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Everything posted by mbs

  1. mbs

    z33 = 350z?

    Z33 = 350Z Z34 = 370Z
  2. Hello & welcolm, try the search button, hundreds of threads on mpg, service costs etc.
  3. Colin, interested to hear you got another years Nissan RAC breakdown cover, was that a givaway or did you pay for it?
  4. Would if I could but can't find any, it was 35 years ago!! If I remember correctly it was a 1974 E10. Not mine but this was the colour
  5. Would if I could but can't find any, it was 35 years ago!! If I remember correctly it was a 1974 E10.
  6. Had a Datsun Cherry in the mid 70's for a couple of years, the colour was not far off the ginger Zeds, never let me down great little car.
  7. Do what I did, take a pic of your old pic with your present camera It was said with tongue in cheek
  8. One problem, in my early years there we no digital cameras, as a matter of fact I've still got my Kodak box brownie.
  9. Am I just an old cynic of is this the start of a for sale thread without 50 posts
  10. IMO If it isn't free from the dealer don't bother, waste of money, sounds great until you come to make a claim.
  11. Very nice, where did you get the Nismo centre caps from?
  12. Does the Prince of Wales' English count?
  13. I guess he means registration SS 55 SSS or something. Cheers I always find the Queens english easier to understand
  14. Really great car, it was a toss upbetween a S/H M3 and a new 370, went for the 370 but still hanker after a M3, maybe next time.
  15. Sorry please translate " a few S in the regy"
  16. Not necessarily with that low mileage it should heve been done annually, it's P1, P2, P1, P3, P1 etc so you should be able to work it out.
  17. Great write up, even the wife found it interesting which is a first for anything to do with cars.
  18. Please tell me then why we have a 50 post rule for Zeds, your statement that "We cant vouch for the history of the car or know much about them" applies to many zeds up for sale on here. I can't see the difference between selling a Zed or any other car. Because this is a 350z & 370z owners club and not a Renault Clio club. We have understanding of the Z and know what to look for. Not the case with the clio. By imposing a 50 post rule for any other cars it gives them the same licence to sell without the knowledge or any real history It may be my advancing years but don't really understand the logic of your last sentence "By imposing a 50 post rule for any other cars it gives them the same licence to sell without the knowledge or any real history" I agree we have an understanding of the Zed and know what to look for but is that relevant to whether its 15 posts or 50, IMO we don't want members who just join post a few hello's and welcomes to get 15 posts and then try to sell a non Zed.
  19. Please tell me then why we have a 50 post rule for Zeds, your statement that "We cant vouch for the history of the car or know much about them" applies to many zeds up for sale on here. I can't see the difference between selling a Zed or any other car.
  20. It is 50 posts to sell a zed and only 15 for another car. Agree that its strange to be selling a car when only bought in September I know that you can sell any other car with 15 posts but is this a sensible rule, are we not opening ourselves up as a used car site, I think it should be 50 posts for any car.
  21. Something wrong here, you need 50 posts to sell a zed but you can offer a clio with only 22, and particularly when it was supposedly only bought in September. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=41208&start=0
  22. done. Hope the treatment goes well
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