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Everything posted by stevie_350z

  1. hehehehhe! stay calm, Val! LOL! I bet you're shouting at the screen!
  2. So when did a plane ever move because of its wheels? What are those big engines stuck to the wing for - show? It would take off, and its wheels would be spinning twice as fast.
  3. Nightmare... they are good lads and they are local, so I'll mention this to them - nice one, lomoto!
  4. Yes the plane will take off, but its wheels will be moving twice as fast!
  5. Any tips on what to ask / watch out for when getting tyres fitted to the Z? Apart from watching the alloys don't get damaged.. what about equipment used to remove tyres, balance the wheels etc? I'm getting my new Toyos put on tomorrow (thanks for the prompt, next day service Andy!).
  6. I was on the opposite carriageway...when I saw you we were level and I didn't know whether to wave, or flash, and ended up parping the horn whilst avoiding a boy racer in a corsa!
  7. Val, that bonnet looks proper evil - nice!
  8. preso / presentation... hoping you could give us an insight into your other skills...
  9. Further down the article ( http://www.ridedrive.co.uk/tipoffs03b.htm ) more about his thinking: The heavier the vehicle the more momentum it has, but the heavier the vehicle the greater the down-force there is transmitted through the tyres to the road giving a better braking effect. The extra weight is pushing down on the road more, but it is also pushing forward by more. Put extra wheels on to make more surface area touch the ground and the weight is spread over a larger area and becomes less at any given pin-point cancelling out any advantage that you think you would have had. Take a 28-tonne 4-wheeled vehicle and a 28-tonne solid block of tyre rubber and each will slide for the same distance from the same speed on the same coefficient of friction road surface.
  10. Do you think that would matter to someone like him? What is your preso about anyway - what's the title?
  11. You won't be going to the 'ring then? That's insane - 56 euros for four laps with nutters in GT3s and on bikes, not to mention buses and pick up trucks!
  12. I'd keep the fact you're a little boy quiet.. there have been custard sightings near schools recently...
  13. From the instructions I've seen (http://www.kandn.com/instructions/69-7070.pdf) the intake is down behind the bumper... is that what you did, Val? Or did you put it higher where the current one is?
  14. 20", jesus My new Toyo's just arrived - I only ordered them yesterday afternoon from Andy - awesome service! Muchas grassyarse!
  15. Shocking isn't it? Always putting themselves before others... who needs a job anyway? Go on the dole and drive the Z all day! You'd only have to rob a few chavs each day for petrol money... What's ur preso about anyway? Post it up for us to see
  16. TV is on in the background... South Pacific... but Glenn Close is in it singing to that russian geezer Boris out of Lock Stock + 2 Smoking Barrels... what gives? He's singing about feeling like a schoolboy? Freeky
  17. Even I know the answer to that one... come on Sarnie!
  18. Speaking of yummy mummies... I visited a place called the Zoom Zone with my sis + her kid... I had no idea how lovely some of these young mums are! I'm trying to find a reason to go back there to suggest they open it on a night, young mums only, with the big rubber slide coated in baby oil! YEAH BABY!
  19. I thought I'd post it to see what reaction it got... it seems to make sense that bigger tyres = more grip, esp when you look at the back of a 911 with those fat tyres they have, but... is there anyway to prove it?
  20. Who would have thought that custard and speed were a good mix...
  21. I followed the link to the Ride Drive people and was browsing through their tips when I spotted this: “I have had wider wheels and tyres fitted to my car to give me more grip.â€
  22. Did you guys follow these instructions: http://www.kandn.com/instructions/69-7070.pdf ? Looks a bit involved for a fumbler like me... also, it shows the car raised - I don't have facilities for that... bummer. The K&N is 255 quid here http://www.europerformance.co.uk/pages/ ... ?id=366124 If the JWT is easier to fit that might be an option for me... but something tells me to go for the K&N
  23. Attention Seeking Whore! +3!
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