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Everything posted by mbs

  1. 1.Take a teat drive 2.Take a test drive 3. not recommened 4. Depends on where in the UK you are. 5. Not that I am aware of, all the usual suspects insure. 6. Take a test drive 7. Depends on make anywhere from £800 - £1600 8. I have a Stillen fitted circa £1200 including import costs.
  2. mbs

    The Perfect 370z

    No the backend looks stupid.
  3. mbs

    350 to 370

    With a Stillen exhaust fitted - no contest.
  4. Ok I bow down to your greater experience in selling cars. On reflection I don't I sold my first car in 1964. Only offering a bit of advice, take it or leave it.
  5. Just a word of advice, with that attitude i doubt you will sell it, it's usual for a seller to help wherever possible, a defensive attitude only increases a potential buyers doubts.
  6. Seen a few Zeds in town this weekend no doubt watching the Trackrod Yorkshire Rally, based in Scarborough again.
  7. I think I read it the day before yesterday Don't you mean tomorrow
  8. I was 30 Jane 21 still together after 35 years.
  9. mbs

    P1 for a 370Z

    Yes I checked with Nissan GB when I got the car and this was their email reply: "I can confirm that when you have your Nissan 370Z serviced at a Nissan dealership within its service schedule (12 months or 9,000 miles which ever comes first) your Nissan 370Z gets 12 months RAC Roadside Assistance. Every time you have your Nissan 370Z serviced at a Nissan dealership your Nissan 370Z will get another 12 months RAC Roadside Assistance cover. The RAC Roadside Assistance cover is registered to the vehicle itself and not the owner. Should you decide to sell the vehicle the RAC Roadside Assistance cover will go with the vehicle."
  10. England, New Zealand final, NZ to bottle it and England to win, dreams!!
  11. mbs

    P1 for a 370Z

    For information, just had my first service (P1), total cost including VAT £212.58.
  12. mbs

    Stillen 370z

    Was it this? http://www.roadandtrack.com/tests/drive ... issan-370z
  13. Hello & Nearly ordered a G37 but eventually decided on the 370 Black edition as I didn't fancy having to travel to Reading from scarborough for servicing etc. May reconsider next year if I change the 370 as there is a dealership opening in Leeds shortly.
  14. sad day, looks great and nice wheels
  15. Hello & welcome, the universe is unstable again, more black than quartz.
  16. The more idiots on bikes doing crazy speeds taken off the roads the better.
  17. hello & welcome, sorry i'm a bit far away to help, but if you're ever in North Yorkshire let me know.
  18. Hello & welcome, the balance is restored, 13 black, 13 Quartz. Added to list.
  19. And what will next week's headline be, maybe "US scientists believe that there is a 1 in 10,000,000 chance that aliens will invade on July 4th". Why can't these guys get a proper job and maybe do something useful for a change.
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