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Everything posted by mbs

  1. mbs

    370Z in Black

    How come?? As from April 2010 there is a new first year tax dependant on emissions, vehicles emitting over 255gms of CO2 per kilometre will pay £950
  2. And his views on the 370Z were?
  3. mbs

    thread closed

    why not fit a gtr badge at the same time
  4. I hope Martin and all the other members in Cumbria are OK and their houses and more importantly their garages aren't flooded.
  5. Had mine out, but that was over 30 years ago, don't worry I'm sure pain relief has improved over the last 30 years
  6. Lol!!! think he thought he may have got a wheel sale too!!! Shocking display of lack of knowledge! ..??? they are the same.... I thought it was odd at the time and meant to have a look, but forgot
  7. Chris can beat that, my grandson's mates didn't believe him until I picked him upfrom school one day.
  8. I have had my last two services done at Atkins including fitting new discs and pads. Good service and reasonable. Recommended.
  9. What will they fit? At the meet at Leighton's the guy told me my Nismo LM GT4's wouldn't fit the 370 as the 370 had a different stud pattern to the 350, is that right?
  10. It's only 9 months old get it baclk to the dealer
  11. +1 I use mine as a second car and sometimes leave for up to 4 weeks in the garage without any issues
  12. My best mate once put a kipper on my radiator, hell of a stink.
  13. I never take the Zed into a supermarket carpark I was in the Punto
  14. Probably is being sold by the poster, clever way of getting round the 50 post rule
  15. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever 'Eastern European' scam while out shopping. Simply dropping into Asda for a bit of shopping has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends. Here's how the scam works: Two seriously good-looking, voluptuous 20 - 21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the boot. They both start cleaning your windscreen, almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. It's impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they'll say 'No' and instead ask you for a lift to another store, in my case, Morrisons at the other side of town. You agree and they both get in the back seat. On the way, they start undressing, and both get completely naked. Then, when you pull over to remonstrate, one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over your lap, kissing you, touching you intimately, and thrusting herself against you, while the other one steals your wallet! I had my wallet stolen Sepotember 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th and 29th. Also Oct 1st and 4th, twice on the 6th, three times last Saturday and very likely again this coming weekend. So Be Warned! P.S. Lidl have wallets on sale for £1.99 each, Aldi are £1.75 and look nicer.
  16. And they say there isn't a north/south divide, definately is when it comes to intelligence. Joke definately worth
  17. Why not introduce yourself, you obviously know a lot about the Zed, we're a friendly bunch so come and say hello
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