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Everything posted by mbs

  1. Happy Birthday, bad day for a birthday up your way, you'll probably never sober up until 3rd Jan!!
  2. Thats exactly what my old man said when I told him!! Yes us oldies do talk a bit of sense sometimes
  3. Hello, Re cost, Here in Scarborough I paid £109 + Vat for P1 and £169 + VAT for P2 not had a P3 yet.
  4. Merry Christmas to you too, the Zed's safely tucked up in the garage for the holidays. Merry Xmas to everyone.
  5. And ladies don't like anything stubby
  6. 5,000 men were asked to complete a survey on what they liked best about 'Oral Sex': a.. 3% liked the warmth. b.. 4% enjoyed the sensation. c.. 93% appreciated the silence.
  7. Beer at 1s 7d a pint (8p) when I first started drinking, no wonder I was always legless That was lager - beer was only 1s 4d when I worked in the union bar in my first year at university. You could have a good night out, including a fish supper on the way home, from a ten bob note. Jim, we must meet up and bring back the good times,always a beer man,lager's a ladies drink!!
  8. Hello & but at 20mph stick with the pathfinder
  9. About £350 the pair. I fitted them myself. These are the ones Lotus supply but charge alot more. Top quality harnesses with anti-submarine, whatever that is... Thanks, my reason for asking is that my son has an Elise and I thought I might get him some for his 40th birthday, are they OK for an Elise or just the Exige Speak to Malcolm at MSAR. He buys them to suit the Exige and Elise direct from Schroth so much cheaper than from a Lotus dealer. I was quoted around £750... See http://www.msar-safety.com You will need an Harness bar if you haven't got one. Mine's got the sports pack so standard. The harness bars are around £100. MSAR can supply these too. Depends on what type of seats as to which harness bar you need. If there are no slots you need an harness bar with bolt on fittings. If you have slots in the seats the harnessess just wrap round the bar. Also there are 2 types of buckle. The cheapest and ones Malcolm recommends are technically illegal as they have a twist buckle. I played safe and went with the push button as supplied by Lotus. Oh and they come in Red, Black and Blue. Speak to Malcom and he will explain all this. Thanks
  10. About £350 the pair. I fitted them myself. These are the ones Lotus supply but charge alot more. Top quality harnesses with anti-submarine, whatever that is... Thanks, my reason for asking is that my son has an Elise and I thought I might get him some for his 40th birthday, are they OK for an Elise or just the Exige
  11. nice, would it be cheeky to ask how much
  12. mbs

    Alpine audio gear

    No need to apologise it's my complete ignorance, what I cant get my head round is that you won trophies with the headunit when you used to compete. Compete at what??
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