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Everything posted by ben@RARE RIMS

  1. We're always happy to offer discounts to members on here - especially ones who are generous enough to give passenger rides Do you know I didn't twig it was a 370... in my mind it was a 350, it being shinier and newer than I had noticed explains your tentativeness, so I'll let you off on this occasion On a side note, if ever there's anything like this again, sign me up!
  2. Yep, I remember talking with you too Was a cracking day! The chap I was taken for a passenger ride with wasn't 'having trouble' with his traction control, he didn't want to turn it off as it was faster than his old RX8
  3. Anybody catch any vids or pics of the Black S14a registration ending WOA that left early due to head gasket failure? That was me, in a with a friend in his car Think I passed a few of you on track before the HG went - was an epic day Thanks for the passenger ride - whoever gave me one! Next time get that traction control switched off!
  4. Hmmm, 18x12 SVNs would be awesome, I know I'd happily have some on my s15 I will make the suggestion!
  5. They come only in 18s... This car needs lowering, but it gives you an idea: http://s1005.photobucket.com/albums/af1 ... 12%20350Z/
  6. Paypal is easiest, wheels@rarerims.co.uk and put in the notes what you'd like Copper grease and being gentle is a good theory. Doesn't take much for perhaps somebody working on your car not to follow these steps, or somebody to buy them who doesn't own a torque wrench, and you're in a world of pain very quickly
  7. Lockers are all open I am afraid Steel ones in my opinion are superior to aluminium as they remove the disadvantages of Aluminium nuts, like then shearing and getting stuck, or corroding in place and getting stuck.
  8. We have been surprised with the lack of interest in them to be honest, coupled with a limited supply and what appears to be slightly excessive pricing so we cant offer people the sort of pricing and deals they expect from us, or supply our dealer network with them, have made them a less viable stock option than we initially hoped.
  9. A good point - but with our current web person quite hard to put in to practice Added to which everybody has a different idea of what 'fits' it could could wheels out for people who would fit them. We're helpful people here, if anybody struggles they can do the live chat thing on the site, or drop us an email Thanks for the suggestion though!
  10. We're not worried about our weights! More the competition being dis-honest and stealing custom based on erroneous information...
  11. Some are listed... The thing is there's lots of lies about wheel weights. If we publish accurate weights, they wont look a lot lighter than somewhere that's lied. For example we got some wheels in advertised at 6.1kg. Ours that were to competitors were 5.9kg. That's nothing you might think.... We weighed the others, they turned out to be 7.8kg, so a massive difference, but reading on a website you would never know
  12. The info is in 'Contact Us' - the font is something that's been used before, but essentially I do agree I will see about swapping it over.
  13. Hope it's OK to post here, just fancied some feedback www.rarerims.co.uk has just been updated. There are some teething issues, and some more data to be added, but in general... what do you think? Cheers! Ben
  14. Generally communication is very good, I guess when putting up a thread like this it was inevitable. None of the people who happily have wheels from us, with no issues, and that arrived next day have piped up, which is nice I have many many PMs on many forums, all are answered pretty much right away! Sometimes I pick them up out of hours, so they slip my mind by the next day, or the Monday if I pick them up over the weekend.
  15. I would have quoted I would think @ 10%. Different dealers get their own discounts, I guess some are happy not to make anything. We HAVE to stick to the pricing that we set, otherwise we wouldn't have any dealers Varrstoens we have to pay a huge amount more for the wheels, hence the comparitive lack of discount
  16. We're the UK distributor for Rota Wheels. We supply every dealer in the UK, and we set the prices. We have to stick to the set prices, although in the case of owners clubs we offer a 10% discount. Some of our dealers have a strange idea about pricing, and literally make no profit We cant grasp quite why they do it, they quote people very low, which appears great, right up until something goes wrong, and they cant afford to put it right, or you have technical questions, which invariable get sent straight to me, and you get my answers forwarded back to you, but with delays. The GTR-D wouldn't actually exist if we hadn't asked for it and ordered it in...
  17. If you'd like them, I'll gladly do the ebay price with some freebies by way of an apology. I dont do our ebay, one of my colleagues does, and has clearly ballsed up, but I will be glad to right any wrongs however I can! They only come in black, so any other colours cost more. Also ebay I dont think has been adjusted for VAT, making it even more wrong now...
  18. What's that supposed to mean? We're pretty good at calling back, and ebay pricing should not be any cheaper, more accurately we should be cheaper on here than ebay.
  19. As good as that sounds in theory, the amount of people that want them compared with the amount of people that would actually buy them is wildly different. We bought in a selection of the Varrstoen wheels, each offset combination in 19" only, 2 designs, only in flat black. That was something like 50 wheels as a tester... I think maybe 2 sets have been sold... We want to distribute them to our dealers, but the dealers find them too expensive, and wont stock them themselves either. They're maybe 15% more pricey than Rota. Weds will be twice the price, I just cant see people actually buying them Rota are teetering on the edge of doing forged wheels I believe, if/when they do it, we will likely get some more crazy designs like you can get with starting with a forged billet and machining them out Until such a time as a sensibly priced wheel in those designs is possible, I cant see anybody buying any, and if they ask for some, it'll be on-off specials, and they'll want to be unique, due to the costs. If you'd like Weds, I can get quotes by all means, we have contacts with many companies as we supply all sorts of people Give me some designs / and fitments for what you'd like, and I'll grab you a quote
  20. I think the tiny/thin spokes with big gaps wouldn't sit too well, they'd need to be beefed up a little... If you wanted to photoshop some ideas though, it'd be easier to tell
  21. Odd. Well, I am sure Rota must make something along those lines, they make so many random wheels we dont stock or list. I'll try and get some details and post them up
  22. Hmmm, really? Something in that style is entirely possible, I had just not invisaged a big demand for it! If I can get 10 people who want them, they can each choose a colour, I can order some up I guess. Normal 19x8.5 ET15 and 19x10 ET20 type sizing?
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