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Everything posted by mbs

  1. Compared to mine, it was clean, I'd just driven up from Scarborough.
  2. This car is advertised on Pistonheads at £20495
  3. In Bishop Auckland yesterday was parked up in town centre looked smart.
  4. Cant tell you Im afraid, would breach copyright If anyone who has ordered has not received an e-mail or pm then please let me know. It can get a bit confusing with real and screen names. Sorry Martin, no email or pm
  5. No just going a bit faster than a rental van.
  6. I wonder if Kevin Keegan has signed him
  7. It's not white, it's silver I'm pretty sure someone (an importer) posted up pics of that zed recently? Yes Jm-Imports I think
  8. There will come a time probably sooner than later when the average law abiding citizen will come to the conclusion that the whole of the british law enforcement establishment is crap, and I include the magistrates and judges in that and that it is incapable of protecting the public and their property. We hear from the police that it is the parents fault, maybe so but it is now to late, the damage has been done, the yobs are out on the street. We will soon have the situation where joe public takes on the responsibility of policing their own neighbourhood, called it vigilanty law if you want, it will happen. Right or wrong I'm undecided, what does anyone else think.
  9. No sweat, no doubt it will be worth waiting for
  10. Only 23 but I have two 5 year old grandsons and they knock the sh...t out of me in rough and tumbles so I don't even think I can claim 23
  11. Or Sheik Yamani (for those not old enough he was Saudi oil minister in the 70's)
  12. mbs

    Winter Wax

    can i live next to you please
  13. Think you may now have an insight into how seriously this is taken. Oh for the old days of the car wash yes. Just hope after 40 years of car wash etc I can come up with the goods
  14. mbs

    Winter Wax

    Well, if you really want to know, you curious git I have to pass through the garden (private garden) with the hose to get to the parking lot behind our ground-floor apartment. Now my GF always lets her dog in that garden to do "his stuff". In the summer its not really an issue because she cleans it up every week before mowing the lawn, but now in the winter there is dog poo every square inch or so.... no way I can pass there, its a bloody minefield and no, i am NOT going to clean that up myself. lazy git get a cat, they bury theirs in next doors garden, like the one next door to me.
  15. Thanks everyone, just got out the barclaycard for the purchases. Will be waiting for a fine day to get started, whenever that comes, and will post pics of before and after, hopefully you will be able to tell the difference.
  16. Bit hesitant about replying after getting b.ll..ked for not spotting the sticky, but my baby is GM, was going to look at claying her but thanks for the advice. Now, I understand the 2 bucket method, actually already use it, but not wishing to appear stupid, what is and where do I get a grit guard, not mentioned in the sticky.
  17. Never been into this before, always just been a wash and quick polish man but after seeing some of the results on here I fancy having a go. As a novice can someone recommend the basic products I need and the best place to source them.
  18. mbs

    Which oil?

    Bad link Sorry OK now
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