err, just a slight caveat or two to the above - if the ZED you are buying is a pre 06 model it would not be bluetooth enabled. If it is an import then it is unlikley to have any phone fitting in place - as GC350Z says above, the give away is the absence of phone buttons on the steering wheel and that also applies to all roadsters.
If the car does have the buttons on the steering wheel the 'cradle' is two parts. For pre 06 cars there is base (fixed to the floor under the 'armrest') with wires entering it at the back that carries the actual cradle to hold what are now rather obsolete mobiles There were a choice of cradles to suite phones as follows:
T68, T68i
7250, 7210, 6610, 6100
7250(i), 6220
6310i, 6310, 6210
C45, S45, S45i, ME45, M50, MT50
C55, S55
Quite often with s/h puchases the 'cradle' that actually carries one of the above phones is not in the car. Should you want one to suit one of those vintage phones post a 'wanted' thread otherwise be prepared to pay mega bucks from NISSAN.
If the car is 06 and later it should be bluetooth enabled. Same principle applies in terms of the two piece cradle except that a unit clips ont onto the wired base (about the size of a small mobile phone) and has an orange/red indicator light. If your phone is bluetooth all you need to do is 'pair' it with the car and hey presto it should work. Some bluetooth phones do not seem to work to well, or at all, owners have experienced different outcomes, but if you do a search on this site there is a (long) list of compatible phones. Mike, one of our moderators (MYK) has provided this.
Good luck and oh by the way phone or no phone once you are behind the wheel there will lots of s
edit I see by the time I wrote the above others have got in - no doubt some pics will pop up soon