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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. what i was meant to say was erm, nixy you are far to young to ever get one, I dont think you will ever age, you are erm beyond erm beauty ... grovel ... grovel ... grovel dont worry jay................ we can drive wiv broken legs................... mines a tiptronic........!! You could have borrowed my bus pass to get around but then you ain't got my handsome looks so you had better duck and dive Jay, if Nixy is around
  2. Pistonheads currently have a couple of MY7 GTs around the £25k mark if the silver one is not for you, or at least they give you a reference point about price: http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/list.a ... &nodays=60
  3. Dont worry bud, Phil has a whole new container parked round the back for you As long it is the size of one of those you push around as your day job Martin
  4. Sorry to hear of your drive problems. The 'solution' below has worked for others - it will involve some shuttering, hardcore and concrete to create the raised and more gradually curved profile but if it helps.........
  5. Yeah, and if you get in quick ( it over if necessary) you can show it off on the Wales run
  6. some 12000 bhp+ now Wales will be rocking on 11th May
  7. No probs mate, it's only a couple of weeks away anyways If you want I can blip the throttle at 3pm and you'll prob hear it I'll listen out here in Surrey, just a few seconds after 3pm, to allow for the time noise covers distances
  8. Welcome to ZED land . Having been around on this site for a couple of years and on my second one, it is quite clear the non GT versions are harder to sell and a trusted dealer friend has verified this several times. That said, if you want to install your own ice, not bothered about the leather and don't want to have a ready bluetooth set-up then maybe the saving is worth it. Personally, I find the criuse option quite useful on motorways and more so now with the increasing numbers of 'specs'. The accelerate/decelerate buttons can be used quite effectively on motorways - I found they were more responsive with the 276bhp engine compared to the 296bhp engine I now have - don't know how they are with the 313 though? As your budget is a bit tight for a new one, then a well cared for one-owner GT would, IMO be your best bet. Personally I would be bit wary about demos - lets face it you do get the likes who have no intention of buying just wanting a free thrash* and frankly some salesmen are just as bad and if Nissan say a 1200 mile running in period should be observed there must a reeason for that. * I've done that in days gone by just to experience the the car concerned and believe me on those occasions my right foot got very heavy Have a look on Pistonheads and also the for sale section on this site for what you might get for your money. It is clear some are getting concerned about the present monetary situation are are selling virtually new cars for give-away prices so keep your eyes open for a bargain. Good luck.
  9. I was going to mention it but his wallet was cowering in the corner as it was Its ok, Im back up your way the week after for a holiday and Phil I now want it sprayed yellow.
  10. You deserve every penny you are asking for and if the buyer added the nismo kit .......... wow what a ZED they would then have
  11. A man after my own heart there and I'm also hoping to get to the Scottish run out - a little more than 7 hours run from Surrey for that
  12. Save you from buying another ZED for track work - bring on the UY!
  13. Having tested a S2000 before getting my first ZED I loved the engine at high revs but anything under 5k was a bit of a let down and it jsut did not do it for me for everyday driving. Also, I was also not interested in a soft top and the hard top option looked just that - an afterthought. With the ZED you get a far more punchy motor, even at low revs in high gears but it is really its strongest in third and fourth (at legit speeds on UK roads). And it is so well balanced for push-on motoring and when the fancy takes turn off the TC and enjoy some opposite locking but be weary of no TC on when its wet - probably no need to mention that to you but a whole different kettle of fish to a Sierra 4x4 in the wet. For me, the driving position is superior to the S2000 and even with the standard exhaust it is intoxicating, hence why I am on my second one. For £20k you will get a 2006 (296bhp) spec car, at current prices - a quick scan of pistonheads will reveal your choices. I also chose the ZED on the basis that almost without exception, experienced road testers (likes of EVO etc) still rate it after several years and having experienced a 200sx in the past you wil not be disappointed
  14. I have a snooper S4 (with GPS and Laser). Latest updates are revealing a lot more laser warnings - quite often where there is no obvious reason for a laser installation: i.e. a country road. I am assuming these are locations that have been reported where mobile lasers have been used - anyone know better?
  15. But the steering is adjustable for height. That said I'm 6' 2" and I find the driving position spot on - you just feel so at one with this car on the move - just wish they had put the TC button in a more friendly position
  16. Ebized

    Kerbed Rays

    Grecian 2000 No idea really - the wheel restorer sparyed some liquid stuff on after putting the wheels back on the car. I use Autoglym Tyre dressing normally - much less shiney.
  17. Ebized

    Kerbed Rays

    Guilty! although a little while back I did have to take avoiding action as a pedestrian stepped out without looking and I quite badly damaged the front nearside. Time for repair. When I bought my previous ZED with the standard alloys all fours wheels were skimmed around the outer edge giving a bright lip and for the 18 months I had the car I had no problems with deterioation and kerb 'nicks' were easily removed by careful rubbing down to get the pristine lip back into top condition. With the Rays they are a bit more a challenge but I decided to use the same wheel repairer. Great guy - Kevin Corbett who hails from Ireland who races bikes (Ducati's last year but now Japanese bikes to keep costs down) and he loves ZEDs into the bargain. His carries in his van the equipment to do the work, and there is a spray booth. In my case the wheels come off and to get the fantastic finish so I now have Rays with a bright lip - all 4 done for consistencey for a little over a ton in about an hour and I am well pleased. Heres some pics: close up of the polished lip: and one of the rear wheels: I'm happy If anyone wants to contact Kevin send me a pm for his phone number. No website on his card - gets all his work by recommendation.
  18. Welcome, and good on you for coming out on the Wales run I can see a scramble coming on for the last few places - you'll be fighting 'em off soon Beavis
  19. Hey, if I carry on like this I catch Sarnie on the postings before me next B/D
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