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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Ebized

    My new car

    Does this mean the punto is no more
  2. Ebized


    Great news was looking forward to seeing how your ZED performs in Wales. Drop a pm to Beavis, we were expolring an option for you getting the job done elsewhere BTW, love the deliberate typo
  3. Ebized


    ESR to the rescue?
  4. Wonder who was the prick that designed it
  5. Phew, that's a relief - when I saw your post on this thread I thought we were going to get........................guys, what's a danish pastry, does it have pork or fish in it? :lol:
  6. Has Tilly changed or sprayed her her car then - she hasn't updated her Avatar if that the case
  7. You guys crack me up - 1500 miles and replace all the tyres! Fine if you've got money to burn. Anyway these are RE050s not RE040s and in my own experience a superior tyre. Price looks ok-ish, garry. I'd only bother upgrading if you're minted like Martin and then I'd go for something top end like Michelin Pilot Sports. +1 Amazing how the anti-stones brigade are like jumping jack flash (gives my age away) when it comes to tyre opinion
  8. Nice job looking there (the aerial will attract comment - even I have relented and got a stubbie)
  9. BBQ We would be up for the BBQ decisions, decisions, but do we change accommodation now (but quite like the sound of the Manse having bagged the Isle of Skye room) We could do a drive over for the food and pop
  10. Must get something for that wind Mike
  11. Are you a real Scotsman - first one I've heard who likes to spend his money
  12. The directions and a full tank of petrol would help to. all day long
  13. You would be the first then
  14. Ebized

    Road Tripping

    On my list for September But the road to Glenshee (off the B8063) - my map says its a single track road?
  15. I was sad enough to check it out - Evans Halshaw Group - have a number of ZED's for sale the lowest price being £15,591 - will no doubt use the excuse the printers left out the word "FROM" The one at the £15,591 price is obviously a 2006 import (no image) but the burgundy/red description made me check it further - heck I know prices have dropped but a UK 56 plate at that price was a bit
  16. Gutted for you Martin Give us the address of the driver and will go and give his backend a good :kicking
  17. Interesting - is that A494-A470-A483(to Builth)-A470-A479-A40, and as good in the oppo direction?
  18. Yeah, that was great entertainment - loved the bit where he referred to 'nancy boys', forgetting one of his (MP) guests was one
  19. Being a Renault its probably fallen to bits by now, well that's my experience of French made cars
  20. Welcome to the site, as you have already found and my sig indicates, plenty of 's
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