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Everything posted by stevie_350z

  1. even I could find it, Sarnie... that's twice I've done you now...
  2. Yeah but where you live its constantly raining and I bet ICY is always shown on your compooter I've had a couple of interesting events - one on a smallish roundabout in the rain + oil + adverse camber, and the ESP was flappin like a good 'un and just avoided my hitting a kerb Best "controlled" skid I had was @ 'Ring when I changed down from 4th to 3rd as I approached a left hander and pulled the clutch out too quick and needed a bit of up and down with both legs...
  3. It doesn't say why he got off? Isn't it an open and shut case - he was driving, he was caught by the camera + a witness - case closed? He had no mitigating circumstances - but that doesn't help us normal people either. So how? There has to be a reason. I particularly like this: "But the South Yorkshire officer denied speeding in his marked police Land Rover and has cleared after a day-long trial." Denied speeding though the evidence showed he was? Isn't that perjury? That sucks AND blows. The law is an ASS! I bet he was on his mobile phone too, that's why he missed the camera!!!!
  4. LOL! I had a load of wine last night and feel ok today, not sure if that's a good thing or not
  5. The tyres are on, but they were adamant they could have got a better price... so they looked up the Toyos on their system and said they were discontinued... is that right?
  6. Cheers lads, I will double check... best to be over-cautious methinks... it's alright for captint but I'm not as rich as him... hehehhee
  7. Thanks for all the tips - the boys did a great job, and they were well interested in the car... couldn't resist a wheel spin down the road when I left to much clapping of hands ahahahhahaHHHAAHHA!
  8. I'm a bit worried by a screen that came up when I was registering for paypal... After entering my first, basic registration details it came up and said there was a record of me using these details on ebay before and that I needed to type in the credit card details I used then to retrieve my details. I know Paypal and Ebay are linked, but this sounds a bit dodgy - am I being over cautious? Has anyone else seen this?
  9. Oh no, I'm not going to upset Ming again am I? I wonder if he has resprayed his Z to look like a jam sandwich?
  10. ?????????????????Polished plenum ... poop. Purple plenum Pic Posting Person pleeeaaase!! Ming the Muddled Where's the pics then? I feel uncomfortable searching for a "purple plenum"
  11. +1 kudos to the service, will defo recommend + buy something else from them.
  12. ...but you have to admit it is damn sexy driving on a track with ESP off... all that loverly sideways - DAMN THE TIME, JUST DO THE CRIME!
  13. LMAO - awesome post... ahahahhaa
  14. The only people I know who turn off ESP think they are better drivers than they actually are. Where's Ming when you need him?
  15. I've always loved you, Ming, you know that don't you... BTW - did you post pics of your polished plenum? (good job I've got my teeth in)
  16. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/6174510.stm Could this explain Sarnie's custard fetish?
  17. Only two cars have beaten me... a Bentley Continental GT and an RS4. Edit: that was up to the speed limit, of course...
  18. The YES camp are presuming that the moving escalator can cause enough friction on the free-moving wheels to push pack the plane against the four Trent engines - hardly likely but since when are these type of questions realistic... even though us NO camp dudes know that the wheels on a plane could be doing anything without an effect on the plane - the bloody things could be going backwards for all the plane cares.
  19. Sounds normal to me... I can remove ignition and full beam stays on I'm pretty sure...
  20. Yeah baby! I'm in a trouble-causing mood today... I'll be back to my normal self tomorrow... whatever that is...
  21. The whole problem with that question is the miracle operation of the conveyer belt, how it is somehow connected to the jumbo's wheels like gears. As that is true I suppose the jumbo wouldnae take off...
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