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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Had such a great time on the last event - hope I can make this one - perhaps those going from down south can convoy to make it an even better weekend?
  2. pudding Cor, your quick off the mark to get onto a track already or one the autobahns
  3. We passed (I waved :bye: just in time from my black ZED) you were going south just after the Wise Old Owl about 17.30 yesterday. 150 mile or so round trip - only ZED I saw all day.
  4. a 'leg'acy of being famous for something
  5. Ebized


    Ah, so your car is not so unique with the aerial location
  6. looks more like a Z than a fish Damn my flakey touch typing Deserves a (but I do know what you mean )
  7. I'm on my second Z and still and Once hooked.... Oh, and a warm especially, as you chose the best colour combo
  8. Thanks Ian for the helpful photo - now those of us less in the know on these things know what is being talked about
  9. That because he's been out perfecting his drifing skills with your spare set of keys
  10. Wow - can I place an order for one please but in right hand drive
  11. Get the occasional 'boy racer' obviously wanting to try to prove something but its never on for a road race - 'quickest' way to clink As other have said say, once you get to a bit of winding road you quickly lose the wannabes anyway. What I do find is that when I'm in Mrs Ebized's Jazz that does attract far more tailgators - the mentality of some out there who decide to intimdate what they perceive as slow-uns is pathetic . I would rather pull over and let them go and not involve me in their accident.
  12. When you gave your son an opportunity to have a drive he might have liked it so much he's got the spare keys and taking it out for a blast when you are all tucked up in bed? Wouldn't be the first time that has happened.......
  13. Other threads on performance enhancing mods seem to be saying that often the expected gain gets cancelled by the ECU then resetting things back to standard. In which case it makes me wonder if they are worth the cost ?? Of have I got it wrong? It would be interesting to hear just what the actual bhp gain is before installation and then after a period of time, to see whethlater the makers' claims are relaistic and outlay is worth it.
  14. To the correct section where you should have posted in the first place! I have often wondered where - could that not be added after "moved" ?
  15. As a consultant this made me laugh, but then not being a computer wiz and years past being a yuppie, it wasn't me! A shepherd was herding his flock in a remote pasture when suddenly a brand-new BMW drives up in a cloud of dust. The driver, a young man in an Armani suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban sunglasses and YSL tie, leans out the window and asks the shepherd: “If I tell you exactly how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?â€
  16. +1 Totally and utterly agree - TV at its utter worse.
  17. not green then? eh ? Thought you might want to encourage another to join your unique colour choice? oh no no no no i like being unique !! fair enough!
  18. not green then? eh ? Thought you might want to encourage another to join your unique colour choice?
  19. There is 2004 blue coupe at www.evansautos.co.uk (Cheam in Surrey) if you want a comparison. Trusted and reliable outfit (not a Nissan dealer) and I bought both a second-hand and new Z from them .
  20. It was not mine, but rallying in a Mosvitch in the 70's was :scare:y :scare:y :scare:y, although the abuse it took including the odd roll or two with its centre of gravity about 2zillion feet high, didn't exactly make for a comfortable ride!
  21. According to the handbook the clock is between 6 & 7 on your list. It then goes on to say that you need to keep the change button pressed for more than 3 seconds to change the hours/minutes (allow 5 seconds between these to make changes). It also says you need to have the ignition on to make the changes. Failing that you'll just have to be late like every other woman (only kidding )
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