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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Oh, come on, do you want your nappy changed too now? From that comment you have got little idea the work that goes into these events. organized by people who (regularly) get off their butts and do something for the 'club'. Beavis has a locked Sticky with update/status so you only to read one post, if that is your reading limit.
  2. Still very competitive i would say, sometimes less sometimes a little more. But i use them because they are a 5 minute drive from my house so no postage costs for me and also handy if i need to take something back. I always keep an eye on this weeks special offers too Yeah pc building is quite easy really, cpu cooler was not too bad on mine but did lap the cooler and applied some artic silver 5 Its an awesome machine for Call of Duty 4, Crysis, UT3. And self taught on the build side Martin, Priceless ah! that's where your real 'Dell boy' comes in
  3. thanks Mike for that , and in answer to the second question...........guess there is an obvious answer there to but I can't see it
  4. Stew - I think you will find Nismo350z is talking about the mobile laser crews that are getting a pain in Surrey and the surounding areas
  5. My son got done the same way in Merstham. Shame the authorities here don't do as the Aussies do - you get a warning of the new speed limit about 100metres before the 'zone' - no real excuse then. Just how anybody is expected slow from 60 to 30 in a 'safe' manner with no advance warning and signs are not well sighted is just plain unreasonable - I would hope a decent advocate could avoid a conviction on that basis.
  6. I've just noticed the 'back to top' option under the avatars - not sure how long it has been there but it is very useful. When viewing unread posts and they run into more than 1 page is there a way you can go back to the page you were on, having opened and closed a particular thread, without it defaulting to the first page?
  7. So you would be one of the Zepher drivers then
  8. No! - snow white, the dwarfs are hiding underneath
  9. 5 April in Surrey - global warming my ar$e, guess that puts off cleaning it today
  10. Great pics Stew - see you use the same camera as me. Wonderful driving roads but I see that they do get a little conjested, so hoping the drive out mooted for later in the year up there takes place, thought you should have a new sign put up )
  11. I'm impressed - what a great looking mag (see pages 46-48 for the Z group) and love the page action. For a something that has come from a "tyre kicking session" hats off to everyone involved and thanks to you Andy for setting the photo shoot up. I'm quite chuffed that my car is pictured on the contents page as well - makes up for not being on the 350Z calendar
  12. If you take a couple of pics showing where the RSJ rests on one of the end support walls and another where it 'rests' on the central pillar and let me have the width, height and span dimensions of the RSJ, I'll run it past a structural engineer friend of mine to see what he thinks.
  13. Do you start to think its only a matter of time before someone misuses your identity Watching something on the box the other night about now hackers get info off personal computers watching the keystrokes etc it almost makes you wish we were weren't in this techno age trying to keep things secure
  14. This may be the one you are thinking of - just got one myself http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... IBSA:UK:31
  15. Ebized


    I'm pretty sure that the car named first always wins. It does look impressive but it almost looks too easy if you know what i mean? Also the SL beats it off the line despite being 0.5 secs slower to 60 and without launch control. Makes you think that they just wanted it to be last going into the first corner to make for a better vid True,, but in its defence GTR did start at the back and 0.5 secs is nothing.. 0.5 secs across the whole race is nothing but off the line the GT-R 'apparently' should be beating the SL into that first corner especially as its on the inside. Its all a little bit dodgy to me. Looks to me they were just out to play - Sunday afternoon drivers and does not prove anything
  16. Take some of the other HRT then that might put some of your curls back
  17. Its not just the fact that you have the most but that you have 3500 more than the next guy! ................and that means hes got 35 stickers - no wonder there's none left for the rest of us
  18. Going east from Epsom, with a passenger at 2pm. Personal plate .........anyone on here?
  19. Ebized


    same car spotted at the 'Ring - quote from pistonheads: Those "WW" plates are the french equivalent of UK trade plates for manufacturers. Whilst it's clearly likely to be the same car, they can actually be applied to any car. It's therefore likely that it's Nissan's own car. Reckon its journo's having the fun
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