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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Won't hurt your head mate but your wallet will be on the thin side by the time you get back, (Oh, unless you're thinking of the morning after knowing them Jocks ) But then all the more reason to go - great roads to really let the ZED have its head, unlike the M25 car park
  2. The NW run is not far short of that from the start and finsih at Chester
  3. 180 miles is gonna be 4-6 hours just driving.......
  4. Ebized

    tyre tests

    +1 +2 I think its a bit more to do with right foot than the tyres
  5. That's her 'minder' standing on the other side of the car................
  6. There's a certain Lambo owner looking to go on the run Make sure he pays petrol money if you are going to give him a treat
  7. What do mean - he's taken off all the sunset right back to the primer and just made that shiny
  8. Something you want to tell us Stew? I saw the most posts ever to a new member topic! I never did see a pic though..... here she is in her car: [/img]
  9. Lol Totally understand lol will see what I can do, Im a whizz at illustrator but my flash skills arnt great How about just a gif image? Careful Jay you're getting close to that fishing thread again
  10. ? unusual for you to be so slow to pick up on a bit of quite unwarranted editing
  11. Yeah, what ever happened to bluelady - I remember she was a fastlady on last April's NWrun and mentioning she had got up to 146 on the .........now where was that she said???
  12. oi! I'm a planner , (self-employed) and more often than not helping out those who have the 'investigators' knocking on their door. But I can understand the description of the office set-up having worked in Local Authorities some while back. No doubt you've been told of the enforcement officers that have been killed or shot at by trangressors not taking kindly to having to pull down the houses they have built where they shouldn't? They're not exactly welcome at travellers sites either
  13. Wheels, the sound of the car is too nice to cover up with silly music +1 I only turn the music on when someone comes along with their music drowning out my exhaust and I get pi$$ed off hearing their thump thump or, when traffic is so bad boredom creeps in
  14. On a serious note Stew, hope you wiped your finger before driving off .
  15. Ebized

    caravan for sale

    I hear that pyromanic Jeremy Clarkson, is looking for a new one. Seriously, and given the circumstances, I do hope you find a buyer but I don't somehow see a ZED towing a caravan as striking the right image.
  16. The following came through from a family member that was aksed to pass it on - anyone know it is genuine? "Thought you should be aware of the following: Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the moment you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it. If you get an email along the lines of 'Osama Bin Laden Captured' or 'Osama Hanged' DO NOT OPEN THE ATTACHMENT. This e-mail is being distributed through countries around the globe. Be considerate and send this warning to all those you know, especially friends, family and contacts. You should be alert during the following days. Do not open any message with an attached file called 'Invitation' regardless of who sent it. This is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer. This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list. This is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it. If you receive a mail called 'Invitation', even though it is sent by a friend, do not open it, but shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst visus announced by CNN. It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee and at present there is no repair for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept. PLEASE PASS THIS ON"
  17. now, now boys all this fighting over a few inches..................
  18. 1. beavis +1 2. lomoto 3. M13KYF +1 4. Digsy +1 5. Gixxer 6. Martinmac +1 7. stuey (lead car) 8. AndySpak +1 maybe?? 9. Chesterfield +1 10. Shire 11. xstric9x +1 12. Little Miss 13. Djtimo 14. Davej +1 15. EBIZED + 1 16. Jacko 17. Chris`I +1 who's got the hump, pi**ed off and wants to be somewhere else 18. Squarehead + 1 19. James852 20. Kai 21. tmJak 22. MrLizard +1 23. "Stone Chipper Liam" 24. Lexx 25. choptop (TBC) 26 Andy 27 Zedrush (TBC) 28 ??? 29 ??? 30 ???
  19. the boss has banged it and they couldn't get an 07 replacement bumper, so try to palm off people with that lame excuse
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