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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. What this thread is revealing is that there are some huge differences in driving styles with drifter Ian only getting 2k miles from his whereas plodding Dicky is getting a highly commendable 32k and both are on Bridgestones. From reading many previous threads on the subject the average (using stones) seems to be around 12-15k for the rears and 20-25k for the fronts........ unless someone reckons otherwise I share Sarnie's view that its not that Bridgestones are particuarly poor. Its more to do with the fact that putting on new boots, whatever the make, is bound make the car feel so much better. What would be interesting to hear is someone who had tyres other than stones fitted from new and then how they found the car behaved with a change to new stones
  2. How many lorries you taking with you
  3. I was thinking the same Have you felt my hands? Yep, very girly on my bunch
  4. Lot of money compared to the GTi version which gets a better overall rating from a driver's viewpoint and is only marginally slower, if that's the way you have to go. The latest R32 does look a bit clumsy IMO compared to the previous model. Also have to say that the fact the 4w drive is not permanent, unlike the scoobs for example, always leaves a sense of 'will it, won't it' when when pushing on in the damp - thats what I found with an Audi A3 4w I had a while back before having 2 scoobys. You would save more money with the Seat 'GTi' version - both my sons have Seats and I have to say they do represent good value for money and are good drives.
  5. What is a rear name? opps - corrected (and in original post)
  6. Beavis: Previously we have been given sticky labels with our user and their names on to wear - which is rally helpful. Would it also be possible, or what do others think, to have one to stick on the inside of the windscreen with the username on? With so many cars this time that would help us to identify a particular car that we wanted to check out without going round peering at peoples chests so as to find the right car
  7. Ebized


    Don't forget to include a (pointless ) woman over 30 as a second driver when seeking your quote, even if like mine shes at the thought - seems to help lower the premiums
  8. Welcome and hope you decide to get a ZED What the others have said above is all good stuff but when you factor in the consideration the ZED wins hands down and if you start and end your day with those 's s that is likely to make the daily grind go a whole lot better than chugging along in a diesel or a banger. If the running costs are an issue for you then unfortunately the ZED certainly is not going to be your most econmical choice, and lets face it the way this country is going the politicans are clearly trying to price us off the roads. But remmber you only live once and if you enjoy your driving I can promise you (after 40+ years of it) that you will be hard put to find better drive, as I say in my sig.
  9. Beavis - looks like you will be starting a reserve list very soon
  10. Shouldnt we have 'Qualifying' to determine the starting order No, that would be fair on Beavis, after do all the organizing and then having to run as tail-end charlie
  11. You might like to contact cjd1979 see: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight= who seems to have a similar gearbox issue that the dealer is sorting
  12. Sounds like a great result for both parties and lets hope you and the car's new owner keep in touch on here
  13. Ebized


    Just done the confused search - got £258 from AA with £600 excess - last year I paid £412 with Privilege and £425 excess so it might be time for a change. I'm just outside London with no garage and the udder 'alf, who's on the policy has speeding penalty points, bless. And before anyone comments about the age thing, we know how young drivers get weighted, well as I'm more towards the other end of the scale I reckon they start applying the age factor again. Won't be long before the two meet in the middle so that all you will get is a years benefit around 40 by not being too young and not being too old
  14. Careful you'll be outdoing Jay and if he finds he can't get all his goodies from Phil when he gets there, cos you've had em all, oh deary, deary.....
  15. err.... I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to injuries so not gory pics please
  16. +1 All zeds need lowering a tad, especially the rear Ok then pushover
  17. Another quality post Tim - a mine of information and very useful guides
  18. Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear you can't get out and enjoy your ZED. Hope the car comes back mended from from the Docs but your five weeks to mend is going to seem an awful long time So, I'll just take mine out for a spin for you
  19. We all need a reminder so good advice from Beavis. Parking by this sign last year was also a gentle reminder that gave Mrs E a laugh Seeing the dropping jaws and waves as we cruise through the towns and villages gives a real buzz, the last thing we want is the wrong attraction by driving that is best left for the tracks
  20. Looks OK from the ad - not sure their about their description "Revised Bonnet incorporating a hump" Sounds like they would do better sellings camels
  21. And was that the day that led to your ban for a slight indescretion with the speed limit - so what was more painful, the loss of your licence or having to buy some new pants for the Mrs by the end of the day
  22. come on now, priorities, the garage/drive should be first on the list
  23. Noooooooooooooo don't tell him that he'll be down the local B & Q seeing what Mr Black and Mr Decker have to offer to do the job
  24. If the dealer advertised the car as having bluetooth connectivity then they should have ensured the adaper was there for the purpose, remember it is the adapter that provides that function not the cradle or anything else in the car. Mike: This seems to be an increasingly common issue. May I suggest a warning sticky in the FAQ's, or wherever you think appropriate, so that others are pre-warned?
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