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Everything posted by polarbear

  1. Agree with all above that the bonnet (hood ) is shocking, but it's probably all about new pedestrian safety regs. I really hope it doesn't make it to the UK looking like that.
  2. You gotta love the guy who bid £20k
  3. He's only blurred the reg plate out 'cos he's so embarassed by it (God, I hope it isn't anybody here)
  4. They don't appear to be able to count either - no way are those 17s
  5. Ok, couldn't resist it. All this talk of cleaning finally forced me to give the old girl a proper 3 stage going over. Not bad for 18,000 miles methinks and a novice at this clay bar'ing lark.
  6. Nah, shouldn't be as they're only lifted by water pressure.
  7. oops, read before typing ROADSTER. I wondered why I don't get wet
  8. Haa! am or pm drivetime on a 55 plate then it could have been me
  9. I got one off fleabay a while back from a guy (shop I think) advertising them for Pug 306s. Fits good and was less than a 1/3rd the price of the Nissan one. I wish I could "borrow" one from a Cayman as they look really, really nice (I know, fantasizing over nets and they're not even on legs )
  10. polarbear


    46k car You must have got a really good deal or been very careful with that options catalogue. After driving one I got the S spec'd close to my GT-Pack Z and they wanted just over 50k. I admire your willpower
  11. polarbear

    Tonneau Cover

    Ok, so made my own now. 12mm MDF, but what a b*itch to get fitted properly. A couple of hours with a jig saw and surform and much swearing. Mind you it only cost £15 all up The top edge sits just in front of the cargo net hooks with the bottom about 3 inches in from the front-side of the arch so it isn't quite vertical. Scuffed the nasty cheap plastic material in the boot quite a bit fitting it, but it looks ok. Chose to cover it with black leatherette from the local haberdashery and used spray glue to avoid any nasty staples. Didn't put any rubber strip on the edges and the material blends in quite well with the plastic boot lining material. If I can find a way to get the shape imported and measured in to Visio I'll post a dimensioned picture. Hooray ! £30k car with a £15 tonneau cover
  12. polarbear


    Quote "against (350z): quite thirsty" Mine gets ~30mpg on my 60 mile run to work on M-ways and A-roads. The only reason the standard Cayman gets so much fuel economy is that it has no power. Having now driven both cars I'm certain that the Z is far better than the standard Cayman and at 15k difference (with the right options or +22k to the S) you'd have to be (a) very rich, or ( really in love with that Stuggart badge to choose the Porch over the Z.
  13. polarbear


    Have a laugh... --- Bi-Xenon lights £705 --- Rear Wiper £229 --- BOSE Surround Sound £859 --- 6 disc autochanger £348 (and you thought it came with the above) --- Boxster S 18" £717 (of course it comes on 17s!!! The wheels in Val's picture are ~£1300)
  14. polarbear


    Finally got around to test driving a Cayman at the weekend. Not an S model sadly, just the 2.7. Not surprisingly it felt really flat compared to the Z with only 245bhp and about 40% less torque. Well balanced though with better turn-in than the Z and the PSM is nowhere near as sensitive as the Nissan's ESP. Now for the 'funny' bit. Spec'ing it anywhere close to to my Z + GT Pack comes to +43k Just for a laugh we went through the same spec'ing process for the S model and that came to +50k I guess I'll be staying with the Z for a while. Mind you, I'd kill for a bit of Porsche build quality.
  15. I've got a Navman iCN520 sat in the cubby hole with an external aerial on the ledge between the B and C pilllars behind the passenger seat. Most of the time it is fine without the external aerial connected, but I wanted the unit sat right at the back of the cubby hole so that I can close the lid and leave it in situ. It also acquires a bit quicker with the external aerial connected. All I need now is to work out a cable routing for the power supply. The mNC connector for the aerial is v.small so routes through above the head unit in to the back of the cubby hole, but it's tight and the power lead for the Navman won't fit. Any ideas???
  16. polarbear

    Tonneau Cover

    What we need now is for some kind person to post a dimensioned picture on the forum so that we can all rush off and build our own. Any Visio experts out there
  17. I wouldn't go for parking sensors unless you get them dealer fitted/paint matched. 4 x black blobs look cr*p I agree. X-Pel paint protection is worth the money IMO. Even if you can get a front end re-spray for £300 it is gonna look cr*p between resprays. Best thing for (no) chip marks it to avoid Azure Blue as the base coat shows through really badly.
  18. You wanna be careful. Last time I logged on to the forum when in San Fran I got a load of abuse about having "nothing better to do" Don't leave until you've hired a care and driven down Highway 1 to Monterey and Carmel. Hey, you can even hire a "Zee" out there!
  19. No offence taken mate 108.0 Mhz is clear for me all over the Sarf' of England, but it might be different in other areas. It actually works better with the stubby Honda aerial too. You need to use the Bass Reducer EQ setting, but apart from that it is good, clear and loud. eBay or foreign trip and a duty free shop is the way to get hold of one.
  20. Fish Brothers Nissan in Swindon ordered one for my old Nokia in 3-5 days, but it was about £140. Luckily work paid as I needed a handsfree kit and the usual installer wouldn't touch the Z.
  21. Sorry for waking up a long dead post, but on the subject of internal rattles I've got a horrible one in the tailgate area. Think it might be the nasty so-called tonneau cover behind the cross brace, but it is driving me potty. Any ideas before it put the missus in their and drive down a country lane to make her find it? (and no, I haven't left my sarnie box in the boot!)
  22. Oh, no!! Banned you say!!! I must stop using it immediately
  23. Definitely worth it (see this post http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight=) 14000 miles on my Z, loads of M-way driving (yawn) and not a mark. Stunning!!!
  24. iTrip set at 108.0 Mhz works fine for me in the South.
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