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Everything posted by mbs

  1. Same thought here, arn't all 370s still in warranty ?? yes
  2. Is this posted in the right place, surely you are not talking about a 370, (radio won't work, tailgate won't stay up)
  3. Think you ought to clarify this is not CS (Cougarstore) another trader.
  4. Think the ESP may start playing up with those tyres
  5. Only Volk SF I can see are SF - Winning
  6. The Nismo wheels are still a lot more expensive than those I have for sale and mine have got tyres on
  7. No, the gt spec (not to be confused with the limited edition GT4) was a £2500 extra option in the UK.
  8. GT comes with cruise control, leather seat, brembos and uprated BOSE.
  9. if it's a import wouldn't it have a square reg plate at the back? It's a UK car not an import.
  10. 18" as per the subject above
  11. Thanks for the endorsement
  12. When i sold my 350 I sold it with the stock wheels so have my Nismo's for sale. The fronts have between 6mm & 7mm of tread, nearly new and the rears between 3mm & 4mm, all Toyo proxies. There is a small amount of kerbing on one of the fronts and I attach a pic this. Rears Fronts Front kerbing I'm looking for £1,100 delivered within a reasonable distance of Scarborough, otherwise I could arrange a meet somewhere convenient.
  13. Great news Nic, must get those photos to you I promised.
  14. Now the expense starts especially with a grand daughter, I've got six grand children costs me a fortune but well worth it. Congratulations
  15. mbs

    Rays Center Caps?

    Any luck, as I thought Sarah was closing down Chilli Red.
  16. Not in business anymore but sure one of the other dealers on here will be in touch
  17. Hello & welcome, get your name & number on the list viewtopic.php?f=70&t=41164
  18. Do you have a 40th if so get your number down on the list.
  19. Renewal quotes are always 10~20% higher than a new policy quote! Just call the renewal line and say you've got a cheaper quote from Admiral and give them the quote number... They will check it and match the price in seconds! I do this every year, although my saving is only £30-40 Another tip for Admiral/Elephant is to add an older more experienced driver to the policy (if you haven't already), even if they're never going to drive it. This can slash your price by hundreds! The 370 is group 19 versus 18 for the 350 so it'll always cost more Do you have a 40th if so get your number down on the list.
  20. I know I prpbably a lot older than you but my 350 was £360 and my 370 black edition is £435, I'm with More Than with max no claims.
  21. mbs

    Jack ??

    But where do you put the spacesaver, the well is full of BOSE stuff
  22. just so you know mate.. its carbon fibre not a black bonnet. personaly i like it but not hard to get it sprayed... its a light weight option.. i like that. and yes its pretty fast Carbon or black it still would be better without it IMO
  23. Others, there may be more Black - Ebisu Orange - Temper Dark Blue - Night Blue Sorry don't knoe the codes
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