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Everything posted by psf_wilts

  1. Just for peoples info - its not quite a fiver for free (as nothing ever is), the nominated person will have to do the following: (from the pluspoints site): All they have to do once they've signed-up is swipe their card when they fill up their car with at least 35 litres of Shell fuel at least three times within their first month of membership and you'll both receive 750 free pluspoints - that's 750 for you and 750 for them. Note, according to the above blurb it doesnt have to be V-power - it could be standard unleaded - or even diesel!
  2. I have been a member for a while of the "optimax" club (from when i had a scoob - sorry - ive got taste now!), and got my V-power card last week! Without wanting to hijack kevs kind offer - if there are free points/cash to be shared i will also willingly do the do for recommending people!
  3. Ok, i have been properly motivated to keep my lovely new z clean and shiny by spending seemingly hours reading all the cracking tips on how to do this - so thanks to all you out there who have spent the time sharing their knowledge. But, at what point should i first wax my new Z? Its 3 weeks old, several washes down the line, never knew rain could be soo dirty (ebisu black!). Thanks P PS always had silver before so never needed to clean cars (ever!)
  4. anyone on here got forza for the standard xbox and interested in some xbox live Z action? Im pretty cr*p so if you want to beat somebody let me know
  5. hes got 45 positive feedback now! howd he do that in a few hours?
  6. hiya, pics very shortly - very little time in between driving sessions! bluetooth - yes right from the outset!
  7. Got my 06 coupe this week (not GT) - bluetooth included! (dealer wondered what it was - it was the first one they had seen!)
  8. glad i didnt wait! picked up on wed morning! cant stop grinning when i drive her (or look at her!) covered in dust now tho! best car ever, ever, ever! pix to follow after the weekend (its far more fun to be driving!)
  9. hiya - thanks for the welcomes. Been down dealer this morning - and shees out the back!!!! So i decided i cant wait - and wed/thur it will be!!!
  10. Hi all, New 350z ebisu black nearly with me! Was told delivery on 24th August - but they just told me they will get it next week! Yippeee! Was going to be sensible and wait till 1st Sept so would be reg as new plate - and consequently worth a bit more in the future - but 3 weeks would be far too long to wait knowing she was just waiting for me at the dealer! Is this a case of being a big kid or should i wait till 1st Sept? P
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