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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. In the words of a rather infamous tennis payer YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS
  2. Welcome to the site Guess so as he is on the Wales list and no non-ZED owner gets past Beavis;)
  3. Yep - can be good - nice little touches on that including the colour co-ordinated Brembos and 'ventilated' mirrors And it does have some rather nice (Volks GTS?) wheels.
  4. Now there's a thought - perhaps if there was a major turn out of sports cars around the H of P and City Hall it might make some of the MP's and similar cronies think twice seeing the potential vote loss facing them if they follow the likes of anti-car Ken and his greenies who expect us all to be using bikes or cramming into buses and tubes - word of advice never, never try to commute into London on public transport if you want to keep your sanity. Off my soap-box and back to the thread - welcome B McG and hope to see you along with a ZED - you will not be disappointed.
  5. Black would be an excellent choice And take a look at the following link to see what you can do to one to make it really special: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight= On the other hand blue, well, each to their own I suppose.........
  6. Welcome to the site Brian Good for you - the only risk with those types is they might leave a nasty mess on the seat - all mouth and no guts.
  7. Thanks - and would be nice to see how they look in close up when fitted
  8. Can honestly say I have never had a problem with the bluetooth - no complaints from callers about reception, apart from the proverbial tunnels. Biggest problem is with the on board Miss Pardon when I voicedial - deaf old bird
  9. Awesome Jay and what a great job by Phil and everyone else involved. Hats off to you for taking some big decisions about the range of mods chosen - you have a real eye catcher there There is one downside though. You are going make every other ZED on the Wales run look rather tame
  10. I'm sure that the signs overide the lines in 'disputes' or claims that there were no lines visible - i.e. if the lines get covered in snow or are temporarily 'removed' such as road work for example, the barstewards can still do you. But I suggest you go back and check exactly the spot you parked to see if it were double reds which is no parking 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If not, and it was a single red, and looking at the number of cars parked along the kerb that suggests that might be the case and you know the time was after 7pm, then you were entitled to park there. But as I say, check very carefully the spot you parked - around London they will happily do you for just a few millemetres 'over the line' (or double line in your case) albeit the rest of the car was lawfully parked. Hope this helps
  11. Rev John Flapps sees a lady church member getting drunk in the pub. He tries to take her home but they fall and he ends up on top of her. The landlord says 'oi mate, you can't do that in here'. The rev replies "you don't understand, I'm Pastor Flapps". Landlord says "well if your' that far in you may as well finish!"
  12. Won't be necessary for Zedrush, he and his ZED will be fully festooned with ESR and his other suppliers' logos
  13. welcome, and good on you for coming on the Wales run, don't be wary of giving your phone number to Beavis, his bark is worse than his bite, so they say..................
  14. Getting desperate for a red ZED for the NW run now
  15. S|114 is up for minding ZEDS whilst their owners are away
  16. PLODDING, How the very hell dare YOU. Sedate maybe, considdered possibly but plodding NEVER. Ive got my o-60 time down to 14 sec I'll have you know. Now if I could only get the wife out of the car Im sure Id manage13sec. I would guess that you get about 40mpg too
  17. First guess - as its a roadster and you guys like to show off the inside so much and don't have so many buttons to play with - a change of steering wheel?
  18. Went down well with the wife
  19. They are not dangerous - there is no way Nissan would allow their use if that were the case. How many times have we read about owners losing their cars exiting roundabouts etc. Its mostly down to what you do with your right foot, particuarly when its a rwd car with high bhp. TVR's are notorious for tank slappers as they have no TC/ESP (or whatever you want to call it) and no tyre in the world is going to save you if you don't drive according to the conditions. As far as wear goes previous experience had suggested that the Miches should be the best but then Trev the Rev has found otherwise Again, I'm sure much of the wear issue is more around driving styles although personally I would stick to well known brands. As I have said before, Toyos would probably be my tyre of choice noting some of the informed opinion that has been expressed on this forum, and they look good but that is purely a cosmetic thing. At the end of the day we have these cars because they are great fun to drive and if that means burning some rubber that's what its all about
  20. I was just reminding Lauben of the fun factor as Chesterfield had introduced the diesel/banger options that would save on costs but at the expense of enjoyment. And yes the ZED is a far more rounded car that the S2k
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