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Everything posted by mbs

  1. But I didn't get the free intakes so prices must have gone up a bit and VAT is now 20%. I did a ballpark calculation to compensate for me getting the intakes and also I had to pay more delivery for the intakes and also a bit more tax for them too, so took my total and lopped an appropriate amount off. Came in pretty close to your actual figures
  2. Nope, just greedy That's business, every company is out to make as much profit as it can, that's how the world works and always has been. Any business not only insurance companies will try to charge the highest price for their product, the only thing that keeps prices down is competition and there is plenty of that in the insurance world. Don't worry, some insurance company will find a way round it and all the others will have to follow to keep their business.,
  3. But I didn't get the free intakes so prices must have gone up a bit and VAT is now 20%.
  4. Latest load of crap from the EU. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-12606610
  5. I paid $1,269 plus $460 shipping which worked out at £1,094. The VAT payable in the UK was £170.68 and import duty £28.85. Total £1,293. The exhaust fitted perfectly and only took the garage about an hour to fit including removing the old one.
  6. Sorry Martin, but on the Thursday overnight ferry from Hull, won't be in Antwerp (actually staying in Lier) until Friday lunchtime.
  7. Imported it from Stillen, very easy exercise, delivered and fitted within a wekk of placing the order. PM me next time your down this neck of the woods and we can meet up.
  8. I'm going on Thursday with four mates for a few beers, staying in Antwerp did Brussels last year, great city. Going in my mates Qushqai.
  9. For those of you that I emailed to find out what was going on, I'm now sorted and thanks.
  10. This is a vid of mine, completely stock except for the Stillen exhaust.
  11. Are you sure about the 370z, can't find one on mine, must read the manual.
  12. Dealer doesn't know 370's, staes it's got cruise control but no cruise control buttons on steering wheel and since when did a 370 have a cassette player
  13. You smoothie I love you
  14. How old is elderly? careful Its all relative - I know several 70+ ers who are fine and safe but I also know folks of the same age who just shouldn't be behind the wheel anymore. Its the living corpses staring straight out from behind the wheel that I see out on Fife roads that scare the bejaysus outta me. So you'll let me continue driving my 370 for a few more years, what a relief.
  15. How old is elderly? careful
  16. Nic, thought this might bring a response from you, where have you been?
  17. No decided on a nice discount instead
  18. if you planning on Brugge, best to get overnight ferry from Hull to Zeebrugge, no point in driving all the way down to the channel ports to drive back up to Brugge.
  19. Until someone win's Paul Its really not that difficult if you think about it .... Oh, Very funny, just cos you have been at work all weekend, dont take it out on me....... Did I miss it, what were the answers?
  20. Hello & Take care, the Zed can catch you out if you're not careful, especially at this time of year when the roads are greasy.
  21. Still running it then Just wait until you can use full revs and its got coked up I am enjoying the Stillen even more on the 370 than I did the Nismo on the 350 - damn syncro rev Just being considerate to the neighbours
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