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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Just found the NISSAN part number for anyone who needs the bluetooth adapter: KE283 CDBT0
  2. Never had a problem with either of my two ZEDS (one bloothtooth one not) perhaps you should upgrade your phone from that one that has a wind-up handle on the side Yeah yeah My phone is not the problem, it's that anoying woman that keeps saying fu*king PARDON Speaking in English rather than Welsh might help
  3. Never had a problem with either of my two ZEDS (one bloothtooth one not) perhaps you should upgrade your phone from that one that has a wind-up handle on the side
  4. Never knew that: I'll have to check and see if the car I'm buying has it before I pick it up. Top thread, I'd have never known otherwise Some of the early MY06 cars came through without the bluetooth adapter, when they should have been provided. Owners had to badger Dealers for them, so be careful. As Mike says above, because the adapters are so easily removed s/h cars are often sold without. Insist it is provided if the car should have had one from new. I even remove my adapter when the car goes in for service as there is always some light fingered moron around who will seize an opportunity to make a few quid if they can.
  5. +1 - sorry, but if something big did go wrong, especially engine-wise, you can bet NISSAN would reject or if very lucky only partially pay a claim
  6. Blacks certainly have the option of alezan - great combination that's why I have one
  7. If you get to see Lomoto using his car you'll understand why - anything under 6k rpm is not his way in fact his right foot is so heavy he has to put the car away for the winter as no tyre would keep him on the road
  8. err, just a slight caveat or two to the above - if the ZED you are buying is a pre 06 model it would not be bluetooth enabled. If it is an import then it is unlikley to have any phone fitting in place - as GC350Z says above, the give away is the absence of phone buttons on the steering wheel and that also applies to all roadsters. If the car does have the buttons on the steering wheel the 'cradle' is two parts. For pre 06 cars there is base (fixed to the floor under the 'armrest') with wires entering it at the back that carries the actual cradle to hold what are now rather obsolete mobiles There were a choice of cradles to suite phones as follows: Ericsson T68, T68i Nokia 7250, 7210, 6610, 6100 Nokia 7250(i), 6220 Nokia 6310i, 6310, 6210 Siemens C45, S45, S45i, ME45, M50, MT50 Siemens C55, S55 Quite often with s/h puchases the 'cradle' that actually carries one of the above phones is not in the car. Should you want one to suit one of those vintage phones post a 'wanted' thread otherwise be prepared to pay mega bucks from NISSAN. If the car is 06 and later it should be bluetooth enabled. Same principle applies in terms of the two piece cradle except that a unit clips ont onto the wired base (about the size of a small mobile phone) and has an orange/red indicator light. If your phone is bluetooth all you need to do is 'pair' it with the car and hey presto it should work. Some bluetooth phones do not seem to work to well, or at all, owners have experienced different outcomes, but if you do a search on this site there is a (long) list of compatible phones. Mike, one of our moderators (MYK) has provided this. Good luck and oh by the way phone or no phone once you are behind the wheel there will lots of s edit I see by the time I wrote the above others have got in - no doubt some pics will pop up soon
  9. Ebized

    Tyre help

    Unless the other tyre on the same axle is as new you might be better off changing both to one of the brands recommeded above - prices vary so hopefully one wil suit your budget. Toyo's for me personally having watched various feedback over the last year or so on here.
  10. I would be up for this, if only that age range wasn't a distant memory
  11. Just pop your head out the window and hear us up amongst the northern parts of Wales
  12. Nobody can see in your pants , doesnt mean to say you dont have to give your tackle a wash every now and then? or dont you bother with that either priceless :lol: +1 Lovely riposte there, Tim. And no response from Sarnie on that one Tim Think you dealt him a knockout blow That's because its taking him so long to scrub down his engine bay and tackle
  13. Ebized

    Driving song

    OK - one for all us grandads - still a great song in my book http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewKWgwr1KSw oh s-d it, here's another for any Stones fans out there http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOYOExbzv-8 Cor, I'm going to get some stick for these
  14. Liam, Where did you find the option for a room for 3? I can only get the site to offer 2 per room. Perhaps they thought third might spoil the other twos night together
  15. Your right mate but you dont expect them to have common sense do you! Thats the touble with a lot of companies - they are so keen on making money every where they lose out in the end! Whats the point of holding out getting max profit from a niche market car when its better to lose a few quid, sell it and your likely to get the follow up business with servicing etc when you can really fleece them! Crazy fools! Greed eh? you got it in 1
  16. and your'e prettier (Don't worry Louis I'm not coming on to Nixy, as I know youv'e got a thing for her , I'm just crawling )
  17. There you go Sarnie: www.netdoctor.co.uk/ate/skinandhair/206845.html the answer to your dilemma
  18. - shame about your choice of colour - black is the one to have and hope you can get the roof down sometime Enjoy the forum and it would certainly be nice to see another roadster on the Wales run in April? only kidding about the colour - at least its not another grey one
  19. Wish you wouldn't keep posting pics of your seats Tim - they do look ace and even better in the flesh - your trimmer knows his stuff
  20. Sold! If you phone around the dealers chances are one or more will be desparate to get a sale signed up before the end of the month to keep/up the % they get from Nissan for future months - play 'em off with one another. When I ordered mine at the end of November 2006 the local dealer was prepared to match the £2.5k discount I got through another source, but beforehand they were as tight as a ducks .... They did not get the order because I had more respect for the source who went out their way in the first place to get me the best deal
  21. Been cosying up close and personal with Digsy's bulge then
  22. Nobody can see in your pants , doesnt mean to say you dont have to give your tackle a wash every now and then? or dont you bother with that either priceless :lol:
  23. If you have to let the ZED go the 200SX looks a good shout - have you seen the latest EV0 that found when they purchased a standard one (for some thrash around against other teams) it was pushing out about 20bhp more than Nissan claimed when new + they found their buy a very tidy one...................just my two pennies worth
  24. When I saw the title I thought this thread would be about Mike, but its still
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