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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Yes I'm a +1 and Carvery. Is the Carvery on the Sunday lunchtime? My '+1' is a Veggie+Fish, so would have the carvery if there is a fish option. So I guess I need to look at accommodation now...... Is this Zedrush in disguise So there is a fish option on the carvery as well, wow this is more complex than I thought, I must report back to my fellow southerners of all this new discoveries I will come across on this meet No fish option with the carvery, Jay, but the pub may well have fish dishes on its menu. Just following the thread Jay - and if makes a difference the lake at Bala is a long way from the sea so it might be eels - and you Londoners on the east side are into your jellied eels, eh? (Not sure Welsh chefs would cope with that dish though )
  2. Jay - bring your fishing rod just in case - we park next to a lake before the lunch (see my sig) - if you catch one of these: take it along to the pub and chef might slap you round the face with it, or you might get lucky and hey-presto:
  3. When I saw the thread title I got worried - couldn't remember when Martin had propositoned me
  4. Yes I'm a +1 and Carvery. Is the Carvery on the Sunday lunchtime? My '+1' is a Veggie+Fish, so would have the carvery if there is a fish option. So I guess I need to look at accommodation now...... Is this Zedrush in disguise
  5. I'm sure you should do better than that judging by what others similar in age/experience have got and you would have some bucks left over for more important things like mods and run out's in Wales...............what say you Beavis Or do you live is Central London when I guess the quote is cheap
  6. opps sorry, I meant telescopic bonnet stays - had been a long day clearing some work.
  7. How did you get on fitting those bonnet braces and do you feel they are as good/better/much better than the standard stay?
  8. Ebized

    Binned it

    As others have said - really gutted for you but glad you came out of it OK. Hope you stick around and better luck means you can get back to having a ZED again in the not too distant future.
  9. No Jay Carvery is normally Beef, Turkey, Gammon. err, last Gammon I had came from a porker
  10. Nope, but don't pinch all the roasties
  11. In New Zealand they would probably regard it as pretty tame .
  12. Look out everyone where this thread is going, Beavis has just hit the wrong 'favorites' button
  13. You should submit one of those pics for next years calendar
  14. Ebized

    tyre pressures

    Quote from UK owner's handbook: "Tyre pressures should be checked when tyres are COLD. Tres are considered COLD after the vehicle has been parked for three or more hours, or driven less than 1.6km (1 mile). COLD tyre pressures are shown on the tyre placard affixed to the inside of the driver side door pillar." That 'placard' on mine (and this is a UK suplied car!) shows: which translated is 24.0kPa or 2.4bar = 35psi. So all you have do, if more than a mile away from your nearest tyre inflation location, is make sure you have at least three hours to spare before adjusting your tyre pressures Hope this helps
  15. just kidding Jay I assume that you know that this is on the 10th May: http://www.cagerage.tv/nextevents.htm yep I know, thats how dedicated I am, Ive given my tickets to Big Phil ........in exchange for....................
  16. He's bl**dy lucky to get it that price - the two occasions I have rung Saga for a quote (Impreza Turbo and then the ZED) they were the most expensive I reckon they decided anyone over 50 driving those type of cars was just too risky ..........
  17. Welcome maix27 Even cheaper when you are 61, £447 Not 60 yet (only a few days to go ) but £411 with Privilege for me and I'm located just outside Greater London so I guess there are some benefits being , bald, wrinkley, desperately trying to avoid the viagra, etc but the good news is it don't stop you enjoying the rewarding drive a ZED gives
  18. You are making the right move bud - hey is this your car http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... sc&start=0
  19. Like Lomoto, Ive been getting these too - ever since Tiscali took over Pipex (who used to be one of the better IPs I was told 6 years ago), the spamming has been getting steadily worse. I suspect most of the problem is due to what Mr L says above but is there any straightforward way of stopping it, rather than using a different e-mail address as changing that from a business standpoint would be a real headache?
  20. is that for body painting..........!! in chocolate of course this weekend
  21. Ebized

    Where and Which

    They could good on my black ZED though Hmmmmmmmm...
  22. OK now know what you meen - they call it a 'completion notice' south of the border - for work done in accordance with the Building Regulations - the notice costs about £60. You mention elevation drawings - have you checked to see if they will accept photos?
  23. That looks awesome Just for you mate
  24. You might find you will spend an age getting a scaled drawing correct electronically if you have not used CAD or similar software before. You might be better off hand drawing - normally Councils want the drawings at 1:50 or 1:100 scale but it must be metric - check their planning web-site. As a souferner I'm not sure what you mean by a 'building warant' but working as a planner I might be able to help if you send me a pm
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