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Everything posted by Marki

  1. So having made the 6-spoke Rays a standard item, Nissan raise the bar again by offering delectable 5-spoke rays for an extra grand. I want them but can't afford them, but I so wan't them... It appears that in Australia 18" x 8JJ 5 spoke Aluminium-Alloy Wheels are standard. They look like the ones on the GT4: http://www.nissan.com.au/z/gallery.asp#photos Lucky, lucky Bxxxxxds. I'm wondering whether these available in the UK?
  2. Thanks, I'll ask them tomorrow. I would so like to have the car for the summer, which is never very long where I live, rather than the autumn!
  3. Excuse my ignorance, but what is NORDIS? I placed my order for am '06 car a week ago: coupe, metallic black, GT with Alezan. I would go with charcoal if it saved 3 months delivery time, but my local dealer said it made no difference. Any advice would be welcome, thank you.
  4. Hello, I just signed up, as I've just ordered an 06 coupe - no sleep for me now that the night brings sports cars... Nice car, Dave; is that the new Ebisu metallic black? Looking forward to more pics when she's all prepped up. For that matter, does anyone know where I can see decent pics of the 2 new colours for 06 UK cars? It's so hard to decide on colour, especially not knowing what they really look like!
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