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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. In June, I can make the 23/24 or 30/1 July weekends or Sat 16th the other sats/suns are pre booked by my social sec !
  2. I wanted a phone+sat nav together - opted for an Xda O2 orbit with co-pilot mounted in a Brodit holder. Didn't fancy a screen mounting (attracts the light-fingered brigade) or using the cubby hole with lid propped open and changing to a retracting lid was bound to affect UK warranty hence my choice. Co-pilot includes speed cameras, but I prefer to use a Snooper S4 with its other warnings. http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t114 ... bitinZ.jpg The dual package works fine in the car including the boothtooth connection. On the basis that most journeys are known and the sat nav is not turned on, the compromise of a smaller screen is compensated by reasonbly clear voice instructions and text displays. It got me round the recent NW run when my other navigator was leading me a merry ! (Only cos she tends to close her eyes over 4000rpm !) The choice of phone+sat nav is to help me find addresses when on foot in London & suburbs, much easier than using an A to Z.
  3. Great idea, and as I'm in Epsom and on your doorstep in the Kingston area, that suits me just fine.
  4. I was blazed (when I had a 2004 blade ZED) - now I've got one in Ebisu - not such a good combination but the best I could come with up
  5. MK13KYF's suggestion of the Peak District sounds good to me - and I would happily join in with Billy7766 as a group traveling up from the London area. Can we keep the emphasis on a driving day, as bluelady mentions, as I am sure that will encourage more from further afield? Colin
  6. Bring it on! Anywhere, anyplace, anytime - (that means if I can make it I will be there!) The idea of groups of (say) ten coverging on a central meet point and then one convoy where no one can get lost sounds a great idea .
  7. - hope this link opens? http://s158.photobucket.com/albums/t114/ebized/
  8. NW run photos (I hope ) http://s158.photobucket.com/albums/t114/ebized Beavis: So you reckon you make more noise - all those stories I heard are true then ?
  9. Hi guys: Sorry I have not posted since getting back from Wales (Surrey's not that far!) but just wanted to say on behalf of my other 'alf and me, thanks for making us (the old-un's in the black ZED) so welcome - gotta be one of the friendliest car 'clubs' about. We had a wonderful time and the drive was great - you did well Mark as clerk of the course to marshall the 30 of us all trying to do our own thing. Shame about the other Sunday drivers on the B4501! I'll be back soon to try that again. Hope to get a few pics up soon but to be honest I forgot to use the camera much of the time when we stopped - just wanted to take in the cars and all. 'Fraid June was busy making 4 holes in each side of the seat while I was driving (and not wishing to hold up those behind me of course ), so no pics on the move The pic that Zzzz took in the layby with the REDUCE SPEED sign made me laugh - I had 3 women on the drive telling me to do that (the other two were squeaking out of sat nav and snooper) but then the ZED getting on full chat, encouraging you to up and down shift where it makes such a wonderful noise, tends to cancel them out somehow.... As an aside, I think the standard exhaust with the 296bhp engine is even more characterful than ZED's with 276bhp - has anyone else found that? Thanks Chris for the username change and how to get some pics up - must try that now I've caught up on work that got delayed checking out photos of the run, but that I developed last Sunday is still there. Look forward to meeting up again. Colin
  10. Ebized


    ["51, but I reckon my father who also owns a Z might take the lead at 74."] Damn, I thought I was up for the oldest owner prize but bigphil's dad beats me, well and truly!
  11. Ebized


    OK guys, time for you all to feel better - at 58 and pushing 59 I'm just onto my second Z (this one's new, dressed in Ebisu with Alezan) and I'm luving every minute - misses says I'm having my mid-life crises (again!) but hey, you only live once and I'm making the most of it!
  12. Just got the news from my local dealer that Nissan will replace my front tyres (feathered) on my (s/h) 2004Z that has done 17.5k miles. As others have found, it hasn't been easy to get this result. It required a 4 wheel tracking check and as my local Nissan dealers in Surrey did not have the equipment to provide the printed geometry results that Nissan required I got it carried out by Merityres in Leatherhead - a great bunch of guys who had real interest in the car. (Some adjustments are needed to the geometry when the car goes in to have its new front boots). All I need to do now is save up for the replacement rears and it is certainly given me comfort about keeping the car longer. I was told at one stage that if the car had done more than 19k miles then Nissan may not pay up (or in full?) On a separate subject I gather from Nissan GB that they have logged numerous requests for phone cradles (or bluetooth connectivity that can use the in-car system). I got the impression that the more complaints received about the need to upgrade the phone system the better chance of something being done, so if you are also frustrated get onto Nissan GB. Not even the new 350Z is equipped - can't be helping their sales and certainly dosen't encourage me to splash out.
  13. Ebized


    Hi. guys Just joined 350z-uk.com and just wanted to say that as a 50+ something that it is a PRIVILEGE to be insured for £378 with protected NC bonus and for me and the other 'alf to be allowed to have a great deal of fun in a super car, all for relatively little money.
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