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Everything posted by mbs

  1. I'm now going home for a lie down, too much at my age.
  2. Just noticed that Stillen are offering them at a discounted price of $1269.
  3. As Martin says it is a very common problem, it happened to my 350 the first winter I had it, they put a new one in under warranty and guess what never skipped a beat for the next 4 years.
  4. Managed to put one up on YouTube not very good but gives an idea of the tone.
  5. +1 definitely the easiest method, even I managed it Yes tried that but took about an hour to load about 40% and then gave up, is there a download limit, the clip is about 20secs,
  6. Just bought a Pogo Alert, great little piece of kit.
  7. Stillen, you won't regret it.
  8. Good to see you decided to keep it, now OK with the seat comfort?
  9. As my existing insurer wouldn't cover my 370 after I fitted the Stillen exhaust I've switched to Admiral, the premium was nearly the same as my previous insurer and I had the option of payig an extra £15.70 to cover the new exhaust on a like for like repacement
  10. Good choice, my sister lives round the corner in Westminster Road. However it's quite a walk into town will take about 30mins. If the river isn't in flood the best way is to walk down Water End then along the riverbank path into town a nice walk.
  11. Can confirm Sarnie's comments but a bit outside York.
  12. Having read this thread, I'm glad I bought a Stillen, every bracket etc in exactly the right place fitted perfectly, the garage had my old old off and the new fitted in less than an hour.
  13. Any use http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/Drive_an ... eplacement
  14. Each to his own but not for me maybe on a Corsa but not a Zed.
  15. The good lady and i are thinking about spending a few days in the Quantocks, anyone from around there know of a good hotel/pub where we could stay. Cheers
  16. She now sounds like I think Nissan should have made her, what a difference
  17. Where did you take the shots? looks a nice place to sail.
  18. As Andy Warhol said "Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes" I'm famous for the whole of April, thanks Martin.
  19. Love horse racing but only bet if I can watch it either on the box or live. Enjoy an occasional trip to the casino mostly play blackjack. Gambling's not a problem as long as you only gamble what you can afford to lose.
  20. I am interested in buying one, anyone got one or know anything about them. http://www.brennan.co.uk/
  21. mbs

    Stillen Exhaust

    Paypal payment sent 26th Jan, shipped from Stillen on 27th arrived today, great service.
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