about the easiest way of seeing who can do what date out of the two..... and guess we will have to go with majority etc So here you go, please edit and copy back in so that we get a view? Sorry its in Excel I couldn't find a way of doing a table on here or something so unless one of the admins helps, then I'll modify this and keep reposting or something? Mark
  15. Right Guys and Gals...... drum roll.... the date! I'm proposing Sunday 7th May as the day for the North West Wales Thrash This is 4 weeks this Sunday and looking at the calendar (and what else is arranged already) then I think it has to be either this date OR if this is too early then the 28th May (which seems like ages away!! ) List of people so far So I guess, if a lot of people don't shout up that this would be a problem or too early then we go with this date? I'm working on the route (just waiting for some info) and then I'll post that but will involve a few stops and a nice ice cream at Bala lake! So what do you all think?? Answers on a postcard to...... Mark
  16. Ah Chris, its ok..... I was being sarcastic and attempting to be witty If this Wales trip goes well and everyone a) turns up and enjoys it then I don't mind sorting meets or helping out now and again..... But I'll worry about that after this one!
  17. Cheers Chris, I have to admit with being a newbie that I was wondering what all these undertones were about..... so nice to understand a little..... I nearly spat all my beer out when I read this though: Does anyone have any decent mods for some nice B&Q dark maple decking then? I'm looking for some extra performance But seriously, I've only been here 2 mins and loving it..... so long may it continue and thanks to yourself and all the other moderators who help out etc.
  18. Aye Val, sorry thats what I meant by calendar, not my own personal socail one And as for NW meets organiser, have I made a rod for my own back here? If you let me have the term "NW Meets executive" with a years supply of Optimax and a nice curvy brunette to wash the car down then i might be sold......
  19. Top work fella...... now just get decided on the new name then!
  20. Good info this..... can we get it in Technical as well as makes a lot of sense being in there?
  21. Aye, I'll have a set to get rid of those Nissan ones.... I take it is £29 a set of two? When is the order being placed, do we need to get a certain number (obviously i wasn't around first time so unsure whats the plan?) 1. Derek_Zr (front & back chrome) 2. Azure06 (front & back chrome) ? 3. Davegti (front chrome) 4. Jacko (fron & back chrome)
  22. Ok chaps, Sorry, was busy on working out the route. just getting some info of one of my old biking buddies as he used to lead the route and there was some crackin roads..... will post details asap for discussion. Anyway, I'll take a look at the calendar soon and propose a date on probably a Sunday (although if all prefer we can do Saturday?). I'm going to suggest something May at the earliest to ensure that we:- a) Get as many there as possible, further ahead allows more chance.. Get chance of some "half" decent weather c) Avoid arranging any alcohol induced hangovers from the night before . Will let know asap.....
  23. Aye, would also be good to get a ball park figure for this BT adapter as well. Are we going to have to buy it from Nissan or can we go direct etc? Just so I can work out whether to wait or go the Parrot route.....
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