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Everything posted by mbs

  1. Took my Zed out today for the first time since November. Went to see a client and followed a guy out of their office, I was parked next to him (530 salooon), he looked at the Zed and his words were " seen one of those in a mag but never in the flesh beautiful car you must be proud of it" no joke those were his actual words. Thats why I can't sell the Zed when I know I should move on after 5 years ownership.
  2. +1 why buy a Zed and even consider converting, buy a Diahatsu
  3. Sorry to hear this, hope the Zed's yours and not a company car.
  4. mbs

    Zed Soundtrack

    Adrian Munsey - The sky inside http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB95Bs8zFWM Anything by Richard hawley or Genesis
  5. 63 had the Zed nearly 5 years from new. That should bump the average age up a bit
  6. Mine won't see the light of day for at least another 6 weeks until all this salt is washed off the roads, it's the Punto until then.
  7. You and I obviously ahve the same taste in films
  8. Found this amusing, take a look http://www.torybear.com/2009/11/times-s ... rkson.html
  9. Try this http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8416791.stm
  10. Where did you stay in London, after Stew and your recommendation of the Glasshouse in Edinburgh i'd be interested to know.
  11. Great pics, every year we say we must have a weekend in London to see Xmas lights but never seem to manage it.
  12. I got the renewal papers, rang up to renew gave my CC details , all about ten days before renewal, got confirmation back, including a certificate of insurance but apparently then their system failed to charge my credit card at renewal and the policy was cancelled.
  13. Got the fright of my life yesterday when trying to renew my car tax for my Punto on the DVLA website. I was told I couldn't renew as there was no valid insurance policy in force. I knew I had renewed the insurance at the the last renewal but to be sure I checked my credit card statement, no payment made, so I rang the company and spoke to a call centre somewhere in the depths of India to be told that my policy had not been renewed at the last renewal. Talk about cold sweats, anyway to cut the story short after speaking to several people and being on the phone for at least 30 minutes I finally got to speak to someone in the UK who told me that yes my policy had been cancelled but it had been cancelled in error, apparently at the time of my last renewal they were having problems with a new accounting system which had failed to process my credit card payment and when no payment was received at renewal had cancelled the policy, they told me this had happened to several customers and they had rung everyone to put this matter right, they had rung my office number when I was out and I never got the message. They assured me that as it was their fault I would have been indemnified in case of a claim (fortunately I didn't have to test this assurance). All is now OK and I am insured but I hate to think how I would have tried to explain this to the boys in blue if I had been stopped and charged with having no insurance.
  14. What an ill informed post. Trust me, I'm not jealous of a 370z The point about the extra £15k is, is it £15k better than a 350z? No, no its not. I think you'll find that the two people who have slated the interior are not 350z owners, so have no reason to be biased Don't understand the logic of your statement "The point about the extra £15k is, is it £15k better than a 350z? No, no its not." when the 370 retails at the same price as the 350 did. The question surely is whether if offered a brand new 370 or a brand new 350 which would you chose.
  15. Thanks never knew that, shows my lack of knowledge of technology
  16. Yes a few years ago. We love the Italian lakes, went to Como last year and Bergamo and Lake Iseo in October this year.
  17. Is that Isola Bella? Mine's not as beautiful but I like it
  18. Only qualified by the experience of driving 15K on Bridgestones then 15k on Toyo's the Toyo is a better tyre
  19. A lot less road noise than the Bridgestones a good all round tyre
  20. Sounds a great idea but what about insurance, in the event of a claim whilst your taking a punter for a ride, could they refuse the claim as it could be said you were using the car for "hire or reward". Presumably the organisors have this covered.
  21. Quite Christmas Day with some good wine preparing for the invasion by my six grandchildren all aged under 10 on Boxing Day
  22. Hello, I not technical but common sense says that if it can be fixed for £700 plus Vat and the going price for an 07 is about £15k why is it on at £8k. Walk away would be my advice.
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