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Everything posted by mbs

  1. Good luck with the sale and i hope all goes well with the new arrival.
  2. PUTQE - Please use the Queen's English
  3. A tail wind I'd been down for a 40th birthday party, I said it wasn't very scientific, take it or leave it.
  4. Can't disagree with you but just can't get myself to splash out on the good stuff . I'm not being arsey here but I'd love to see some evidence on this. Does anyone have any?? If you're right then I agree and I should stick the better stuff in. As far as I'm aware the difference has always been in people's heads as opposed to any factual evidence. That said, whilst I didn't really notice when I changed from 95 to 98 (back in the day ) but do seem to remember when I dropped back from 98 to 95. But, again, was it all in my head . Nothing very Scientific but last November I drove down to Essex, filled up with Shell V Power before i set off and reset the trip, filled up again with ordinary Shell unleaded on the return and reset the trip, on the exact same return journey I showed 1mpg less thats approx 4% worse, about 6p per gallon. Not very scientific but good enough for me to stick to the V Power.
  5. false economy, less mpg and power if you use 95
  6. Received, nice quality, thanks Mr T.
  7. Ahh, don't go I was enjoying this, you're only losing on points so far no knock out punch so far.
  8. Had mine done last year for £50 a corner
  9. mbs

    tommy kaira badge

    I will have second dibs on it if thats ok. I have on on my boot strut and used to have another on my boot lid until it was stolen Was going to leave the back blank but I loved the look of it on the back. Sold it to Niko, sorry
  10. mbs

    tommy kaira badge

    Got a genuine one in my garage that i took off the 350 when i sold it, doesn't look right on the quartz 370, open to offers, would need a bit of double sided tape to fix.
  11. Celebrating my 65th with a family party
  12. Have you noticed that not one post mentions Nokia who used to be the market leader, made some seriously bad decisions over the last few years.
  13. Happy Birthday youngster and fellow Gemini.
  14. You're nowt but a bairn, in 1966 when I was 20 I had a shed to beat all sheds, a Ford Thames 100E side valve van,complete with mattress in the back, cost me £15, sold it a year later for £25.
  15. Same question any for the 370? Malcolm
  16. Hello & £3k insurance the most I've ever heard of.
  17. No, you have to twist the dealer's arm.
  18. Passed mine in 1963, then you had to use hand signals, if you didn't you failed.
  19. Mine arrived and is now fitted, looks great. One little issue which is my fault, I ordered the Titaniun and in hindsight the lettering would stand out better on a black or blue one.
  20. Great photos, lovely red mini, reminds me of the one i used to hill climb in the early 70's.
  21. Thanks but don't worry it's all the same site.
  22. Drifting on public roads now Insurance fraud
  23. Got mine from http://www.paints4u.com/ShoppingCart.aspx
  24. Just think if one of you had lost it and hit one of those "bewildered bystanders" grow up before it's too late.
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