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Everything posted by stevie_350z

  1. So what's the plan lads? Table below shows who will be turning up at which point + time - PLEASE CORRECT AND PUT IN BOLD TO SHOW YOU ARE CONFIRMED: SE Meet 10th DEC Andy - Reading @ 9am Lugger - Reading @ 9am Hanel - Reading @ 9am Captint - Reading @ 9am Stevie350z - Reading @ 9am Pingu2 - Reading @ 9am mugwump is on holiday Sun Snorkel- have to see you at the next one. sl114 (Louis) - Reading @ 9amBlacky - WoREod - Reading @ 9am
  2. So how do I find out what the court didn't do properly... mebbe write to the Clerk of the court? I do want to find out! SYP appear to be doing a good job of disciplining this guy, I agree.
  3. Don't tell me Sarnie is capable of breeding... someone warn Bluelady!
  4. LOL - meets are cool, just how many Attention Seeking Whores is it possible to get together...
  5. Grandad is an insult, no matter what the male relation
  6. It's been each month - two so far (14 Oct and 21 Nov). The Nov 21 was colder than a witches tit so I'm hoping there isn't one for a while. When the next one happens there will be a post under the Meets section. Captint, Hanel, H5, Mugwump and I are regulars
  7. Just wait till she's drivin (it will come faster than you think!) and she says "hand me the keys grandad, you're too old!" LOL
  8. You guys should come to the Reading Japfest (we get at least 5 folks from this site there) - it's not quite Barry Boys but those Supras are
  9. Monaros Two passed me and Hanel on the M40 coming back from the Wales meet - they sounded muchas
  10. Am I right in thinking you can get "smoked" versions of these = would look on my Kuro...
  11. Here's the reply I got from SYP (who Ming works for too I reckon!): Mr Chambers As Staff Officer to the Chief Constable, I deal with certain matters on his behlaf. In response to your recent email to South Yorkshire Police. Can I make it absolutely clear that South Yorkshire Police brought this prosecution. We will continue to prosecute police drivers where the evidence suggests that they have failed to comply with the law. It is for the courts to decide the outcome but the public should be in no doubt of South Yorkshire Police’s determination to ensure that our officers observe the law just like everybody else. There is certainly not one law for the police and one for everyone else. Thank you for your comments. I've asked her to answer my original question, which she didn't, which was: After reading the news article I cannot understand why PC Akrill was cleared and am writing to you in the hope that you can clarify how someone caught by a speed camera and a witness can deny that they were speeding and be cleared? Would a member of the public also have been cleared? Perhaps she'll answer the question this time... but I'm not hopeful because I think the answer is "that's up to the courts". But like a dog with a bone, I'll be contacting the court next!
  12. Just been browsing ebay - some right cack on there, but some good stuff. But what gives with 125quid for carbon fibre stick ons for the pillar supports?
  13. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/12-BLUE-INTERIOR- ... dZViewItem
  14. I've been using the iTrip for a while... not too pleased with it, as it has to be in a certain position to work well - aligned in some way or another, can't just "toss" the iPod + iTrip into the central glove box and let it rattle around. Nothing worse than being in full Attention Seeking Whore mode, windows down, glasses on, Z burblin and howlin, then your tunes playing static instead of the heavy bass! Sucks.
  15. I've seen loads of women in those CooperS lately - and the ones I see drive them so sedately is ridiculous! Put your foot down ladies!
  16. What about the personality? And what exactly does "nice build" mean? Chiselled?
  17. Route? I spoke with my ex-Lotus buddy last night... me mentioned Newlands Corner? Also, he's connecting me up with the guy who runs SELOC (South East Lotus Owners Club) who has routes online... I fly away tomorrow so if I don't hear today then I won't be updating this until I get back (7th)...
  18. My tyre fitters are round the back of my house so I carried two at a time!
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