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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Ebized

    Focus st

    Too much IMO, power is nothing if you can't plant it. Exactly - and if you used that power for much of the time you would need to plan trips via tyre outfits
  2. Don't forget you're coming back on Sunday for the South East meet at Cowfold - you said a little while back on that thread: "Andy if its not far from you would you mind if we mrt up on the way and ill follow you down". Not letting us down now are you??
  3. So, no drive out then? Glad you got a waterproof camera Chris and good pics considering, with the UY's standing out in the gloom. Down here in the lower latitudes I couldn't resist a a trip to the coast but the sun, it was so bright........ Drove past a Lotus 7 meet at Bexhill, 50+ cars sunning themselves on the esplanade - bet they were glad their meet was not at Buxton
  4. Is the meet still on, as this thread has gone quite for while? Went past the cafe today - full of bikers around midday, but would be good to see a lots of ZEDS, and I am sure a few Smarts could sqeeze in too.
  5. Whats a £50z?? Trust Sarnie to spot a £ sign
  6. I thought that too, I never had or need that adapter thingy Careful Sarnie, you're getting a bit technical.....
  7. Sounds like one of those things that drag on the ground, supposedly so that passengers did not
  8. Ebized

    2007 M3

    +1 Audi are certainly producing some good performance cars now that drive well and look the business without being over the top (love the R8 with the exception of the "here I am" LEDs ), whilst the BM's have got stuck in styling rut that is getting ever more boring.
  9. Looks like you had great day - when they need a stand in I'm ready and just an hour away from Brands (M25 allowing!)
  10. I don't get any juddddddddering on my current 06 car nor the previous 04 model - yes there is a bit of an art getting away smoothly, other than when leaning on the loud pedal and you do have to floor the clutch to ensure a smooth change from 1st to 2nd when in traffic etc. I tend to blip the throttle on those change-ups to help the process as well as double de-clutching on the way down through the box when maxing the performance and so as to use the engine braking that provides. The noise is so intoxicating I guess that encourages me to that way of driving anyway. I expect driver input with a performance car, but then that what makes the Z such a pleasure. When I had couple of Scooby Turbos a while back - yes they were a great drive in any conditions, but frankly the 4-wheel drive made even an inexperienced driver look OK... When I drive Mrs Ebizeds Jazz there is so little driver input to make any difference you tend to get a bit lazy,and the controls are so light and easy but when I ask for a little more go its like waiting for the next bus But on the other hand when you do need Dealer support the Honda guys have got the Nissan guys beaten hands down but that another story..... Both my ZEDs exhibit the clutch bearing 'rumble' on tickover (not always) but I have been reassured by postings elsewhere that it is normal.
  11. Which search are you talking about? The panda one identified some infected files but did not give any option to fix it..... The AVG and defender both said that there was no infected files Time to throw it in the bin and upgrade your computer and virus protection Its a new laptop I could give you my IT man's details to come and fix it (but as he's south of London his charge might be high, but on the other hand as he is a petrolhead and you promised him an hours drive in your Lambor for fixing it I'm sure he would be up there like a shot ps: I'd want commission for the introduction so that's another hour in your car for me
  12. Might be worth getting an independent engineer to check? If have having something like the AA to give extra cred might help to convince Nissan about the problem?
  13. Which search are you talking about? The panda one identified some infected files but did not give any option to fix it..... The AVG and defender both said that there was no infected files Time to throw it in the bin and upgrade your computer and virus protection (or have all the spare readies gone on the car ) Me, I just call my friendly IT man in and pay him rather than tearing my hair out (opps, just remembered - I haven't got enough hair to do that )
  14. Yep, the grille is the same as my 06. The dip-stick looks in a whole lot more friendly position - easy to use? Presume you also have the orange-glows for the bottle holders in each door (when the lights are on) eh? And the hazard warning switch in a senisble position and, and....
  15. ER, I would not take out the central pier without checking whats holding up the roof - get a surveyor to advise first.
  16. Try EVO - not sure if you can access their figures on-line but the magazine does have what you are looking for in THE KNOWLEDGE section and is worth buying if you do not have a copy.
  17. I agree - seeing Bjorn Waldegard flat out through a Welsh stage back in the seventies in a Stratos (minus the rear bodywork) was totaly mind-blowing in a bloody difficult car to drive fast at the best of times, but when he was visibly twice as fast as anyone else - it was just awe inspiring and something you never forget.
  18. You are a man who likes the best, right? So no black bits showing anywhere with a respray? That means a complete car strip - do you really want to be without your car for ages and hoping it comes back all as it should be - potentially a lot to ask . On the other hand if you buy a white JDM then a compromise might be just having the exterior done in the magic paint and with your other mods (your present wheels would look ace on a white car), you then have the makings of something very special? BTW, white and alezan - I don't think so Damn it why do you have to make so much sense But you're not going to take any notice what an oldun says, surely? Come on, if I really didn't want my sons doing something I encouraged them to do it - reverse pyschology and all that
  19. Got it! (like a I was trying through the 'profile' button instead of the 'Edit your profile' section)
  20. Can't get my head round the time that appears "My" site clock tells me it is (say) 5.24am whereas at real time it was 2.40pm? A search reveals Chesterfield saying: "So, if the time is incorrect for anyone, go to your profile, and change the timezone to GMT+1. All should then be fixed." But I can't see where to do that in my profile?(double ) I have an awful feeling this is going to be so obvious/simple...... but
  21. You are a man who likes the best, right? So no black bits showing anywhere with a respray? That means a complete car strip - do you really want to be without your car for ages and hoping it comes back all as it should be - potentially a lot to ask . On the other hand if you buy a white JDM then a compromise might be just having the exterior done in the magic paint and with your other mods (your present wheels would look ace on a white car), you then have the makings of something very special? BTW, white and alezan - I don't think so
  22. dunno havn't been there - leave that sort of thing to Mrs Ebized
  23. here u go : http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/GenerateCo ... NU_ID=1338
  24. Been reflecting on your shudder issue you describe as coming from the middle of the cockpit. I do not recall the prop (shaft - not the propellor noting your other interest ) being a ZED problem but maybe something connected with that is the source of the shudder? As others have said, check everything to do with the tyres as from previous postings on this site and elsewhere they are normally the first culprits and need to be thoroughly checked, particuarly if they are still the originals and with 15k they are, shall we say, well-run in. Do all the wheels look undamaged and/or is one wheel/tyre looking newer than the others? A hard hit on a kerb or similar might have knocked something out of true that only becomes noticable at high speed. Hope the supplying dealer gets it is sorted for you whatever it is and you can really enjoy the car.
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